// the exported function that build the UI
exports.build = function(weather) {
// setting variables based on the actual device height and width
var deviceHeight = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight;
var deviceWidth = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth;
// the main window for the UI
var mainWindow = Ti.UI.createWindow({
backgroundColor: "#fff",
layout: "horizontal"
// the title view
var appTitleView = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 0,
height: 60,
backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5"
// the actual title for the app
var appTitle = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: "Lightning Weather",
textAlign: "center",
font: {fontFamily: "Verdana", fontSize: "24", fontWeight: "Bold"},
width: deviceWidth,
height: 40,
top: 20
// the label for the refresh link
var reloadPageLink = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: "Please tap to get most current weather data",
color: "orange",
textAlign: "center",
font: {fontFamily: "Verdana", fontSize: "18", fontWeight: "Bold"},
height: 60,
bottom: 0,
width: deviceWidth
// the scrollview for the actual content
// I went with this just incase there was a device that wouldn't be able to house everything on one screen
// this way the app is still able to be viewed in it's entirety
var windowScrollView = Ti.UI.createScrollView({
height: deviceHeight - appTitleView.height - reloadPageLink.height, // setting the height based on the two static aspects
layout: "horizontal",
width: deviceWidth,
contentWidth: deviceWidth,
showVerticalScrollIndicator: true,
top: 0
// the container for the current conditions
var currentConditionsBox = Ti.UI.createView({
width: deviceWidth,
layout: "horizontal",
top: 30,
height: Ti.UI.SIZE // setting the height of the container to the actual content inside of it
// the container that allows me to center the icon for the current conditions
var currentConditionsIconContainer = Ti.UI.createView({
width: deviceWidth,
height: Ti.UI.SIZE
// the current conditions icon
var currentConditionsIcon = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: weather.currentIcon,
align: "center"
// the current temp
var currentTemp = Ti.UI.createLabel({
width: deviceWidth,
textAlign: "center",
font: {fontFamily: "Verdana", fontSize: "36", fontWeight: "Bold"},
text: weather.temperature + "\u00b0 F"
// the current location
var currentLocation = Ti.UI.createLabel({
width: deviceWidth,
textAlign: "center",
text: weather.location,
font: {fontFamily: "Verdana", fontSize: "24"}
// the label that titles the forecast
var forecastText = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: "Forecast:",
textAlign: "center",
width: deviceWidth,
top: 100,
font: {fontFamily: "Verdana", fontSize: "24", fontWeight: "Bold"}
// the parent container for the forecast UI
var forecastBox = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 10,
width: deviceWidth,
layout: "horizontal",
height: Ti.UI.SIZE
// the next for containers are child containers to the forecastBox, this enables easy setup for a clean look
var dayZeroBox = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 0,
width: "25%"
var dayOneBox = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 0,
width: "25%"
var dayTwoBox = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 0,
width: "25%"
var dayThreeBox = Ti.UI.createView({
top: 0,
width: "25%"
// here are the contents for all of the child forecast containers
var dayZeroName = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: "Today",
top: 10,
textAlign: "center"
var dayZeroIcon = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: weather.day0Icon,
top: 30,
align: "center"
var dayZeroHiLo = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: weather.high + "\u00b0 F / " + weather.low + "\u00b0 F",
top: 80,
textAlign: "center"
var dayOneName = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: weather.day1,
top: 10,
textAlign: "center"
var dayOneIcon = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: weather.day1Icon,
top: 30,
align: "center"
var dayOneHiLo = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: weather.day1Hi + "\u00b0 F / " + weather.day1Lo + "\u00b0 F",
top: 80,
textAlign: "center"
var dayTwoName = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: weather.day2,
top: 10,
textAlign: "center"
var dayTwoIcon = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: weather.day2Icon,
top: 30,
align: "center"
var dayTwoHiLo = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: weather.day2Hi + "\u00b0 F / " + weather.day2Lo + "\u00b0 F",
top: 80,
textAlign: "center"
var dayThreeName = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: weather.day3,
top: 10,
textAlign: "center"
var dayThreeIcon = Ti.UI.createImageView({
image: weather.day3Icon,
top: 30,
align: "center"
var dayThreeHiLo = Ti.UI.createLabel({
text: weather.day3Hi + "\u00b0 F / " + weather.day3Lo + "\u00b0 F",
top: 80,
textAlign: "center"
// end child container contents
// the function that will refresh the page and pull a new location and weather information
var reloadPage = function() {
if (Ti.Network.online) {
var loc = require("loc");
} else {
alert("You are not online.");
// populating the UI
reloadPageLink.addEventListener("click", reloadPage);
currentConditionsBox.add(currentConditionsIconContainer, currentTemp, currentLocation);
dayZeroBox.add(dayZeroName, dayZeroIcon, dayZeroHiLo);
dayOneBox.add(dayOneName, dayOneIcon, dayOneHiLo);
dayTwoBox.add(dayTwoName, dayTwoIcon, dayTwoHiLo);
dayThreeBox.add(dayThreeName, dayThreeIcon, dayThreeHiLo);
forecastBox.add(dayZeroBox, dayOneBox, dayTwoBox, dayThreeBox);
windowScrollView.add(currentConditionsBox, forecastText, forecastBox);
mainWindow.add(appTitleView, windowScrollView, reloadPageLink);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
尝试将其更改为' vertical'。
我注意到的第二件事是您尝试同时向父视图添加多个视图。 根据{{3}}