如果用户进入“更深”级别,页面应该动画离开。 如果用户进入“较浅”级别,该页面应该是正确的。
这会给人一种app-feel(就像Android / iOS)。
.module('app', ['ngRoute','ngAnimate'] )
.config(function($routeProvider) {
// route for the home / cases page
.when('/', {
templateUrl : 'views/cases.html',
controller : 'CasesCtrl',
controllerAs : 'vm',
resolve: {
page: function() {
return {
level: 1
// route for the measurements page
.when('/measurements/:route_id', {
templateUrl : 'views/measurements.html',
controller : 'MeasurementsCtrl',
controllerAs : 'vm',
resolve: {
page: function() {
return {
level: 2
function MainCtrl($rootScope, $route) {
var vm = this;
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
// this will show next with a "locals" property
console.log('next', next);
// this will show next without a "locals" property, showing that
// "locals" is not yet available on routeChangeStart
console.log('next extended', angular.extend({}, next));
// set animation direction
if (current == null) {
// seems like this is the first page we open, so no animations needed
vm.animateDirection = 'animate-not';
} else if (!('page' in current.locals)) {
// current.locals contains values set in the resolve part of $routeProvider
vm.animateDirection = 'animate-not';
} else if (!('page' in next.locals)) {
// current.locals contains values set in the resolve part of $routeProvider
vm.animateDirection = 'animate-not';
} else if ('level' in vm) {
if (current.locals.page.level > next.locals.page.level) {
vm.animateDirection = 'animate-left-to-right'; // we go back a level, so animate from left to right
} else {
vm.animateDirection = 'animate-right-to-left'; // we go deeper, so animate from right to left
} else {
vm.animateDirection = 'animate-not'; // first page, no animation
这给了我''运算符'在'undefined'中搜索'page'的错误“不能使用”,因为在“$ routeChangeStart”事件期间尚未定义“locals”属性。
有没有办法获得$ routeChangeStart事件中不同路由的“级别”?
亲切的问候, 亨德里克·扬
答案 0 :(得分:1)
话虽如此 - 你实际上并不需要在这里使用resolve,因为你的值是硬编码的。如果使用以下方法定义路径:
.when('/', {
templateUrl : 'views/cases.html',
controller : 'CasesCtrl',
controllerAs : 'vm',
data: {
level: 1
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
if(current.data.level < next.data.level) { /* do stuff */ }