我正在使用node.js和mysql创建facebook类型通知系统。我理解node.js的概念,但我对如何使用节点js&创建完整的通知模块感到困惑。 MySQL的。还混淆了如何从浏览器运行。请帮忙解决我的问题。提前谢谢。
var mysql = require('mysql')
// Let’s make node/socketio listen on port 3000
var io = require('socket.io').listen(3000)
// Define our db creds
var db = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
database: 'node'
// Log any errors connected to the db
if (err) console.log(err)
// Define/initialize our global vars
var notes = []
var isInitNotes = false
var socketCount = 0
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
// Socket has connected, increase socket count
// Let all sockets know how many are connected
io.sockets.emit('users connected', socketCount)
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
// Decrease the socket count on a disconnect, emit
io.sockets.emit('users connected', socketCount)
socket.on('new note', function(data){
// New note added, push to all sockets and insert into db
io.sockets.emit('new note', data)
// Use node's db injection format to filter incoming data
db.query('INSERT INTO notes (note) VALUES (?)', data.note)
// Check to see if initial query/notes are set
if (! isInitNotes) {
// Initial app start, run db query
db.query('SELECT * FROM notes')
.on('result', function(data){
// Push results onto the notes array
.on('end', function(){
// Only emit notes after query has been completed
socket.emit('initial notes', notes)
isInitNotes = true
} else {
// Initial notes already exist, send out
socket.emit('initial notes', notes)