
时间:2015-01-06 16:44:21

标签: polymer

我尝试使用时钟,简单的圆圈和CSS中带动画的处理程序创建一个Polymer元素,因此我需要更新元素模板中的样式转换:旋转。我测试AngularJs中的代码并且它运行良好,但是在Polymer中我不能每秒更新CSS属性,只有在元素是instatiate时才设置该值,并且我似乎使用了错误的方法将数据绑定到var hourDeg,minuteDeg, secondDeg与时钟的处理程序的度数,这里是代码:

// HTML code 
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<script src="../../bower_components/moment/moment.js"></script>

<polymer-element name="my-clock" attributes="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="my-clock.css">

      <div id="hour" class="hero-hour" style="transform: rotate({{hourDeg + 'deg'}});">                       
      <div id="minute" class="hero-minute" style="transform:rotate({{getMinuteDegree()}});"></div>
      <div id="second" class="hero-second" style="transform: rotate({{secondDeg + 'deg'}});"></div>


  ... // script reported down 

// javascript code 
(function () {

  var hour, minute, second;

  // function for update the Clock
  function updateClock(){
      var now = moment();

          second = now.seconds() * 6,
          minute = now.minutes() * 6 + second / 60,
          hour = ((now.hours() % 12) / 12) * 360 + 90 + minute / 12;

  // setTimeout to update the Clock every 1000 ms
  function timedUpdate () {
      setTimeout(timedUpdate, 1000);

  // ok timedUpdate

    // define element prototype here
    getHourDegree: function(){
      return hour + 'deg';
    getMinuteDegree: function(){
      return minute + 'deg';
    getSecondDegree: function(){
      return second + 'deg';
    hourDeg : this.hour,
    secondDeg : this.second



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您需要更新元素上的属性以触发重新渲染。该元素不会监视hour, minute, second的更改,因此在更新这些值时它不会重新呈现。


  <div id="hour" style="transform: rotate({{hour + 'deg'}});"></div>
  <div id="minute" style="transform: rotate({{minute + 'deg'}});"></div>
  <div id="second" style="transform: rotate({{second + 'deg'}});"></div>


    hour : 0,
    minute : 0,
    second : 0

    domReady: function(){ 
      // start the clock when dom is ready
      setInterval(this.updateClock.bind(this), 1000);

    updateClock: function(){
      var now = moment();
      // update properties to trigger re-render
      this.second = now.seconds() * 6,
      this.minute = now.minutes() * 6 + this.second / 60,
      this.hour = ((now.hours() % 12) / 12) * 360 + 90 + this.minute / 12;


答案 1 :(得分:0)

这是更新为Polymer 3的时钟元素。

<script type="module">
  import { PolymerElement, html } from 'https://unpkg.com/@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js?module'

  class MyClock extends PolymerElement {

    static get properties () {
      return {
        hour: Number,
        minute: Number,
        second: Number

    ready () {

    updateClock () {
      let now = new Date()
      this.second = now.getSeconds() * 6
      this.minute = now.getMinutes() * 6 + this.second / 60
      this.hour = ((now.getHours() % 12) / 12) * 360 + 90 + this.minute / 12
      setTimeout(() => this.updateClock(), 1000)

    static get template () {
      return html`
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="my-clock.css">
        <div id="hour" class="hero-hour" style="transform: rotate([[hour + 'deg']]);"></div>
        <div id="minute" class="hero-minute" style="transform: rotate([[minute + 'deg']]);"></div>
        <div id="second" class="hero-second" style="transform: rotate([[second + 'deg']]);"></div>

  customElements.define('my-clock', MyClock)

