
时间:2014-12-20 17:58:01

标签: java linked-list

我写了一个节点类,其'data'字段用于保存任何类型的数据;一个链表列表,用于保存具有任何类型数据的节点。我正在实现一个类来删除重复项(“deleteDuplicates”),并发现自己无法将我的链表的尾部设置为null(“删除尾部”),我觉得这是因为我试图将一个类设置为null 。我不明白的是什么?我希望有人能纠正我的想法。具体请参见方法deleteDuplicates中第116行的注释掉的代码TODO。

import java.io.*;

// A node class whose 'data' field is designed to hold any type of data.

class node<AnyType> {

    AnyType data;
    node<AnyType> next;

    // Constructor; sets this object's 'data' field to 'data'.
    node(AnyType data) {
        this.data = data;

    // A linked list class designed to hold nodes with any type of data.
public class LinkedList<AnyType> {

    // Notice that when you create a LinkedList object (in main(), for example),
    // you tell it what kind of data it'll be holding. The LinkedList class
    // needs to pass that information on to the node class, as well. That's
    // what's happening here.
    private node<AnyType> head, tail;

    // insert at the tail of the list
    void insert(AnyType data) {
        // if the list is empty, set 'head' and 'tail' to the new node
        if (head == null) {
            head = tail = new node<AnyType>(data);
        // otherwise, append the new node to the end of the list and move the
        // tail reference forward
        else {
            tail.next = new node<AnyType>(data);
            tail = tail.next;

    // insert at the head of the list
    void headInsert(AnyType data) {
        // first, create the node to be inserted
        node<AnyType> YouCanJustMakeANewNode = new node<AnyType>(data);

        // insert it at the beginning of the list
        YouCanJustMakeANewNode.next = head;
        head = YouCanJustMakeANewNode;

        // if the list was empty before adding this node, 'head' AND 'tail'
        // need to reference this new node
        if (tail == null)
            tail = YouCanJustMakeANewNode;

    // print the contents of the linked list
    void printList() {
        for (node<AnyType> temp = head; temp != null; temp = temp.next)
            System.out.print(temp.data + " ");

    // Remove the head of the list (and return its 'data' value).
    AnyType removeHead() {
        // if the list is empty, signify that by returning null
        if (head == null)
            return null;

        // Store the data from the head, then move the head reference forward.
        // Java will take care of the memory management when it realizes there
        // are no references to the old head anymore.
        AnyType temp = head.data;
        head = head.next;

        // If the list is now empty (i.e., if the node we just removed was the
        // only node in the list), update the tail reference, too!
        if (head == null)
            tail = null;

        // Return the value from the old head node.
        return temp;

    node<AnyType> deleteNode(node<AnyType> data)
        node<AnyType> helper = head;

        if( helper.equals(data) )
            return head.next;

        while( helper.next != null )
            if( helper.next.equals(data) )
                helper.next = helper.next.next;
                return helper;
            helper = helper.next;
        return helper;

    void deleteDuplicates( LinkedList<Integer> L1 )
        for (node<Integer> temp = L1.head; temp != null; temp = temp.next)
            for (node<Integer> helper = temp; helper.next != null; helper = helper.next)
                //start at helper.next so that temp doesn't delete it's self
                if( temp.data == helper.next.data && helper.next.next != null )
                        helper.next = helper.next.next; 
                /* TODO: DELETE TAIL
                //can't seem to figure out how to delete the tail
                if( temp.data == helper.next.data && helper.next.next == null )
                        //helper.next = null;


    // returns true if the list is empty, false otherwise
    boolean isEmpty() {
        return (head == null);

    public static void main(String [] args) {

        // create a new linked list that holds integers
        LinkedList<Integer> L1 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            // this inserts random values on the range [1, 100]
            int SomeRandomJunk = (int)(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
            System.out.println("Inserting " + SomeRandomJunk);

        // print the list to verify everything got in there correctly
        System.out.println("Printing integer linked list");
        System.out.println("Printing DEL-repeaded LL");

        // create another linked list (this time, one that holds strings)
        LinkedList<String> L2 = new LinkedList<String>();

        L2.insert("very sexy");
        L2.insert("critical thinking");
        L2.insert("Paper clips annd now I'm ");

        // print the new list to verify everything got in there correctly
        while (!L2.isEmpty())
            System.out.print(L2.removeHead() + " ");

        // print the old list just to verify that there weren't any static
        // problems that messed things up when we created L2

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


        for (node<Integer> helper = temp; helper != null && helper.next != null; helper = helper.next)
            //start at helper.next so that temp doesn't delete it's self
            if( temp.data == helper.next.data && helper.next.next != null )
                helper.next = helper.next.next;
            //can't seem to figure out how to delete the tail
            if( temp.data == helper.next.data && helper.next.next == null )
                    helper.next = null;


helper.next != null


helper != null && helper.next != null

这是因为在您设置helper.next = null;后, 循环向前移动并执行helper = helper.next, 然后在下一次迭代中循环条件helper.next != null 抛出NullPointerException,因为helpernull