我为一项作业创建了这个程序,我们需要在其中创建 Quichesort 的实现。这是一种混合排序算法,它使用Quicksort直到达到某个递归深度(log2(N),其中N是列表的长度),然后切换到Heapsort,以避免超过最大递归深度。
在测试我的实现时,我发现虽然它通常比常规Quicksort表现更好,但Heapsort一直表现优于两者。 任何人都可以解释为什么Heapsort表现更好,在什么情况下Quichesort会比Quicksort 和 Heapsort更好?
请注意,出于某种原因,分配将算法称为" Quipsort"。
编辑:显然," Quichesort"实际上是相同的 Introsort
def medianOf3(lst):
From a lst of unordered data, find and return the the median value from
the first, middle and last values.
first, last = lst[0], lst[-1]
if len(lst) <= 2:
return min(first, last)
middle = lst[(len(lst) - 1) // 2]
return sorted((first, middle, last))[1]
import heapSort # heapSort
import math # log2 (for quicksort depth limit)
def medianOf3(lst):
From a lst of unordered data, find and return the the median value from
the first, middle and last values.
first, last = lst[0], lst[-1]
if len(lst) <= 2:
return min(first, last)
median = lst[len(lst) // 2]
return max(min(first, median), min(median, last))
def partition(pivot, lst):
partition: pivot (element in lst) * List(lst) ->
tuple(List(less), List(same, List(more))).
List(Less) has values less than the pivot
List(same) has pivot value/s, and
List(more) has values greater than the pivot
e.g. partition(5, [11,4,7,2,5,9,3]) == [4,2,3], [5], [11,7,9]
less, same, more = [], [], []
for val in lst:
if val < pivot:
elif val > pivot:
return less, same, more
def quipSortRec(lst, limit):
A non in-place, depth limited quickSort, using median-of-3 pivot.
Once the limit drops to 0, it uses heapSort instead.
if lst == []:
return []
if limit == 0:
return heapSort.heapSort(lst)
limit -= 1
pivot = medianOf3(lst)
less, same, more = partition(pivot, lst)
return quipSortRec(less, limit) + same + quipSortRec(more, limit)
def quipSort(lst):
The main routine called to do the sort. It should call the
recursive routine with the correct values in order to perform
the sort
depthLim = int(math.log2(len(lst)))
return quipSortRec(lst, depthLim)
import heapq # mkHeap (for adding/removing from heap)
def heapSort(lst):
heapSort(List(Orderable)) -> List(Ordered)
performs a heapsort on 'lst' returning a new sorted list
Postcondition: the argument lst is not modified
heap = list(lst)
result = []
while len(heap) > 0:
return result
答案 0 :(得分:3)
要问的一个问题是,why is quicksort faster "in practice" than heapsort?这是一个难以回答的问题,但大多数答案都指出快速排序有多好spatial locality,从而减少了缓存未命中数。但是,我不确定这对Python是否适用,因为它在解释器中运行并且在其他语言(例如C)下可能会干扰缓存性能的垃圾更多。
至于为什么你的特定内部实现比Python的heapsort慢 - 再次,这很难确定。首先,请注意heapq模块是written in Python,因此它与您的实现相对平衡。创建和连接许多较小的列表可能代价很高,因此您可以尝试重写快速排序以就地执行操作,看看是否有帮助。您还可以尝试调整实现的各个方面,以查看它如何影响性能,或通过分析器运行代码并查看是否存在任何热点。但最后我认为你不太可能找到明确的答案。它可能只是归结为Python解释器中哪些操作特别快或慢。