答案 0 :(得分:0)
您可以将选定的控件值保留在隐藏变量中并在刷新后重新填充,但我建议这里是 -
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在onsubmit函数中,返回' false'验证失败时,在警告声明之后。这将阻止页面刷新。 根据我对您的代码的理解,以下内容应该有效:
form.onsubmit = function(){
if(fromvalue==="" || tovalue1==="")
alert('Kindly select the origin and destination');
else if(infantcountvalue>adultcountvalue)
alert("the infant number should be equal to or less thanadult");
elseif(departuredate==="" || returndate==="")
alert('Kindly select the departure and return date');
else if(departureday>returnday)
alert('Return date should be after the departure date');
else if(totalpassenger>9)
alert("Maximum 9 passengers are allowed.");
return false;