
时间:2015-01-11 14:00:23

标签: haskell higher-rank-types transducer monomorphism-restriction


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Prelude hiding (foldr)
import Data.Foldable

type Reducer b a = a -> b -> b
type Transducer a b = forall t. Reducer t b -> Reducer t a

class Foldable c => Collection c where
    insert :: a -> c a -> c a
    empty  :: c a

reduce :: Collection c => Transducer a b -> c a -> c b
reduce f = foldr (f insert) empty

mapping :: (a -> b) -> Transducer a b
mapping f g x = g (f x)


Prelude> :load Transducer
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Transducer.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> let map = reduce . mapping

    Couldn't match type ‘Reducer t0 b1 -> Reducer t0 a1’
                  with ‘forall t. Reducer t b -> Reducer t a’
    Expected type: (a1 -> b1) -> Transducer a b
      Actual type: (a1 -> b1) -> Reducer t0 b1 -> Reducer t0 a1
    Relevant bindings include
      map :: (a1 -> b1) -> c a -> c b (bound at <interactive>:3:5)
    In the second argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘mapping’
    In the expression: reduce . mapping
*Main> let map f = reduce (mapping f)
*Main> :t map
map :: Collection c => (a -> b) -> c a -> c b

所以我无法定义map = reduce . mapping。但是,我可以定义map f = reduce (mapping f)

我认为这个问题是由单态限制引起的。我真的想写map = reduce . mapping而不是map f = reduce (mapping f)。因此,我有两个问题:

  1. 导致此问题的原因是什么?它确实是单形态限制吗?
  2. 如何解决此问题?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

如果你使Transducer成为newtype,那么GHC会更好地计算出类型。存在类型变量不会逃避范围 - 传感器将保持多态。

换句话说,使用以下定义map = reduce . mapping起作用

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Prelude hiding (foldr, map, (.), id)
import Control.Category
import Data.Foldable

type Reducer b a = a -> b -> b
newtype Transducer a b = MkTrans { unTrans :: forall t. Reducer t b -> Reducer t a }

class Foldable c => Collection c where
    insert :: a -> c a -> c a
    empty  :: c a

instance Collection [] where
  insert = (:)
  empty = []

reduce :: Collection c => Transducer a b -> c a -> c b
reduce f = foldr (unTrans f insert) empty

mapping :: (a -> b) -> Transducer a b
mapping f = MkTrans $ \g x -> g (f x)

filtering :: (a -> Bool) -> Transducer a a
filtering f = MkTrans $ \g x y -> if f x then g x y else y

map :: Collection c => (a -> b) -> c a -> c b
map = reduce . mapping

filter :: Collection c => (a -> Bool) -> c a -> c a
filter = reduce . filtering

instance Category Transducer where
  id = MkTrans id
  MkTrans f . MkTrans g = MkTrans $ \x -> g (f x)

dub :: Num a => a -> a
dub x = x + x

test1 :: [Int]
test1 = reduce (filtering even . mapping dub) [1..10]
-- [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]

test2 :: [Int]
test2 = reduce (mapping dub . filtering even) [1..10]
-- [4,8,12,16,20]

*Main> :t reduce . mapping
reduce . mapping :: Collection c => (a -> b) -> c a -> c b

您也可以查看http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/2cv6l4/clojures_transducers_are_perverse_lenses/ 其中定义为type Transducer a b =:: (a -> Constant (Endo x) a) -> (b -> Constant (Endo x) b)和其他各种定义。还有其他的讨论。