lightCubeDepthmapVS :: String
lightCubeDepthmapVS = unlines
"#version 330 core"
, "layout (location = 0) in vec3 co;"
, "layout (location = 1) in vec3 no;"
, "uniform mat4 model;"
, "void main() {"
, " gl_Position = model * vec4(co,1.);"
, "}"
-- The geometry shader is used because we’re doing a layered rendering in order
-- to generate the whole cube depthmap in one pass. Each primitive (i.e.
-- triangle) gets duplicate 6 times; one time per cubemap face.
lightCubeDepthmapGS :: String
lightCubeDepthmapGS = unlines
"#version 330 core"
, "layout (triangles) in;"
, "layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 18) out;"
, "out vec3 gco;"
, "uniform mat4 ligProjViews[6];" -- 6 views
, "void main() {"
, " for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {"
, " for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {"
, " gl_Layer = i;"
, " gco = gl_in[j].gl_Position.xyz;"
, " gl_Position = ligProjViews[i] * gl_in[j].gl_Position;"
, " EmitVertex();"
, " }"
, " EndPrimitive();"
, " }"
, "}"
lightCubeDepthmapFS :: String
lightCubeDepthmapFS = unlines
"#version 330 core"
, "in vec3 gco;"
, "out vec4 frag;"
, "uniform vec3 ligPos;"
, "uniform float ligIRad;"
, "void main() {"
, " frag = vec4(length(gco - ligPos) * ligIRad);"
, "}"
是光半径的倒数。因此,得到的地图(它不是标准深度图)存储[0; 1]中6个面的每个像素的距离光点,其中0 = 0且1 =光的半径。这个技巧使我能够用(1,1,1,1)清除色彩图,然后在光照阶段使用立方体贴图,只需使用传统方向获取纹素,并将获取的.r