
时间:2015-01-09 15:54:55

标签: html css

问题 - 正确编码的div在DW中执行正常,而不是在浏览器中执行。

需要 - 仅在一页上更改bg颜色,而不是全局更改。

有问题的网页 - www.pointbank.com/testerfile /

我认为我们已经缩小到另一个CSS文件,禁止,阻止或覆盖div id = PBredbackground600的执行 - 一个简单的背景颜色命令。当在JSFIddle中隔离时,PBredbackground600代码可以正常工作,而在DW中它可以工作,但不能在浏览器中工作。没有背景或字体更改。我已经通过默认,样式和重置.CSS文件,但不知道代码是否足以识别优质代码。 Page html后跟style.css,后跟reset.css,后跟defalut.css

Correction- reset.css不在浏览器代码中,而是从其他项目中删除,并且没有从此页面调用它。


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<title>PointBank Loans | Denton County Community Bank, Texas</title>
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<meta name="description" content="PointBank has the right financing for personal or business loans at competitive terms." />
<meta name="keywords" content="pointbank loans, pointbank personal loan, pointbank business loan, denton county loan, personal loans denton tx., business loan texas" />

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<div id="header">
    <a href="/" title="PointBank"><img src="/images/pointbank.png" width="220" height="92" alt="PointBank - Proudly Serving Denton County, Texas" /></a>
    <p id="top"><a href="/" title="PointBank">Home</a> | <a href="/contact-us/" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a> | <a href="/about-us/locations/" title="Locations">Locations</a> | <a href="https://www.pcsbanking.net/onlinebanking1/login.r?t-bank=111906006" title="Online Banking" target="_blank">Online Banking</a></p>
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    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="editHeader" --><img src="/images/headers/loans.png" width="704" height="168" alt="Loans at PointBank" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
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    <p id="breadcrumb"><a href="/">Home</a> &#8250; <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="editBreadcrumb" --><span>Loans</span><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></p>
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    <h2>PointBank Loan  Opportunities2</h2>
    <p>     As the leading Denton County community bank, PointBank has a  strong financial foundation that provides us with the lending power we need to  work with you on any size loan. With our local decision-making, you will find  us <strong>flexible and responsive to your personal or business needs</strong>.</p>
    <ul class="icons">
        <li><strong><a href="/personal-banking/loans/"><img src="/images/icons/checking-and-savings.png" alt="Personal Loans" width="48" height="48" />Personal  Loans</a></strong><br />
            Whatever your unique needs, we have the right financing for personal loans at competitive terms.</li>
        <li><strong><a href="/mortgage/"><img src="/images/icons/mortgage.png" alt="Mortgage Lending" width="48" height="48" />Mortgage  Lending</a></strong><br />
            PointBank Mortgage is a full service lender based in Denton County  that specializes in Conventional, USDA-Rural Development, FHA and VA loans.</li>
    <h6>For immediate loan pre-qualification or if you have any preliminary questions before you apply for a loan, call (940) 686-7000.</h6>


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.thumbnail img {
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div>div {
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#PBredbackground900  {
    background-image:url(/images/PB_Red_Background_900wide.png) ;


#PBredbackground600 {
    font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


#PBredbackground600 {
   background-color:#80FF00  <----------- missing ';' 
   font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive  <----------- missing ';'


#PBredbackground600 {
   font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive;



#BuzzYellow {
   color: #F90;
            <!-- added these classes for thumbnail mouseover expanison/popup on 6-1-2013 see http:      


   /*this is a comment*/

尝试修复它。 #PBredbackground600在DOM中没有识别,这通常意味着样式表中存在错误,其中包含未闭合的规则或不正确的语法