我在vb2010的编程类中正在开发一个最终项目,我创建的集合只通过For Each... Next
中的一个对象。我已经包含了将对象添加到集合和我的For Each循环的代码。注意:我添加到集合中的代码可能比它需要的要复杂一些,但我们的想法是灵活选择将多少个对象添加到集合中。
Private Sub basicCountCollect(ByVal basicCount As Short)
Dim name As String = ""
Dim PB As New PictureBox
For ShipCount As Short = 1 To basicCount
name = "basicShip" & ShipCount
PB.Name = name
End Sub
Private Sub BasicShipPictureBox(ByVal XPic As Short)
'Display basic ship picture boxes
For Each ship As PictureBox In basicShipCount
ship.Location = New Point(XPic, 100) 'Location of the ship
ship.Size = New Size(200, 200) 'Size of the ship
ship.Image = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile( _
My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\basicShipImage.png") 'Load picture of the ship
XPic = XPic + 100
MessageBox.Show(ship.Name) 'For debugging
Next ship
End Sub