我有两个与ko.observableArrays绑定的手风琴,想要在它们之间移动物品。 observableArrays正确更新,但不知何故,我移动的元素在被目标手风琴接收时会重复。
(function () {
ko.bindingHandlers.jqAccordion = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor) {
var options = valueAccessor();
$(element).bind("valueChanged", function () {
ko.bindingHandlers.jqAccordion.update(element, valueAccessor);
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function () {
update: function (element, valueAccessor) {
var options = valueAccessor();
header: ".accordion-header",
collapsible: true,
navigation: true,
heightStyle: "content",
active: false
axis: "x,y",
handle: ".accordion-header",
placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",
connectWith: "div",
start: function (event, ui) {
sorting = true;
//find what tab is open, false if none
active = $(this).accordion("option", "active");
//possibly change animation here (to make the animation instant if you like)
$(element).accordion("option", "animate", {
easing: 'swing',
duration: 0
//close tab
active: false
over: function (event, ui) {
active: false
stop: function (event, ui) {
//1st: Handle the visible impression during sorting...
// IE doesn't register the blur when sorting so trigger focusout handlers to remove .ui-state-focus
$(element).accordion("option", "animate", {});
active = false;
$(element).accordion("option", "active", active);
sorting = false;
//2nd: Create sequence listing of items for later saving
var items = [], itemSeqNos = [];
ui.item.siblings().andSelf().each(function () {
if ($(this).data('index') != $(this).index()) {
itemSeqNos.push(this.id.replace("scene", ""));
receive: function (event, ui) {
var source = ui.sender.context.id;
var draggedId = ui.item[0].id.replace("scene", "");
var target = this.id;
if (target !== source) { // unless dropped on it self.
var context = ko.contextFor(this);
if (context) {
context.$root.rearrangeArrays(draggedId, target, source);
stop: function () {
$(this).siblings().andSelf().each(function (i) {
$(this).data('index', i);
handle: ".accordion-header",
helper: 'original',
revert: true,
revertDuration: 0,
cursor: 'default',
connectWith: options.target
observableArrays的更新是在我执行的rearrangeArrays-function中完成的 将“draggedId”-item推送到“目标”并将其从“源”中删除。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这是由于敲除读取模板与使用的模板引擎相结合的方式存在问题 - 但它有一个简单的解决方法。您只需要从顶级模板节点外部删除空格:
<script type="text/html" id="scene-template"><div data-bind="attr: {'id': 'scene' + sceneID}" class="ui-widget-content">
<div class="accordion-header ui-widget-header" >
<span data-bind="text:sceneID"></span>
<span data-bind="text:title"></span>
<div class="ui-widget-content">
<span data-bind="text:text"></span>
</div >
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我发现作为我项目框架的Dotnetnuke打破了顶级节点,作为James Thorpe建议的解决方案。詹姆斯的建议在小提琴中运作良好,jQuery.load-suggestion也是一种创造性的方法。坏Dnn没有为此而堕落。 ;)
最后,我对Ryan Niemeyers knockout-sortable.js采取了接近的方法,并提出了一个有效的解决方案。它可以在这里找到:http //jsfiddle.net/AsleG/7zyfs5nt/
Thanx获得所有帮助和Merry Xmas!