Private Sub Calculation()
Dim txt1 As Decimal
txt1 = (CS_Incoms_done.Text / CS_Incoms_target.Text) * 100
CS_Incom_Result.Text = "%" + FormatNumber(txt, 2, TriState.False)
Dim txt2 As Decimal
txt2 = (CS_GovernmentService_done.Text / CS_GovernmentService_target.Text) * 100
CS_GovernmentService_Result.Text = "%" + FormatNumber(txt2, 2, TriState.False)
Dim txt3 As Decimal
txt3 = (CS_RentBox_done.Text / CS_RentBox_target.Text) * 100
CS_RentBox_Result.Text = "%" + FormatNumber(txt3, 2, TriState.False)
Dim txt4 As Decimal
txt4 = (CS_ServiceAdvertising_done.Text / CS_ServiceAdvertising_target.Text) * 100
CS_ServiceAdvertising_Result.Text = "%" + FormatNumber(txt4, 2, TriState.False)
Dim txt5 As Decimal
txt5 = (CS_ServiceCatogray_done.Text / CS_ServiceCatogray_target.Text) * 100
CS_ServiceCatogray_Result.Text = "%" + FormatNumber(txt5, 2, TriState.False)
End Sub
我只是向您展示5 textbox's
100 textbox's
看起来就像...... {/ p>
- > CS_ServiceCatogray
〜..最后一部分在所有文本框中都是相同的,用于对结果进行遗传。> _Result.Text
所以......我有一个想法,就是把id和相似的两个部分放在一个数组中......并使用For Each
Dim allItems As Array
For Each item As Control In panel4.Controls
Select Case item.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
'here just be sure that this item is not saved in the allItems array ,if it is not do >>'
allItems[Last_Item_Saved_Index+1] = DirectCast(item, TextBox).ID ', i want to save just the two Similar parts of the textboxs ids'
'i am not sure if this completely correct, but i wanted to do something like it['
Dim partOFtxt As String = allItems[Last_Item_Saved_Index]
Dim txt As Decimal = (partOFtxt + "_done.Text") / (partOFtxt + "_target.Text")
(partOFtxt + "_Result.Text") = "%" + FormatNumber(txt, 2, TriState.False) ']'
'end condition'
Exit Select
Case Else
Exit Select
End Select
答案 0 :(得分:3)
Private Sub Calculation()
Dim CurParent As ContainerControl = Me
For Each item As Control In CurParent.Controls
Dim decZeroResult As Decimal = 0
Select Case item.GetType().Name.ToUpper
Case "LABEL"
Dim ControlName As String
Dim ResultControl As Control = item
ControlName = ResultControl.Name
If ControlName.ToUpper.EndsWith("_RESULT") Then
Dim ControlPartName As String = Mid(ControlName, 1, ControlName.Length - 7)
Dim TargetControl As TextBox = Nothing
Dim DoneControl As TextBox = Nothing
Dim controlsFound() As Control
controlsFound = CurParent.Controls.Find(ControlPartName & "_Target", True)
If controlsFound.Length > 0 Then
TargetControl = controlsFound(0)
End If
controlsFound = CurParent.Controls.Find(ControlPartName & "_Done", True)
If controlsFound.Length > 0 Then
DoneControl = controlsFound(0)
End If
If TargetControl IsNot Nothing And DoneControl IsNot Nothing Then
If TargetControl.Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = FormatNumber(((DoneControl.Text / TargetControl.Text) * 100), 1, TriState.False)
decZeroResult = 0
End If
ResultControl.Text = decZeroResult & " %"
End If
End If
End Select
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:2)
CS_Incom_Result.Tag = New KeyValuePair(Of TextBox, TextBox)(CS_Incoms_done, CS_Incoms_target)
Public sub UpdateTextBox(t as TextBox)
Dim kvp as KeyValuePair(Of TextBox, TextBox) = CType(t.Tag, KeyValuePair(Of TextBox, TextBox))
Dim txt as Decimal = (decimal.Parse(kvp.Key.Text) / decimal.Parse(kvp.Value.Text)) * 100
t.Text = "%" & FormatNumber(txt, 2, TriState.False)
End Function
For Each ctrl As Control In panel4.Controls
If Typeof ctrl is TextBox Then
UpdateTextBox(Ctype(ctrl, TextBox)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
我明白了...... ^ _ ^:
Private Sub Calculation()
Dim decZeroResult As Decimal = 1.1
Dim strCommonID As String
For Each item As Control In panel4.Controls
Select Case item.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) Then
strCommonID = Mid(item.ID, 1, InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) - 1)
Dim MyTxt1 As TextBox
Dim MyTxt2 As TextBox
MyTxt1 = CType(item, TextBox)
For Each item2 As Control In panel4.Controls
Select Case item2.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If item2.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_target".ToUpper Then
MyTxt2 = CType(item2, TextBox)
If CType(item2, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
decZeroResult = 0
ElseIf CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = 100
End If
ElseIf CType(item2, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = FormatNumber(((MyTxt1.Text / MyTxt2.Text) * 100), 1, TriState.False)
decZeroResult = 0
End If
End If
For Each item3 As Control In panel4.Controls
Select Case item3.[GetType]().Name
Case "Label"
If item3.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_Result".ToUpper Then
CType(item3, Label).Text = decZeroResult & " %"
Exit For
End If
End Select
Exit For
End If
End Select
End If
End Select
For Each item As Control In panel1.Controls
Select Case item.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) Then
strCommonID = Mid(item.ID, 1, InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) - 1)
Dim MyTxt1 As TextBox
Dim MyTxt2 As TextBox
MyTxt1 = CType(item, TextBox)
For Each item2 As Control In panel1.Controls
Select Case item2.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If item2.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_target".ToUpper Then
MyTxt2 = CType(item2, TextBox)
If CType(item2, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
decZeroResult = 0
ElseIf CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = 100
End If
ElseIf CType(item2, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = FormatNumber(((MyTxt1.Text / MyTxt2.Text) * 100), 1, TriState.False)
decZeroResult = 0
End If
End If
For Each item3 As Control In panel1.Controls
Select Case item3.[GetType]().Name
Case "Label"
If item3.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_Result".ToUpper Then
CType(item3, Label).Text = decZeroResult & " %"
Exit For
End If
End Select
Exit For
End If
End Select
End If
End Select
For Each item As Control In panel2.Controls
Select Case item.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) Then
strCommonID = Mid(item.ID, 1, InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) - 1)
Dim MyTxt1 As TextBox
Dim MyTxt2 As TextBox
MyTxt1 = CType(item, TextBox)
For Each item2 As Control In panel2.Controls
Select Case item2.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If item2.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_target".ToUpper Then
MyTxt2 = CType(item2, TextBox)
If CType(item2, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
decZeroResult = 0
ElseIf CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = 100
End If
ElseIf CType(item2, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = FormatNumber(((MyTxt1.Text / MyTxt2.Text) * 100), 1, TriState.False)
decZeroResult = 0
End If
End If
For Each item3 As Control In panel2.Controls
Select Case item3.[GetType]().Name
Case "Label"
If item3.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_Result".ToUpper Then
CType(item3, Label).Text = decZeroResult & " %"
Exit For
End If
End Select
Exit For
End If
End Select
End If
End Select
For Each item As Control In panel3.Controls
Select Case item.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) Then
strCommonID = Mid(item.ID, 1, InStr(item.ID.ToUpper, "_Done".ToUpper) - 1)
Dim MyTxt1 As TextBox
Dim MyTxt2 As TextBox
MyTxt1 = CType(item, TextBox)
For Each item2 As Control In panel3.Controls
Select Case item2.[GetType]().Name
Case "TextBox"
If item2.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_target".ToUpper Then
MyTxt2 = CType(item2, TextBox)
If CType(item2, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text = 0 Then
decZeroResult = 0
ElseIf CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = 100
End If
ElseIf CType(item2, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
If CType(item, TextBox).Text > 0 Then
decZeroResult = FormatNumber(((MyTxt1.Text / MyTxt2.Text) * 100), 1, TriState.False)
decZeroResult = 0
End If
End If
For Each item3 As Control In panel3.Controls
Select Case item3.[GetType]().Name
Case "Label"
If item3.ID.ToUpper = strCommonID.ToUpper & "_Result".ToUpper Then
CType(item3, Label).Text = decZeroResult & " %"
Exit For
End If
End Select
Exit For
End If
End Select
End If
End Select
End Sub
答案 3 :(得分:0)
Public Class ThreeTextboxUserControl
Private doneTextBox
Private targetTextBox
Private resultTextBox
Public Sub loadValues(doneTextBoxValue, targetTextBoxValue)
Public Sub calculateResult()
Public Sub Calculation()
For Each item As Control In panel4.Controls
If (item is ThreeTextboxUserControl)
[Cast item and call calculateResult()]
End IF
End Sub