dosIntr equ 21h
retToDos equ 4ch
noError equ 0h
C =9107 ;1193000/131
D =8115 ;1193000/147
E =7230 ;1193000/165
F =6817 ;1193000/175
G =6087 ;1193000/196
A =5423 ;1193000/220
B =4830 ;1193000/247
W =1 ;pause
Progr segment
assume cs:Progr, ds:data, ss:stack
start: mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,offset stack
mov si,0 ;index
play: ;read char from array
mov bl,notes[si] ;ascii code of note
cmp bl,'X' ;check if end
je soundEnd
;changing ascii to constant
mov ax,bx ;copies only ascii code
;8253 send note
out 42h,al
mov al,ah
out 42h,al
;8255 sound on
in al,61h
or al,00000011b
out 61h,al
;int15 timer
xor dx,dx ;dx = 0
mov cx,8 ;half note
mov ah,86h
int 15h
;8255 sound off
in al,61h
and al,11111100b
out 61h,al
inc si ;inc index
jmp play
soundEnd: mov ah,retToDos
mov al,noError
int dosIntr
Progr ends
data segment
data ends
stack segment
dw 100h dup(0)
top Label word
stack ends
end start