我想使用fiddlercore作为反向代理 - 解析HTTP请求并根据HTTP标头将它们重定向到另一个端口。但我还需要处理TCP请求并将它们重定向到另一个端口。是否可以使用FiddlerCore?以某种方式确定它不是HTTP请求,只是TCP。
我发现事件名为BeforeReturningError,但未调用。 只触发事件BeforeSocketAccept,但这还不够。当FiddlerCore无法解析HTTP头时,我还没有找到任何可能被调用的事件。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Fiddler和FiddlerCore仅处理HTTP / HTTPS流量。它们不是为处理原始TCP流量而设计的;你可以使用netcat
答案 1 :(得分:0)
private void PacketHandler(Packet packet)
this.count = ""; this.time = ""; this.source = ""; this.destination = ""; this.protocol = ""; this.length = "";
this.tcpack = ""; this.tcpsec = ""; this.tcpnsec = ""; this.tcpsrc = ""; this.tcpdes = ""; this.udpscr = "";
this.udpdes = ""; this.httpheader = ""; this.httpver = ""; this.httplen = ""; this.reqres = ""; this.httpbody = "";
IpV4Datagram ip = packet.Ethernet.IpV4;
TcpDatagram tcp = ip.Tcp;
UdpDatagram udp = ip.Udp;
HttpDatagram httpPacket=null;
if (ip.Protocol.ToString().Equals("Tcp"))
httpPacket = tcp.Http;//Initialize http variable only if the packet was tcp
if ((httpPacket.Header != null) && (!_tcp.Checked))
protocol = "Http";
httpheader = httpPacket.Header.ToString();
count = packet.Count.ToString();
time = packet.Timestamp.ToString();
this.source = ip.Source.ToString();
this.destination = ip.Destination.ToString();
length = ip.Length.ToString();
httpver = httpPacket.Version.ToString();
httplen = httpPacket.Length.ToString();
httpbody = httpPacket.Body.ToString();
if (httpPacket.IsRequest)
reqres = "Request";
reqres = "Response";
count = packet.Count.ToString();
time = packet.Timestamp.ToString();
this.source = ip.Source.ToString();
this.destination = ip.Destination.ToString();
length = ip.Length.ToString();
protocol = ip.Protocol.ToString();
tcpsrc = tcp.SourcePort.ToString();
tcpdes = tcp.DestinationPort.ToString();
tcpack = tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber.ToString();
tcpsec = tcp.SequenceNumber.ToString();
tcpnsec = tcp.NextSequenceNumber.ToString();
if ((ip.Protocol.ToString().Equals("Udp")))
count = packet.Count.ToString();
time = packet.Timestamp.ToString();
this.source = ip.Source.ToString();
this.destination = ip.Destination.ToString();
length = ip.Length.ToString();
protocol = ip.Protocol.ToString();
udpscr = udp.SourcePort.ToString();
udpdes = udp.DestinationPort.ToString();
count = packet.Count.ToString();
time = packet.Timestamp.ToString();
this.source = ip.Source.ToString();
this.destination = ip.Destination.ToString();
length = ip.Length.ToString();
protocol = ip.Protocol.ToString();
if (ip.Protocol.ToString().Equals("Tcp")&&(save.Checked))
int _source = tcp.SourcePort;
int _destination = tcp.DestinationPort;
if (tcp.PayloadLength != 0) //not syn or ack
payload = new byte[tcp.PayloadLength];
tcp.Payload.ToMemoryStream().Read(payload, 0, tcp.PayloadLength);// read payload from 0 to length
if (_destination == 80)// request from server
Packet1 packet1 = new Packet1();
int i = Array.IndexOf(payload, (byte)32, 6);
byte[] t = new byte[i - 5];
Array.Copy(payload, 5, t, 0, i - 5);
packet1.Name = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(t);
if (!packets.ContainsKey(_source))
packets.Add(_source, packet1);
if (_source == 80)
if (packets.ContainsKey(_destination))
Packet1 packet1 = packets[_destination];
if (packet1.Data == null)
if ((httpPacket.Header != null) && (httpPacket.Header.ContentLength != null))
packet1.Data = new byte[(uint)httpPacket.Header.ContentLength.ContentLength];
Array.Copy(httpPacket.Body.ToMemoryStream().ToArray(), packet1.Data, httpPacket.Body.Length);
packet1.Order = (uint)(tcp.SequenceNumber + payload.Length - httpPacket.Body.Length);
packet1.Data_Length = httpPacket.Body.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < packet1.TempPackets.Count; i++)
Temp tempPacket = packet1.TempPackets[i];
Array.Copy(tempPacket.data, 0, packet1.Data, tempPacket.tempSeqNo - packet1.Order, tempPacket.data.Length);
packet1.Data_Length += tempPacket.data.Length;
Temp tempPacket = new Temp();
tempPacket.tempSeqNo = (uint)tcp.SequenceNumber;
tempPacket.data = new byte[payload.Length];
Array.Copy(payload, tempPacket.data, payload.Length);
else if (packet1.Data_Length != packet1.Data.Length)
Array.Copy(payload, 0, packet1.Data, tcp.SequenceNumber - packet1.Order, payload.Length);
packet1.Data_Length += payload.Length;
if (packet1.Data != null)
if (packet1.Data_Length == packet1.Data.Length)
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(@"D:\captured\" + Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetFileName(packet1.Name)), FileMode.Create)))