
时间:2015-01-06 05:25:57

标签: php facebook facebook-like


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1" /></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../assets/events.js" /></script>

$cookie_values = array(
                'cookie_path' => '/', 
                'cookie_domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 
                'cookie_secure' => false, 
                'cookie_httponly' => false, 
                'cookie_lifetime' => time() + 100 * 12 * 30 * 24 * 60, // 100 Years.
                'hash_storage_key' => true,
                'session_lifetime' => 2000, 
                'session_path' => '/', 
                'session_domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 
                'session_secure' => false, 
                'session_httponly' => false, 
                'session_start' => true,
                'storage_key' => 'social_like_locker_data'


$oLocker = new clsSocialLikeLocker();
$share_url = clsSocialLikeLocker::getCurrentURL();

$isLiked = $oLocker->isLiked($share_url);
  <?PHP if($isLiked == false): ?>
<div class="panels">
    <h2>URL is locked</h2>
    <p>Like to unlock the URL</p>
    <input type="hidden" id="url_request" value="unlock_handler.php?url=<?PHP echo urlencode($share_url); ?>" />

    <!-- Facebook --> 
    <div class="panel" title="Like on Facebook"> 
        <fb:like href="<?PHP echo $share_url; ?>" layout="box_count" action="like" font="arial" show_faces="true" width="48" height="65"></fb:like> 

    <br class="clear" />

<?PHP endif; ?>

<?PHP if($isLiked == true): ?>
<div class="panels">
        <h2>URL Unlocked</h2>
        <p>Link 1 goes here!</p>
 <?PHP endif; ?>


 * Social URL Locker
 * @author      Muneeb <m4munib@hotmail.com>
 * @copyright   Muneeb <m4munib@hotmail.com>
 * @twitter     http://twitter.com/#!/muhammadmunib
class clsSocialLikeLocker
    /*For Cookie or Session Storage*/
    private $storage_key = 'social_like_locker_data';

    private static $cookie_lifetime = 5000;
    private static $cookie_path = '/';
    private static $cookie_domain = '';
    private static $cookie_secure = false;
    private static $cookie_httponly = false;
    private static $hash_cookie = false;

    private static $session_lifetime = 5000;
    private static $session_path = '/';
    private static $session_domain = '';
    private static $session_secure = false;
    private static $session_httponly = false;
    private static $hash_storage_key = false;

     * @param array $session_vars An array of values that set how the class functions.
        *   -'cookie_path' _string_: The path where the cookie is to be stored
        *   -'cookie_domain' _string_: The domain the that the cookie resides on
        *   -'cookie_secure' _boolean_: Access the cookie only over an secure connection
        *   -'cookie_httponly' _boolean_: Write to the cookie only over an http(s) connection
        *   -'cookie_lifetime' _int_: The amount of time the cookie is active for
        *   -'hash_cookie' _boolean_ :Hash the cookie to its value is not easily readable
        *   -'hash_session' _boolean: Has a season so its value is not easily readable
        *   -'session_name' _string_ : Name of the current session
        *   -'session_lifetime' _int_: The life time of the session, in seconds
        *   -'session_path' _string_: The path of the session.
        *   -'session_domain' _string_: The domain of the session. Default is current.
        *   -'session_secure'_boolean_: Access the session only over a secure connection
        *   -'session_httponly' _boolean: Writes to the session only over an http connection
        *   -'hash_storage_key' _boolean: Session/Cookie Storage key will be hashed.
        *   -'storage_key' _string: Session/Cookie Key to Store Like Data
    public function __construct($vars = array())
        $defaults = array(
                'cookie_path' => '/', 
                'cookie_domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 
                'cookie_secure' => false, 
                'cookie_httponly' => false, 
                'cookie_lifetime' => time() + 30 * 24 * 60, //one month - default
                'hash_storage_key' => true, 
                'session_lifetime' => 2000, 
                'session_path' => '/', 
                'session_domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 
                'session_secure' => false, 
                'session_httponly' => false, 
                'session_start' => true,
                'storage_key' => 'social_like_locker_data'

        $vars += $defaults;

        self::$cookie_path = $vars['cookie_path'];
        self::$cookie_domain = $vars['cookie_domain'];
        self::$cookie_secure = $vars['cookie_secure'];
        self::$cookie_httponly = $vars['cookie_httponly'];
        self::$cookie_lifetime = $vars['cookie_lifetime'];

        self::$session_path = $vars['session_path'];
        self::$session_domain = $vars['session_domain'];
        self::$session_secure = $vars['session_secure'];
        self::$session_httponly = $vars['session_httponly'];
        self::$session_lifetime = $vars['session_lifetime'];

        self::$hash_storage_key = $vars['hash_storage_key'];

        $this->storage_key = $vars['storage_key'];


    private function _initSession()
        session_set_cookie_params(self::$session_lifetime, self::$session_path, self::$session_domain, self::$session_secure, self::$session_httponly);

         if( !session_id())

    protected function writeSessionData(array $data)
        $_SESSION[$this->getStorageKey()] = $data;

        return $this;

    protected function writeCookieData(array $data)
        $key = $this->getStorageKey();

        $_data =  json_encode($data);

        $_COOKIE[$key] = $_data;
        return setcookie($key, $_data, self::$cookie_lifetime, self::$cookie_path, self::$cookie_domain, self::$cookie_secure, self::$cookie_httponly);


    protected function readSession()
            return $_SESSION[$this->getStorageKey()];
        else if(isset($_COOKIE[$this->getStorageKey()]))
            return json_decode($_COOKIE[$this->getStorageKey()]);

        return array();

    private $_key = ''; //local code key caching
    private function getStorageKey()
        if($this->_key == '')
            $this->_key = $this->storage_key;
                $this->_key = md5($this->storage_key);

        return $this->_key;

    protected function getLikeData()
        $like_data = array();

        $like_data = $this->readSession();

        return $like_data;

    public function markAsLiked($locked_url)
        if($locked_url == '')
            return false;

        $like_data = $this->getLikeData();

        $like_data[] = md5($locked_url);
        $like_data = array_unique($like_data);


    public function markAsLocked($locked_url)
        if($locked_url == '')
            return false;

        $like_data = (array)$this->getLikeData();

        $hash_url = md5($locked_url);
        foreach($like_data as $k => $url)
            if($hash_url == $url)

        $like_data = array_unique($like_data);


    public function isAnyUrlLiked()
        $like_data = $this->getLikeData();

        if(count($like_data) > 0)
            return true;
        return false;

    public function isLiked($locked_url = '')
        if($locked_url == '')
            $locked_url = self::getCurrentURL();

        $like_data = $this->getLikeData();

        $locked_url = md5($locked_url);

        if(is_array($like_data) == false)
            return false;

        if(in_array($locked_url, $like_data))
            return true;
            return false;

    public function destroyLikeSession()

               $data = array(); // NULL DATA
               return setcookie($this->getStorageKey(), json_encode($data), time() - 4800, self::$cookie_path, self::$cookie_domain, self::$cookie_secure, self::$cookie_httponly);

    public static function getCurrentURL()
         $current_url = 'http';
         if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$current_url .= "s";}

         $current_url .= "://";
         if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") 
                $current_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
                 $current_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];

         return $current_url;

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