Python glob但是反对字符串列表而不是文件系统

时间:2014-12-31 21:41:08

标签: python regex python-2.7 glob


9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:29)

glob模块使用fnmatch module 个别路径元素


如果你有一个简单文件名的字符串列表,那么只需使用fnmatch.filter() function即可:

import fnmatch

matching = fnmatch.filter(filenames, pattern)

但是如果它们包含完整路径,则需要执行更多工作,因为生成的正则表达式不会考虑路径段(通配符不会排除分隔符,也不会针对跨平台路径匹配进行调整)。 / p>


import fnmatch
import glob
import os.path
from itertools import product

# Cross-Python dictionary views on the keys 
if hasattr(dict, 'viewkeys'):
    # Python 2
    def _viewkeys(d):
        return d.viewkeys()
    # Python 3
    def _viewkeys(d):
        return d.keys()

def _in_trie(trie, path):
    """Determine if path is completely in trie"""
    current = trie
    for elem in path:
            current = current[elem]
        except KeyError:
            return False
    return None in current

def find_matching_paths(paths, pattern):
    """Produce a list of paths that match the pattern.

    * paths is a list of strings representing filesystem paths
    * pattern is a glob pattern as supported by the fnmatch module

    if os.altsep:  # normalise
        pattern = pattern.replace(os.altsep, os.sep)
    pattern = pattern.split(os.sep)

    # build a trie out of path elements; efficiently search on prefixes
    path_trie = {}
    for path in paths:
        if os.altsep:  # normalise
            path = path.replace(os.altsep, os.sep)
        _, path = os.path.splitdrive(path)
        elems = path.split(os.sep)
        current = path_trie
        for elem in elems:
            current = current.setdefault(elem, {})
        current.setdefault(None, None)  # sentinel

    matching = []

    current_level = [path_trie]
    for subpattern in pattern:
        if not glob.has_magic(subpattern):
            # plain element, element must be in the trie or there are
            # 0 matches
            if not any(subpattern in d for d in current_level):
                return []
            current_level = [d[subpattern] for d in current_level if subpattern in d]
            # match all next levels in the trie that match the pattern
            matched_names = fnmatch.filter({k for d in current_level for k in d}, subpattern)
            if not matched_names:
                # nothing found
                return []
            current_level = [d[n] for d in current_level for n in _viewkeys(d) & set(matched_names)]

    return [os.sep.join(p) for p in product(*matching)
            if _in_trie(path_trie, p)]


>>> paths = ['/foo/bar/baz', '/spam/eggs/baz', '/foo/bar/bar']
>>> find_matching_paths(paths, '/foo/bar/*')
['/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/bar']
>>> find_matching_paths(paths, '/*/bar/b*')
['/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/bar']
>>> find_matching_paths(paths, '/*/[be]*/b*')
['/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/bar', '/spam/eggs/baz']

答案 1 :(得分:12)




import re

def glob2re(pat):
    """Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression.

    There is no way to quote meta-characters.

    i, n = 0, len(pat)
    res = ''
    while i < n:
        c = pat[i]
        i = i+1
        if c == '*':
            #res = res + '.*'
            res = res + '[^/]*'
        elif c == '?':
            #res = res + '.'
            res = res + '[^/]'
        elif c == '[':
            j = i
            if j < n and pat[j] == '!':
                j = j+1
            if j < n and pat[j] == ']':
                j = j+1
            while j < n and pat[j] != ']':
                j = j+1
            if j >= n:
                res = res + '\\['
                stuff = pat[i:j].replace('\\','\\\\')
                i = j+1
                if stuff[0] == '!':
                    stuff = '^' + stuff[1:]
                elif stuff[0] == '^':
                    stuff = '\\' + stuff
                res = '%s[%s]' % (res, stuff)
            res = res + re.escape(c)
    return res + '\Z(?ms)'

这一个fnmatch.filter re.matchre.searchdef glob_filter(names,pat): return (name for name in names if re.match(glob2re(pat),name)) 都有效。

pat_dict = {
            'a/b/*/f.txt': ['a/b/c/f.txt', 'a/b/q/f.txt', 'a/b/c/d/f.txt','a/b/c/d/e/f.txt'],
            '/foo/bar/*': ['/foo/bar/baz', '/spam/eggs/baz', '/foo/bar/bar'],
            '/*/bar/b*': ['/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/bar'],
            '/*/[be]*/b*': ['/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar/bar'],
            '/foo*/bar': ['/foolicious/spamfantastic/bar', '/foolicious/bar']

for pat in pat_dict:
    print('pattern :\t{}\nstrings :\t{}'.format(pat,pat_dict[pat]))
    print('matched :\t{}\n'.format(list(glob_filter(pat_dict[pat],pat))))


$sql = "INSERT INTO messages (field1,field2) VALUES (:username,:msg_text)";
$q = $conn->prepare($sql);

答案 2 :(得分:8)

在Python 3.4+上,你可以使用PurePath.match


在Python 3.3或更早版本(包括2.x)上,获取pathlib from PyPI

请注意,要获得与平台无关的结果(这取决于为什么您正在运行此结果),您需要明确说明PurePosixPathPureWindowsPath。< / p>

答案 3 :(得分:2)


>>> import fnmatch
>>> fnmatch.translate('*.txt')






答案 4 :(得分:1)


答案 5 :(得分:0)

@Veedrac PurePath.match答案的扩展名,可以将其应用于字符串列表:

# Python 3.4+
from pathlib import Path

path_list = ["foo/bar.txt", "spam/bar.txt", "foo/eggs.txt"]
# convert string to pathlib.PosixPath / .WindowsPath, then apply PurePath.match to list
print([p for p in path_list if Path(p).match("ba*")])  # "*ba*" also works
# output: ['foo/bar.txt', 'spam/bar.txt']

print([p for p in path_list if Path(p).match("*o/ba*")])
# output: ['foo/bar.txt']


答案 6 :(得分:0)



from os import path
import re

def recursive_glob_filter(files, glob):
    # Convert to regex and add start of line match
    pattern_re = '^' + fnmatch_translate(glob)

    # fnmatch does not escape path separators so escape them
    if path.sep in pattern_re and not r'\{}'.format(path.sep) in pattern_re:
        pattern_re = pattern_re.replace('/', r'\/')

    # Replace `*` with one that ignores path separators
    sep_respecting_wildcard = '[^\{}]*'.format(path.sep)
    pattern_re = pattern_re.replace('.*', sep_respecting_wildcard)

    # And now for `**` we have `[^\/]*[^\/]*`, so replace that with `.*`
    # to match all patterns in-between
    pattern_re = pattern_re.replace(2 * sep_respecting_wildcard, '.*')
    compiled_re = re.compile(pattern_re)
    return filter(, files)

答案 7 :(得分:0)

这是一个可以处理逃脱标点符号的地方。它不会 not 停在路径分隔符上。我将其发布在这里,因为它与问题的标题相匹配。


rex = glob_to_re(glob_pattern)
rex = r'(?s:%s)\Z' % rex # Can match newline; match whole string.
rex = re.compile(rex)
matches = [name for name in names if rex.match(name)]


import re as _re

class GlobSyntaxError(SyntaxError):

def glob_to_re(pattern):
    Given pattern, a unicode string, return the equivalent regular expression.
    Any special character * ? [ ! - ] \ can be escaped by preceding it with 
    backslash ('\') in the pattern.  Forward-slashes ('/') and escaped 
    backslashes ('\\') are treated as ordinary characters, not boundaries.

    Here is the language glob_to_re understands.
    Earlier alternatives within rules have precedence.  
        pattern = item*
        item    = '*'  |  '?'  |  '[!' set ']'  |  '[' set ']'  |  literal
        set     = element element*
        element = literal '-' literal  |  literal
        literal = '\' char  |  char other than \  [  ] and sometimes -
    glob_to_re does not understand "{a,b...}".
    # (Note: the docstring above is r""" ... """ to preserve backslashes.)
    def expect_char(i, context):
        if i >= len(pattern):
            s = "Unfinished %s: %r, position %d." % (context, pattern, i)
            raise GlobSyntaxError(s)
    def literal_to_re(i, context="pattern", bad="[]"):
        if pattern[i] == '\\':
            i += 1
            expect_char(i, "backslashed literal")
            if pattern[i] in bad:
                s = "Unexpected %r in %s: %r, position %d." \
                    % (pattern[i], context, pattern, i)
                raise GlobSyntaxError(s)
        return _re.escape(pattern[i]), i + 1

    def set_to_re(i):
        assert pattern[i] == '['
        set_re = "["
        i += 1
            if pattern[i] == '!':
                set_re += '^'
                i += 1
            while True:
                lit_re, i = literal_to_re(i, "character set", bad="[-]")
                set_re += lit_re
                if pattern[i] == '-':
                    set_re += '-'
                    i += 1
                    expect_char(i, "character set range")
                    lit_re, i = literal_to_re(i, "character set range", bad="[-]")
                    set_re += lit_re
                if pattern[i] == ']':
                    return set_re + ']', i + 1
        except IndexError:
            expect_char(i, "character set")  # Trigger "unfinished" error.

    i = 0
    re_pat = ""
    while i < len(pattern):
        if pattern[i] == '*':
            re_pat += ".*"
            i += 1
        elif pattern[i] == '?':
            re_pat += "."
            i += 1
        elif pattern[i] == '[':
            set_re, i = set_to_re(i)
            re_pat += set_re
            lit_re, i = literal_to_re(i)
            re_pat += lit_re
    return re_pat

答案 8 :(得分:0)



  • *-匹配零个或多个字符。
  • **(实际上是**//**)-匹配零个或多个子目录。
  • ?-匹配一个字符。
  • []-匹配方括号中的一个字符。
  • [!]-匹配一个不在括号内的字符。
  • 由于使用\进行转义,因此只能将/用作路径分隔符。


  1. 在glob中转义特殊的RE字符。
  2. 生成RE以对转义的全局标记进行标记。
  3. 用等效的RE替换转义的 glob令牌。
import re
from sys import hexversion, implementation
# Support for insertion-preserving/ordered dicts became language feature in Python 3.7, but works in CPython since 3.6.
if hexversion >= 0x03070000 or ( == 'cpython' and hexversion >= 0x03060000):
    ordered_dict = dict
    from collections import OrderedDict as ordered_dict

escaped_glob_tokens_to_re = ordered_dict((
    # Order of ``**/`` and ``/**`` in RE tokenization pattern doesn't matter because ``**/`` will be caught first no matter what, making ``/**`` the only option later on.
    # W/o leading or trailing ``/`` two consecutive asterisks will be treated as literals.
    ('/\*\*', '(?:/.+?)*'), # Edge-case #1. Catches recursive globs in the middle of path. Requires edge case #2 handled after this case.
    ('\*\*/', '(?:^.+?/)*'), # Edge-case #2. Catches recursive globs at the start of path. Requires edge case #1 handled before this case. ``^`` is used to ensure proper location for ``**/``.
    ('\*', '[^/]*?'), # ``[^/]*?`` is used to ensure that ``*`` won't match subdirs, as with naive ``.*?`` solution.
    ('\?', '.'),
    ('\[\*\]', '\*'), # Escaped special glob character.
    ('\[\?\]', '\?'), # Escaped special glob character.
    ('\[!', '[^'), # Requires ordered dict, so that ``\[!`` preceded ``\[`` in RE pattern. Needed mostly to differentiate between ``!`` used within character class ``[]`` and outside of it, to avoid faulty conversion.
    ('\[', '['),
    ('\]', ']'),

escaped_glob_replacement = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(escaped_glob_tokens_to_re).replace('\\', '\\\\\\'))

def glob_to_re(pattern):
    return escaped_glob_replacement.sub(lambda match: escaped_glob_tokens_to_re[], re.escape(pattern))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    validity_paths_globs = (
        (True, '', ''),
        (True, '', 'fo[o].py'),
        (True, '', 'fo[!o].py'),
        (True, '*', '[*]'),
        (True, '', '**/'),
        (True, 'baz/duck/bar/bam/quack/', '**/bar/**/'),
        (True, 'bar/', '**/'),
        (True, 'bar/baz/', 'bar/**'),
        (False, 'bar/baz/', 'bar/*'),
        (False, 'bar/baz/', 'bar**/'),
        (True, 'bar/baz/', 'bar/**/'),
        (True, 'bar/baz/wut/', 'bar/**/'),
    results = []
    for seg in validity_paths_globs:
        valid, path, glob_pat = seg
        print('valid:', valid)
        print('path:', path)
        print('glob pattern:', glob_pat)
        re_pat = glob_to_re(glob_pat)
        print('RE pattern:', re_pat)
        match = re.fullmatch(re_pat, path)
        print('match:', match)
        result = bool(match) == valid
        print('result was expected:', result)
    print('all results were expected:', all(results))