我正在尝试编译一个使用boost :: geometry :: distance的程序来计算工程项目中两个矩形之间的距离。我收到链接器错误:
/usr/include/boost/geometry/algorithms/not_implemented.hpp:64:5: 错误:没有匹配的函数用于调用 “assertion_failed(MPL _ ::失败************ (升压::几何::纽约摄影学院:: not_implemented_error :: THIS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_OR_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED :: ************)(MPL _ ::断言_ ::类型))” BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_MSG
/usr/include/boost/geometry/algorithms/distance.hpp:546:55:错误: 'apply'不是会员 “增强::几何::调度::距离
,boost :: geometry :: model :: polygon ,boost :: geometry :: strategy :: distance :: pythagoras<&gt ;, boost :: geometry :: polygon_tag,boost :: geometry :: polygon_tag, boost :: geometry :: strategy_tag_distance_point_point,false>' :: apply(geometry1,geometry2,strategy);
在f21上从yum提升1.55 gcc 4.9.2
double Block::measureDistanceBoost(const Block& otherblock)
//Using boost geometry
int i;
double result=0.0;
typedef boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double> boostpoint;
typedef boost::geometry::model::polygon<boostpoint> boostpoly;
using boost::geometry::append;
using boost::geometry::make;
using boost::geometry::correct;
boostpoly mypoly;
boostpoly testpoly;
std::deque<boostpoly> output; // discarded for now, maybe useful for visualisation later
//Make a boost polygon out of my block points
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
append( mypoly, make<boostpoint>(this->worldPts[i].getx(), this->worldPts[i].gety()) );
//Boost polygons have to form a complete loop, add the first point again
append( mypoly, make<boostpoint>(this->worldPts[0].getx(), this->worldPts[0].gety()) );
//Make a boost polygon out of the test block points
for(i=0; i<4; i++)
append( testpoly, make<boostpoint>(otherblock.worldPts[i].getx(), otherblock.worldPts[i].gety()) );
//Like above, form a complete loop with first point
append( testpoly, make<boostpoint>(otherblock.worldPts[0].getx(), otherblock.worldPts[0].gety()) );
//Use boost::geometry::distance to measure the distance between the blocks
//result = 0.0;
result = boost::geometry::distance(mypoly, testpoly);