我正在编写已编写的代码库。我必须对表执行ajax分页。现在我们正在使用jquery数据表。当页面打开时,他们的内容被加载为html think jinja模板。
<table id="dataGrid" class="display">
{% if app_ctx.sub_nav == 'mine' or app_ctx.category == 'members' %}
<th class="no_sort mid"><input type="checkbox" value="" name="" id="dataGrid_check_all" /></th>
{% endif %}
{% if app_ctx.root == 'lab' %}
{% endif %}
{% for field_title in field_titles() %}
{% endfor %}
{% if app_ctx.sub_nav == 'mine' or app_ctx.category == 'members' %}
{% endif %}
{% if app_ctx.root == 'lab' %}
{% endif %}
{% for field_title in field_titles() %}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in items %}
{% if app_ctx.sub_nav == 'mine' or app_ctx.category == 'members' %}
<td><input type="checkbox" class="item-ids" value="{{ item.id }}" /></td>
{% endif %}
{% if app_ctx.root == 'lab' %}
<td><a target="_blank" href="{{ '%s/%s' % ( app_ctx.url_for('details'), item.id) }}">More...</a></td>
{% endif %}
<td>{% if app_ctx.sub_nav != 'mine' %}<input name="item_ids" type=hidden value="{{ item.id }}">{% endif %}
<div style="width: 65px; display: block; overflow: auto;">{{ acl_display(item) }}</div></td>
{% for field_value in field_values(app_ctx, item) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
var table = $("{{ selector }}");
var dataTableInitOptions = {
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bJQueryUI": true,
"aaSorting": {% if app_ctx and app_ctx.category == 'files' and app_ctx.sub_nav == 'mine' %}[[ 7, "desc" ]]{% else %}[[ 1, "desc" ]]{% endif %},
"sSearch":"Search all columns:"
"bStateSave": true {# save search and sorting state in cookies #}
{% if init_options %}
var additionalOptions = ({{ init_options|safe }});
for (var i in additionalOptions) {
dataTableInitOptions[i] = additionalOptions[i];
{% endif %}
if (table.width() > 900) {
dataTableInitOptions.sScrollX = 920;
dataTableInitOptions.bScrollCollapse = true;
//dataTableInitOptions.sScrollXInner = table.width();
dataTableInitOptions.fnInitComplete = function() {
{% if filters and filters_placed_in_table %}{{ filters.render_filters_js() }}{% endif %}
{# sort by Uploaded #}
{% if app_ctx and app_ctx.category == 'files' %}
{% if app_ctx.sub_nav == 'mine' %}
this.fnSort( [[7,'desc']] );
{% else %}
this.fnSort( [[6,'desc']] );
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
//move footer column filters to the top
if ($('.dataTables_scroll').length) {
var scrollParts = $('.dataTables_scroll').children();
var footer = scrollParts[2],
body = scrollParts[1];
scrollParts[1] = footer;
scrollParts[2] = body;
} else {
//no scroll
//append empty row to the header and move footer in place of that row
var footer = $('tfoot tr', $(this)).children(),
colNum = footer.length,
header = $('thead tr:first', $(this)).children();
var widths = header.map(function(){return $(this).width()});
$('tfoot', $(this)).css({'position':'absolute', 'top': $('thead', $(this)).height() + 'px', 'left':'0', 'right':'0'});
$('thead', $(this)).append($('<tr></tr>').css({'height':$('tfoot', $(this)).height() + 12 + 'px'}));
footer.each(function(i, el) { $(el).width(widths[i] + 2) });
$("{{ selector }}").dataTable(dataTableInitOptions).columnFilter();