
时间:2014-12-19 20:53:51

标签: python

我只是学习脚本python以我的方式通过MIT comp。科学开放课程,我有一个问题。我已经读过,将函数设置为全局函数内部是根本,至少是一些邪恶。虽然我确信我的问题有一个明显的答案,但我无法找到一种解决方法,即不在我的函数中设置全局变量' rand_guess'因为我需要来自主体的func中的值while while循环来执行进一步处理。我希望有人可能会形容一种更可接受的(pythonic,我认为是这个术语)我可以这样做的方式。这是我的剧本:

# Instruct the user to pick an arbitrary number from 1 to 100 and proceed to
# guess it correctly within 10 attempts. After each guess, the user must tell
# whether their number is higher than, lower than, or equal to your guess.

def rand_guess(l, h):
    # print "l: " + str(l)
    # print "h: " + str(h)
    # global rand_num
    rand_num = random.randint(l, h)
    print(str(cntr) + '_2: ' + str(rand_num))  # debug
    if rand_num != user_num:
        if cntr < attempts:
            print '\nMy guess of ' + str(rand_num) + ' is wrong.'
            # global hi_lo
            hi_lo = raw_input('So should my next guess be [H]igher or [L]ower? ')
            print(str(cntr) + '_2: ' + hi_lo)  # debug
            print '\nMy guess of ' + str(rand_num) + \
                ' is wrong, and I am out of guesses.\n'

        print '\nWoW! I can hardly believe it! My guess is correct: ' + \
            str(user_num) + '\n'

    return rand_num
    return hi_lo

import random

attempts = 5
rand_num = 1
hi_lo = ''
lo = 1
hi = 100

user_num = int(raw_input('\nEnter a number between 1 to 100: '))

cntr = 1
while cntr < (attempts+1):
    # first guess will be a random num between 1 to 100 so first lo_num must be
    print(str(cntr) + '_1: ' + hi_lo)  # debug
    print(str(cntr) + '_1: ' + str(rand_num))  # debug
    # 1
    if cntr == 1:
        rand_guess(lo, hi)
        # if user indicated to guess Higher with next guess
        print(str(cntr) + '_3: ' + hi_lo)  # debug
        if hi_lo == 'H':
            # then last number guessed +1 should be the lowest number guessed
            # for all future guesses
            print(str(cntr) + '_3: ' + str(rand_num))  # debug
            if rand_num > lo:
                lo = rand_num + 1
        # user indicated to guess Lower with next guess
            # then last number guessed -1 should be the highest number guessed
            # for all future guesses
            if rand_num < hi:
                hi = rand_num - 1

        # func call with new lo-hi guess brackets
        rand_guess(lo, hi)

    cntr += 1



Enter a number between 1 to 100: 50
1_1: 1
1_2: 61

My guess of 61 is wrong.
So should my next guess be [H]igher or [L]ower? L
1_2: L
2_1: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ex_loops2.py", line 67, in <module>
    rand_guess(lo, hi)
  File "ex_loops2.py", line 10, in rand_guess
    rand_num = random.randint(l, h)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/random.py", line 241, in randint
    return self.randrange(a, b+1)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/random.py", line 217, in randrange
    raise ValueError, "empty range for randrange() (%d,%d, %d)" % (istart, istop, width)
ValueError: empty range for randrange() (1,1, 0)
02:53 exercises $

print&#39; 2_1的第一个空值:&#39;应该是&#39; H&#39; (在这种情况下)和值&#39; 1&#39;对于第二个`print&#39; &#39; 2_1:1&#39;在蟒蛇投掷错误之前,我预计会出现&#39; 2_1:61&#39; (再次针对此特定情况,返回了&#39; rand_num&#39;)。



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


import sys
import random

def random_guess(low=1, high=100, attempts=10, hints=True):
    """Try to guess the random number.

        low (int): Lowest number the value can be.
        high (int): Highest number the value can be.
        attempts (int): How many tries you get.
        hints (bool): Change range boundaries.
    # Command line args come in as strings.
    low = int(low)
    high = int(high)
    attempts = int(attempts)
    hints = hints in [True, 1, "True", 'true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes']

    mynum = None
    rand_num = random.randint(low, high)
    for _ in range(attempts): # _ means the last command ... i isn't used. Skips the pylint warning
        # Check input
        if hints and mynum is not None:
            if mynum < rand_num:
                low = mynum + 1
                print("Incorrect answer! Guess higher next time")
            elif mynum > rand_num:
                high = mynum - 1
                print("Incorrect answer! Guess lower next time")
        elif mynum is not None:
            print("Incorrect answer!", end=" ")

        # Ask the user for input (raw_input for python 2.x)
            mynum = int(input('Enter a number between '+str(low)+' to '+str(high)+': '))
            if mynum == rand_num:
                print("Congratulations, you win!")
                return # skip the print you lose and exit the function
        except ValueError:
            print("That wasn't a number.")
    # end for

    print("Sorry you lose!")
# end main

# Use name to check if it is the main. This prevents the below code from executing on import.
# So another application and import the random_guess method and use it without actually running it.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    commandline_args = sys.argv[1:] # First argument is usually the filename
    random_guess(*commandline_args) # run the main method