Error : You do not have permissions to make this API call
这是我的代码,然后是this tutorial
if (session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { session_start(); }
$PayPalMode = 'sandbox'; // sandbox or live
$PayPalApiUsername = 'pygy_1283buyer_api1.hotmail.com'; //PayPal API Username
$PayPalApiPassword = 'KYUN3ZA297SGL6YB'; //Paypal API password
$PayPalApiSignature = 'AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31AwnBlZgLEUm0ZHz.hFqZsrlyifV4'; //Paypal API Signature
$PayPalCurrencyCode = 'USD'; //Paypal Currency Code
$PayPalReturnURL = 'http://localhost/paypal/process.php'; //Point to process.php page
$PayPalCancelURL = 'http://localhost/paypal/cancel_url.php';
$ItemName = 'Enable the live link'; //Item Name
$ItemPrice = '1.00'; //Item Price
$ItemNumber = '1000'; //Item Number
$ItemDesc = 'Buy and enable the live link'; //Item Number
$ItemQty = '1'; // Item Quantity
$ItemTotalPrice = ($ItemPrice*$ItemQty); //(Item Price x Quantity = Total) Get total amount of product;
//Other important variables like tax, shipping cost
$TotalTaxAmount = 1.00; //Sum of tax for all items in this order.
$HandalingCost = 1.00; //Handling cost for this order.
$InsuranceCost = 0.90; //shipping insurance cost for this order.
$ShippinDiscount = -1.00; //Shipping discount for this order. Specify this as negative number.
$ShippinCost = 2.00; //Although you may change the value later, try to pass in a shipping amount that is reasonably accurate.
//Grand total including all tax, insurance, shipping cost and discount
$GrandTotal = ($ItemTotalPrice + $TotalTaxAmount + $HandalingCost + $InsuranceCost + $ShippinCost + $ShippinDiscount);
//Parameters for SetExpressCheckout, which will be sent to PayPal
$padata = '&METHOD=SetExpressCheckout'.
'&RETURNURL='.urlencode($PayPalReturnURL ).
'&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0='. urlencode($ItemQty).
'&NOSHIPPING=1'. //set 1 to hide buyer's shipping address, in-case products that does not require shipping
'&LOCALECODE=GB'. //PayPal pages to match the language on your website.
'&LOGOIMG=http://websolutionsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/logo2-300x105.png'. //site logo
'&CARTBORDERCOLOR=FFFFFF'. //border color of cart
############# set session variable we need later for "DoExpressCheckoutPayment" #######
$_SESSION['ItemName'] = $ItemName; //Item Name
$_SESSION['ItemPrice'] = $ItemPrice; //Item Price
$_SESSION['ItemNumber'] = $ItemNumber; //Item Number
$_SESSION['ItemDesc'] = $ItemDesc; //Item Number
$_SESSION['ItemQty'] = $ItemQty; // Item Quantity
$_SESSION['ItemTotalPrice'] = $ItemTotalPrice; //(Item Price x Quantity = Total) Get total amount of product;
$_SESSION['TotalTaxAmount'] = $TotalTaxAmount; //Sum of tax for all items in this order.
$_SESSION['HandalingCost'] = $HandalingCost; //Handling cost for this order.
$_SESSION['InsuranceCost'] = $InsuranceCost; //shipping insurance cost for this order.
$_SESSION['ShippinDiscount'] = $ShippinDiscount; //Shipping discount for this order. Specify this as negative number.
$_SESSION['ShippinCost'] = $ShippinCost; //Although you may change the value later, try to pass in a shipping amount that is reasonably accurate.
$_SESSION['GrandTotal'] = $GrandTotal;
//We need to execute the "SetExpressCheckOut" method to obtain paypal token
$paypal= new MyPayPal();
$httpParsedResponseAr = $paypal->PPHttpPost('SetExpressCheckout', $padata, $PayPalApiUsername, $PayPalApiPassword, $PayPalApiSignature, $PayPalMode);
//Respond according to message we receive from Paypal
if("SUCCESS" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]) || "SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]))
//Redirect user to PayPal store with Token received.
$paypalurl ='https://www'.$paypalmode.'.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token='.$httpParsedResponseAr["TOKEN"].'';
header('Location: '.$paypalurl);
//Show error message
echo '<div style="color:red"><b>Error : </b>'.urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]).'</div>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
if(isset($_GET["token"]) && isset($_GET["PayerID"]))
$token = $_GET["token"];
$payer_id = $_GET["PayerID"];
//get session variables
$ItemName = $_SESSION['ItemName']; //Item Name
$ItemPrice = $_SESSION['ItemPrice'] ; //Item Price
$ItemNumber = $_SESSION['ItemNumber']; //Item Number
$ItemDesc = $_SESSION['ItemDesc']; //Item Number
$ItemQty = $_SESSION['ItemQty']; // Item Quantity
$ItemTotalPrice = $_SESSION['ItemTotalPrice']; //(Item Price x Quantity = Total) Get total amount of product;
$TotalTaxAmount = $_SESSION['TotalTaxAmount'] ; //Sum of tax for all items in this order.
$HandalingCost = $_SESSION['HandalingCost']; //Handling cost for this order.
$InsuranceCost = $_SESSION['InsuranceCost']; //shipping insurance cost for this order.
$ShippinDiscount = $_SESSION['ShippinDiscount']; //Shipping discount for this order. Specify this as negative number.
$ShippinCost = $_SESSION['ShippinCost']; //Although you may change the value later, try to pass in a shipping amount that is reasonably accurate.
$GrandTotal = $_SESSION['GrandTotal'];
$padata = '&TOKEN='.urlencode($token).
//set item info here, otherwise we won't see product details later
'&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0='. urlencode($ItemQty).
//We need to execute the "DoExpressCheckoutPayment" at this point to Receive payment from user.
$paypal= new MyPayPal();
$httpParsedResponseAr = $paypal->PPHttpPost('DoExpressCheckoutPayment', $padata, $PayPalApiUsername, $PayPalApiPassword, $PayPalApiSignature, $PayPalMode);
//Check if everything went ok..
if("SUCCESS" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]) || "SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]))
echo '<h2>Success</h2>';
echo 'Your Transaction ID : '.urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID"]);
if('Completed' == $httpParsedResponseAr["PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS"])
echo '<div style="color:green">Payment Received! Your product will be sent to you very soon!</div>';
elseif('Pending' == $httpParsedResponseAr["PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS"])
echo '<div style="color:red">Transaction Complete, but payment is still pending! '.
'You need to manually authorize this payment in your <a target="_new" href="http://www.paypal.com">Paypal Account</a></div>';
// we can retrive transection details using either GetTransactionDetails or GetExpressCheckoutDetails
// GetTransactionDetails requires a Transaction ID, and GetExpressCheckoutDetails requires Token returned by SetExpressCheckOut
$padata = '&TOKEN='.urlencode($token);
$paypal= new MyPayPal();
$httpParsedResponseAr = $paypal->PPHttpPost('GetExpressCheckoutDetails', $padata, $PayPalApiUsername, $PayPalApiPassword, $PayPalApiSignature, $PayPalMode);
if("SUCCESS" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]) || "SUCCESSWITHWARNING" == strtoupper($httpParsedResponseAr["ACK"]))
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
} else {
echo '<div style="color:red"><b>GetTransactionDetails failed:</b>'.urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]).'</div>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo '<div style="color:red">'.$payer_id.'<br/><b>Error : </b>'.urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr["L_LONGMESSAGE0"]).'</div>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';