我的活动桌面只是一个加载循环swf的HTML文件,所以几乎没有延迟(与gif相比)和CPU使用率很低。此外,FRAPS(从服务运行)在系统启动时,在桌面加载之前发出DirectX 9警告。
- 编辑 -
import ctypes
import os.path
import time
from win32gui import GetWindowText, GetForegroundWindow
## get current directory and add the working path to the end
cd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '\\wallpaperslides\\'
## find the number of files in this directory
nfiles = len(os.walk(cd).next()[2])
## initialise variables
invalidfiles = 0
fnum = 1
## check to see if every file is numbered and a .bmp
for x in range(nfiles):
fname = cd + str(x+1) + '.bmp'
if os.path.isfile(fname) != True:
## makes sure all of the files are there, otherwise...
print fname + ' doesn\'t exist'
invalidfiles = 1
## ...tell the user to fix
if invalidfiles == 1:
print 'All files should be numbered and in bitmap format'
print ''
raw_input('Press enter to exit\n')
raise SystemExit
elif invalidfiles == 0:
## Main loop
while True:
## Find active window, if it is the desktop...
if GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) == '' or GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) == 'Program Manager':
## Set wallpaper
ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoA(20,0,cd + str(fnum) + '.bmp',0)
## increase index
fnum += 1
## reset index if it exceeds the number of files in the folder
if fnum > nfiles:
fnum = 1
## Delay animation
## ...otherwise, do nothing.