我正在编写一个小函数,它将在KeyPress事件之后但在KeyPress事件期间计算TextBox的内容。我知道,这听起来很奇怪。 :)
目前有一个TextBox,它在KeyPress事件中触发SQL Server上的搜索。 这将搜索与Chr(KeyAscii)
Private Function TextAfterKeyPress(Ctrl As Control, KeyAscii As Integer) As String
Dim strUnSelLeft As String
Dim strUnSelRight As String
Dim strSel As String
Dim strMid As String
With Ctrl
strUnSelLeft = ""
strUnSelRight = ""
strMid = .Text
Select Case KeyAscii
Case 1 ' Ctrl + A
' No change to text
Case 3 ' Ctrl + C
' No change to text
Case 8 ' BackSpace
If .SelStart = 0 Then
' No change to text
If .SelLength = 0 Then
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart - 1)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = ""
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = ""
End If
End If
Case 9 ' Tab
' No change to text
Case 13 ' Return
' No change to text
Case 22 ' Ctrl + V
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = Clipboard.GetText
Case 24 ' Ctrl + X
If .SelLength = 0 Then
' No change to text
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = ""
End If
Case 26 ' Ctrl + Z
Case 27 ' Esc
' No Change to text
Case 137, 153, 160, 169, 188, 189, 190, 215, 247 ' Disallowed Chars
' No Change to text
Case 128 To 255 ' Allowed non standard Chars
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = Chr(KeyAscii)
Case 32 To 127 ' Standard Printable Chars
strUnSelLeft = Left(.Text, .SelStart)
strUnSelRight = Right(.Text, Len(.Text) - (.SelStart + .SelLength))
strMid = Chr(KeyAscii)
Case Else
End Select
TextAfterKeyPress = strUnSelLeft & strMid & strUnSelRight
End With
End Function
当你按下Ctrl + Z时,有没有办法找出TextBox的内容,但是在它发生的KeyPress期间? KeyPress事件在TextBox内容发生变化之前触发,因此我需要找出Undo缓冲区中的内容,以便我可以运行正确的搜索。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我曾经使用过textbox API ..而且我认为你不能因为它的限制而处理它的UNDO缓冲区..但你可以做的是手动发送UNDO然后阅读文本框内容。
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Private Const EM_UNDO = &HC7
Case 26
KeyAscii = 0
SendMessage .hwnd, EM_UNDO, ByVal 0, ByVal 0
strMid = .Text