- (void) checkIfShouldSendReadingsToServerAsync
// Check if I want to send the data
// All other threads should wait hear until I signal them to continue
if (!self.lastSendRequestToServerDateTime ||
([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:self.lastSendRequestToServerDateTime]/60.0) > intervalBetweenRequestsToServerInMinutes.doubleValue)
// Read data from the SQLite database asynchronous and a completion block
// This call uses a NSOperationQueue block
[self.sqliteStore readingsToSendToServer:^(NSArray *readingsArray)
// Loaded the values, now check if I should send them
if (readingsArray &&
readingsArray.count > 0)
// Convert array of objects to JSON
NSString* json = [self.sqliteStore readingsArrayToJSON:readingsArray];
// Send the JSON to the server using NSURLSession
[[WEEServiceRepository sharedInstance] sendJSONReadings:json withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error, NSURLResponse *response)
// REST POST call ended, check the status code
NSHTTPURLResponse* httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse*)response;
NSInteger statusCode = httpResponse.statusCode;
self.lastSendRequestToServerDateTime = [NSDate date];
switch (statusCode)
case 200:
case 201:
case 204:
// This call uses a NSOperationQueue block
[self.sqliteStore updateReadingsWithSentToServerYes:readingsArray andCompletionBlock:^(BOOL succeed)
// Here allow all other threads or the same thread to enter
// Or here signal to continue
此代码将在应用程序位于前台但在后台运行时运行。 我试过信号量,但有一段时间后我发现它停在后台,可能会出现死锁?但它不应该!我真的不想使用@synchronized,或者我错了并继续尝试?也许只使用NSLock或NSRecursiveLock?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
当你必须在this example的帮助下处理一系列依赖的异步操作时,我确保线程安全,从NSOperation重写并实现属性isExecuting,isFinished,start方法可以让你控制队列将释放操作并进入下一个操作,在我的情况下将NSOperationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount设置为1.