为什么XML不能在浏览器中显示,而是在XML Notepad 2007(Microsoft)中正确显示?

时间:2014-12-31 10:51:45

标签: xml xslt web xslt-1.0


当我在浏览器(IE +谷歌浏览器)中打开它时,它会显示一个白色屏幕。但是,当我在XML Notepad 2007中打开相同的文件时,它会使用XSL中的正确样式显示XML数据。




<?xml version = "1.0" encoding ="ISO-8859-1"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type ="text/xsl" href="menu.xslt"?>

        <name>Afternoon Tea</name>
        <description>Afternoon tea at Cuisine De Paris features a range of handmade mini sandwiches and delicate pastieries served with a selection of world tea</description>

        <name>Shrimp with sun rippened tomato and salad</name>
        <description>A medittearan inspired chef favourite bringing together the intense taste of tomatos with the subtle bite of the shrimp</description> 

        <name>Gold encrusted egg yolk, chicken sand, rye and parmesan</name>

        <name>Poached egg with couscous and salmon</name>
        <description>A delicated poached egg lavished with finiest French sourced cous cous</description> 

        <name>Slow roasted crab with a selection of the restaurant's finest vegetables</name>
        <description>Our crab is handmade and rested for two months before it's cooked in a slow cooker in a rich oil</description>

        <name>Salmon wrapped parcel with white aspargus decorated with peas and a specalist sauce</name> 
        <description>A slowly smoked salmon sourced ethincally with a punchy English grown white aspargus, topped off with a beautifully cooked trademark sauce</description>

        <name>Roasted crab with lime</name>
        <description>Our signature roasted crab with candied lime is the perfect dinner for a cold winter night</description>

        <name>Fried cod with roasted sun blushed tomatoes and a green leaf sauce</name>
        <description>Our cod is fried in extra virgin oil, looking in all of the richest of the cod with the oil, occampanied by fresh roasted parsnips and authentic mediterrean sun blushed tomatoes.</description>

        <name>Green pea sauce with pork</name>
        <description>Our tender pork has been left to rest for 2 months before being served at Cuisine De Paris, making the succlent flavours shine in this dish. The green pea sauce is the perfect occampy to this tender pork dish.</description> 

        <name>Rabbit with creamy sauce</name>
        <description>Slow cooked rabbit in a warm vegetable stock topped with a creamy bread sauce and garnish</description>

        <name>Beef in a creamy garlic sauce wrapped in a tendor pork shell </name>
        <description>Locally sourced beef joints are used to create this infusion of flavours, dressed with a range of heart warmly cooked vegetables</description>

        <name>Noodles with carrot soup</name>
        <description>Authentic Japense transulcent noodles in a freshly made carrot soup infused with giner and cinnamon</description>

        <name>Salmon served with a pea sauce and vegetables</name>
        <description>Our salmon is slowly cooked to look in the richest and flavours with are brought our with the pea sauce and accompaning vegetables</description>

        <name>Oatmeal caramel stack topped with caramel</name>
        <description>Handmade oatcakes layered between a creamy caramel sauce topped with an interuicty designed caramel decoration</description>

        <name>Vanillia icecream wrapped in shoe pastry encompassed in a vanilla chocolate decoration</name>
        <description>Vanilla ice cream handmade to a Cuisine De Paris own recipe with poppy seeds, wrapped in a rich shoe pastry and beautiful decoration</description>

        <name>A strawberry ice cream swirl with mango icecream</name>
        <description>Our delicate strawberry ice cream swirl is a treat for both adults and children a like with an additional handmade mango ice cream for complementary flavours</description>

        <name>Chocolate sponge in a hot fudge sauce</name> 
        <description>A light sponge filled with a creamy chocolate mousse bathed in a rich hot fudge sauce</description>

        <name>A light after dinner pate</name>
        <description>A liver and thyme pate is a wonderful option for a savoy dessert with us. With ethically sourced pork to combination of flavours really hits the spot</description>

        <name>A vanillia mousse wrapped in chocolate shoe pastry on top of an oatmeal biscuit and coffee chocolate ice cream</name>
        <description>Our handmade vanillia mousse is the perfect finish to a meal at Cuisine De Paris and with an extragant chocolate dome to complete the dessert the rich flavours will leave you wanting more</description>


<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version ="1.0" 
<xsl:template match = "/">
    <body style="font-family:Arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; background-color:#EEEEEE">
        <xsl:for-each select="menu/food">
            <div style = "background-color:#009134; color:white; padding: 4px">
                <span style = "font-weight: bold; color: white">
                    <xsl:value-of select ="name"/>
            - <xsl:value-of select="price"/>
        <div style = "margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 1em; font-size: 10pt">
            <xsl:value-of select="description"/>
            <span style ="font-style:italic">
                (<xsl:value-of select = "price"/> Price per serving)

在IE中打开显示长行中的xml代码(没有格式但不是树形式),Google Chrome显示空白页

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