生成下表Semester Actual Prediction
Spring 2014 209 199
*1 coe
Department Semester Actual Prediction
MIE 2014 Spring 202 210
MIE 2015 Fall 213 200
MIE 2015 Spring 11 12
*3 departments
答案 0 :(得分:0)
最简单的方法(对我而言)是在您的模板目录中创建此路径( your_templates_dir /django_tables2/tables.html),其中包含以下内容:
{% spaceless %}
{% load django_tables2 %}
{% load i18n %}
{% if table.page %}
<div class="table-container">
{% endif %}
{% block table %}
<table{% if table.attrs %} {{ table.attrs.as_html }}{% endif %}>
{% nospaceless %}
{% block table.thead %}
{% for column in table.columns %}
{% if column.orderable %}
<th {{ column.attrs.th.as_html }}><a href="{% querystring table.prefixed_order_by_field=column.order_by_alias.next %}">{{ column.header }}</a></th>
{% else %}
<th {{ column.attrs.th.as_html }}>{{ column.header }}</th>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock table.thead %}
{% block table.tbody %}
{% for row in table.page.object_list|default:table.rows %} {# support pagination #}
{% block table.tbody.row %}
<tr class="{{ forloop.counter|divisibleby:2|yesno:"even,odd" }}"> {# avoid cycle for Django 1.2-1.6 compatibility #}
{% for column, cell in row.items %}
<td {{ column.attrs.td.as_html }}>{% if column.localize == None %}{{ cell }}{% else %}{% if column.localize %}{{ cell|localize }}{% else %}{{ cell|unlocalize }}{% endif %}{% endif %}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock table.tbody.row %}
{% empty %}
{% if table.empty_text %}
{% block table.tbody.empty_text %}
<tr><td colspan="{{ table.columns|length }}">{{ table.empty_text }}</td></tr>
{% endblock table.tbody.empty_text %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock table.tbody %}
{% block table.tfoot %}
{% endblock table.tfoot %}
{% endnospaceless %}
{% endblock table %}
{% if table.page %}
{% with table.page.paginator.count as total %}
{% with table.page.object_list|length as count %}
{% block pagination %}
<ul class="pagination">
{% if table.page.has_previous %}
{% nospaceless %}{% block pagination.previous %}<li class="previous"><a href="{% querystring table.prefixed_page_field=table.page.previous_page_number %}">{% trans "Previous" %}</a></li>{% endblock pagination.previous %}{% endnospaceless %}
{% endif %}
{% if table.page.has_previous or table.page.has_next %}
{% nospaceless %}{% block pagination.current %}<li class="current">{% blocktrans with table.page.number as current and table.paginator.num_pages as total %}Page {{ current }} of {{ total }}{% endblocktrans %}</li>{% endblock pagination.current %}{% endnospaceless %}
{% endif %}
{% if table.page.has_next %}
{% nospaceless %}{% block pagination.next %}<li class="next"><a href="{% querystring table.prefixed_page_field=table.page.next_page_number %}">{% trans "Next" %}</a></li>{% endblock pagination.next %}{% endnospaceless %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock pagination %}
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
另一种更具可扩展性的方法应该适用于未来的版本(我推荐)是通过继承Table,就像在django-tables2 documentation上所描述的那样。