
时间:2014-12-21 10:00:10

标签: sbt



  • 将分叉多少个JVM以及何时
  • 确切地指定每个JVM的选项
  • 确切地将哪些任务分配给每个JVM
  • 究竟如何将测试分组到JVM中



1 个答案:

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> help inspect
inspect <key>

    For a plain setting, the value bound to the key argument is displayed using its toString method.
    Otherwise, the type of task ("Task" or "Input task") is displayed.

    "Dependencies" shows the settings that this setting depends on.

    "Reverse dependencies" shows the settings that depend on this setting.

    When a key is resolved to a value, it may not actually be defined in the requested scope.
    In this case, there is a defined search sequence.
    "Delegates" shows the scopes that are searched for the key.
    "Provided by" shows the scope that contained the value returned for the key.

    "Related" shows all of the scopes in which the key is defined.

inspect tree <key>

    Displays `key` and its dependencies in a tree structure.
    For settings, the value bound to the setting is displayed and for tasks, the type of the task is shown.

inspect uses <key>

    Displays the settings and tasks that directly depend on `key`.

inspect definitions <key>

    Displays the scopes in which `key` is defined.

阅读Inspect the build以了解该命令。


> help fork
If true, forks a new JVM when running.  If false, runs in the same JVM as the build.

> help javaOptions
Options passed to a new JVM when forking.

