
时间:2008-11-09 06:51:44

标签: .net

我的应用程序中有一部分显示用户通过OpenFileDialog加载的文件路径。它占用了太多空间来显示整个路径,但我不想只显示文件名,因为它可能不明确。所以我更喜欢显示相对于assembly / exe目录的文件路径。

例如,程序集位于“C:\ Program Files \ Dummy Folder \ MyProgram”,文件位于“C:\ Program Files \ Dummy Folder \ MyProgram \ Data \ datafile1.dat”,然后我希望它显示“。\ Data \ datafile1.dat”。如果文件在“C:\ Program Files \ Dummy Folder \ datafile1.dat”中,那么我想要“.. \ datafile1.dat”。但是,如果文件位于根目录下或根目录下的1个目录中,则显示完整路径。




Alex Brault的评论很好,Jonathan Leffler也是如此。 DavidK提供的Win32功能只能帮助解决部分问题,而不是整个问题,但无论如何都要感谢。至于James Newton-King的解决方案,我稍后会在我有空的时候试一试。

23 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:181)

/// <summary>
/// Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fromPath">Contains the directory that defines the start of the relative path.</param>
/// <param name="toPath">Contains the path that defines the endpoint of the relative path.</param>
/// <returns>The relative path from the start directory to the end path or <c>toPath</c> if the paths are not related.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="UriFormatException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception>
public static String MakeRelativePath(String fromPath, String toPath)
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromPath)) throw new ArgumentNullException("fromPath");
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(toPath))   throw new ArgumentNullException("toPath");

    Uri fromUri = new Uri(fromPath);
    Uri toUri = new Uri(toPath);

    if (fromUri.Scheme != toUri.Scheme) { return toPath; } // path can't be made relative.

    Uri relativeUri = fromUri.MakeRelativeUri(toUri);
    String relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(relativeUri.ToString());

    if (toUri.Scheme.Equals("file", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
        relativePath = relativePath.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

    return relativePath;

答案 1 :(得分:50)

这个问题有点晚了,但我也需要这个功能。我同意DavidK的观点,因为有built-in API function提供了这个,你应该使用它。这是一个托管包装器:

public static string GetRelativePath(string fromPath, string toPath)
    int fromAttr = GetPathAttribute(fromPath);
    int toAttr = GetPathAttribute(toPath);

    StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(260); // MAX_PATH
        toAttr) == 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("Paths must have a common prefix");
    return path.ToString();

private static int GetPathAttribute(string path)
    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
    if (di.Exists)

    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);

    throw new FileNotFoundException();

private const int FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x10;
private const int FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x80;

[DllImport("shlwapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int PathRelativePathTo(StringBuilder pszPath, 
    string pszFrom, int dwAttrFrom, string pszTo, int dwAttrTo);

答案 2 :(得分:26)

shlwapi.dll中有一个Win32(C ++)函数可以完全按照您的要求执行:PathRelativePathTo()

我不知道有什么方法可以从.NET访问它,而不是P / Invoke它。

答案 3 :(得分:20)

如果路径是目录路径,那么当文件路径没有以'/'结尾时,@ Dave的解决方案不起作用。此解决方案解决了该问题,并使用Uri.UriSchemeFile常量而不是硬编码"FILE"

这里提供的许多其他解决方案都使用字符串操作,但没有提供关于它们的可靠性的保证或指示,例如单元测试的数量等。总的来说,我建议使用Uri.MakeRelativeUri是最安全的纯.NET选项,而最好的选择是@ ctacke的Windows互操作示例。

/// <summary>
/// Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fromPath">Contains the directory that defines the start of the relative path.</param>
/// <param name="toPath">Contains the path that defines the endpoint of the relative path.</param>
/// <returns>The relative path from the start directory to the end path.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="fromPath"/> or <paramref name="toPath"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
/// <exception cref="UriFormatException"></exception>
/// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"></exception>
public static string GetRelativePath(string fromPath, string toPath)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromPath))
        throw new ArgumentNullException("fromPath");

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(toPath))
        throw new ArgumentNullException("toPath");

    Uri fromUri = new Uri(AppendDirectorySeparatorChar(fromPath));
    Uri toUri = new Uri(AppendDirectorySeparatorChar(toPath));

    if (fromUri.Scheme != toUri.Scheme)
        return toPath;

    Uri relativeUri = fromUri.MakeRelativeUri(toUri);
    string relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString(relativeUri.ToString());

    if (string.Equals(toUri.Scheme, Uri.UriSchemeFile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        relativePath = relativePath.Replace(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

    return relativePath;

private static string AppendDirectorySeparatorChar(string path)
    // Append a slash only if the path is a directory and does not have a slash.
    if (!Path.HasExtension(path) &&
        return path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

    return path;

答案 4 :(得分:12)

如果您使用.NET Core 2.0, Path.GetRelativePath(),则提供此特定功能:

        var relativeTo = @"C:\Program Files\Dummy Folder\MyProgram";
        var path = @"C:\Program Files\Dummy Folder\MyProgram\Data\datafile1.dat";

        string relativePath = System.IO.Path.GetRelativePath(relativeTo, path);

        // output --> Data\datafile1.dat 


答案 5 :(得分:9)


/// <summary>
/// Creates a relative path from one file
/// or folder to another.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fromDirectory">
/// Contains the directory that defines the
/// start of the relative path.
/// </param>
/// <param name="toPath">
/// Contains the path that defines the
/// endpoint of the relative path.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The relative path from the start
/// directory to the end path.
/// </returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"></exception>
public static string MakeRelative(string fromDirectory, string toPath)
  if (fromDirectory == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("fromDirectory");

  if (toPath == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException("toPath");

  bool isRooted = (Path.IsPathRooted(fromDirectory) && Path.IsPathRooted(toPath));

  if (isRooted)
    bool isDifferentRoot = (string.Compare(Path.GetPathRoot(fromDirectory), Path.GetPathRoot(toPath), true) != 0);

    if (isDifferentRoot)
      return toPath;

  List<string> relativePath = new List<string>();
  string[] fromDirectories = fromDirectory.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

  string[] toDirectories = toPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

  int length = Math.Min(fromDirectories.Length, toDirectories.Length);

  int lastCommonRoot = -1;

  // find common root
  for (int x = 0; x < length; x++)
    if (string.Compare(fromDirectories[x], toDirectories[x], true) != 0)

    lastCommonRoot = x;

  if (lastCommonRoot == -1)
    return toPath;

  // add relative folders in from path
  for (int x = lastCommonRoot + 1; x < fromDirectories.Length; x++)
    if (fromDirectories[x].Length > 0)

  // add to folders to path
  for (int x = lastCommonRoot + 1; x < toDirectories.Length; x++)

  // create relative path
  string[] relativeParts = new string[relativePath.Count];
  relativePath.CopyTo(relativeParts, 0);

  string newPath = string.Join(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(), relativeParts);

  return newPath;

答案 6 :(得分:5)

正如Alex Brault指出的那样,特别是在Windows上,绝对路径(带驱动器号和所有内容)是明确的,通常更好。


要获得一些术语, RefDir 是您要指定路径的相对目录; AbsName 是您要映射的绝对路径名; RelPath 是生成的相对路径。


  • 如果您有不同的驱动器号,则没有从RefDir到AbsName的相对路径;你必须使用AbsName。
  • 如果AbsName位于RefDir的子目录中或者是RefDir中的文件,则只需从AbsName的开头删除RefDir即可创建RelPath;可选地预装“./”(或“。\”,因为你在Windows上)。
  • 找到RefDir和AbsName的最长公共前缀(其中D:\ Abc \ Def和D:\ Abc \ Default共享D:\ Abc作为最长公共前缀;它必须是名称组件的映射,而不是简单最长的共同子串);称之为LCP。从AbsName和RefDir中删除LCP。对于(RefDir - LCP)中剩下的每个路径组件,将“.. \”添加到(AbsName - LCP)以产生RelPath。


RefDir = D:\Abc\Def\Ghi
AbsName = D:\Abc\Default\Karma\Crucible


LCP = D:\Abc
(RefDir - LCP) = Def\Ghi
(Absname - LCP) = Default\Karma\Crucible
RelPath = ..\..\Default\Karma\Crucible

在我打字的时候,DavidK提出了一个答案,表明你不是第一个需要这个功能的人,并且有一个标准的功能来完成这项工作。 使用它。但是,从第一原则开始思考你的方式也没有坏处。


答案 7 :(得分:4)


答案 8 :(得分:3)


public static class StringExtensions
  /// <summary>
  /// Creates a relative path from one file or folder to another.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="absPath">Absolute path.</param>
  /// <param name="relTo">Directory that defines the start of the relative path.</param> 
  /// <returns>The relative path from the start directory to the end path.</returns>
  public static string MakeRelativePath(this string absPath, string relTo)
      string[] absParts = absPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
      string[] relParts = relTo.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

      // Get the shortest of the two paths
      int len = absParts.Length < relParts.Length
          ? absParts.Length : relParts.Length;

      // Use to determine where in the loop we exited
      int lastCommonRoot = -1;
      int index;

      // Find common root
      for (index = 0; index < len; index++)
          if (absParts[index].Equals(relParts[index], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
              lastCommonRoot = index;

      // If we didn't find a common prefix then throw
      if (lastCommonRoot == -1)
          throw new ArgumentException("The path of the two files doesn't have any common base.");

      // Build up the relative path
      var relativePath = new StringBuilder();

      // Add on the ..
      for (index = lastCommonRoot + 1; index < relParts.Length; index++)

      // Add on the folders
      for (index = lastCommonRoot + 1; index < absParts.Length - 1; index++)
      relativePath.Append(absParts[absParts.Length - 1]);

      return relativePath.ToString();

答案 9 :(得分:2)


RelPath = AbsPath.Replace(ApplicationPath, ".")

答案 10 :(得分:2)


答案 11 :(得分:2)


Namespace IO.Path

    Public NotInheritable Class RelativePath

        Private Declare Function PathRelativePathTo Lib "shlwapi" Alias "PathRelativePathToA" ( _
            ByVal pszPath As String, _
            ByVal pszFrom As String, _
            ByVal dwAttrFrom As Integer, _
            ByVal pszTo As String, _
            ByVal dwAttrTo As Integer) As Integer

        Private Declare Function PathCanonicalize Lib "shlwapi" Alias "PathCanonicalizeA" ( _
            ByVal pszBuf As String, _
            ByVal pszPath As String) As Integer

        Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY As Short = &H10S

        Private Const MAX_PATH As Short = 260

        Private _path As String
        Private _isDirectory As Boolean

#Region " Constructors "

        Public Sub New()

        End Sub

        Public Sub New(ByVal path As String)
            _path = path
        End Sub

        Public Sub New(ByVal path As String, ByVal isDirectory As Boolean)
            _path = path
            _isDirectory = isDirectory
        End Sub

#End Region

        Private Shared Function StripNulls(ByVal value As String) As String
            StripNulls = value
            If (InStr(value, vbNullChar) > 0) Then
                StripNulls = Left(value, InStr(value, vbNullChar) - 1)
            End If
        End Function

        Private Shared Function TrimCurrentDirectory(ByVal path As String) As String
            TrimCurrentDirectory = path
            If Len(path) >= 2 And Left(path, 2) = ".\" Then
                TrimCurrentDirectory = Mid(path, 3)
            End If
        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' 3. conforming to general principles: conforming to accepted principles or standard practice
        ''' </summary>
        Public Shared Function Canonicalize(ByVal path As String) As String
            Dim sPath As String

            sPath = New String(Chr(0), MAX_PATH)

            If PathCanonicalize(sPath, path) = 0 Then
                Canonicalize = vbNullString
                Canonicalize = StripNulls(sPath)
            End If

        End Function

        ''' <summary>
        ''' Returns the most common path between two paths.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <remarks>
        ''' <para>returns the path that is common between two paths</para>
        ''' <para>c:\FolderA\FolderB\FolderC</para>
        '''   c:\FolderA\FolderD\FolderE\File.Ext
        '''   results in:
        '''       c:\FolderA\
        ''' </remarks>
        Public Shared Function CommonPath(ByVal path1 As String, ByVal path2 As String) As String
            'returns the path that is common between two paths
            '   c:\FolderA\FolderB\FolderC
            '   c:\FolderA\FolderD\FolderE\File.Ext
            '   results in:
            '       c:\FolderA\

            Dim sResult As String = String.Empty
            Dim iPos1, iPos2 As Integer
            path1 = Canonicalize(path1)
            path2 = Canonicalize(path2)
                If Left(path1, iPos1) = Left(path2, iPos2) Then
                    sResult = Left(path1, iPos1)
                End If
                iPos1 = InStr(iPos1 + 1, path1, "\")
                iPos2 = InStr(iPos2 + 1, path1, "\")
            Loop While Left(path1, iPos1) = Left(path2, iPos2)

            Return sResult

        End Function

        Public Function CommonPath(ByVal path As String) As String
            Return CommonPath(_path, path)
        End Function

        Public Shared Function RelativePathTo(ByVal source As String, ByVal isSourceDirectory As Boolean, ByVal target As String, ByVal isTargetDirectory As Boolean) As String
            '   05/23/05  1:47PM - Fixed call to PathRelativePathTo, iTargetAttribute is now passed to dwAttrTo instead of IsTargetDirectory.
            '       For Visual Basic 6.0, the fix does not change testing results,
            '           because when the Boolean IsTargetDirectory is converted to the Long dwAttrTo it happens to contain FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY,
            Dim sRelativePath As String
            Dim iSourceAttribute, iTargetAttribute As Integer

            sRelativePath = New String(Chr(0), MAX_PATH)
            source = Canonicalize(source)
            target = Canonicalize(target)

            If isSourceDirectory Then
                iSourceAttribute = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
            End If

            If isTargetDirectory Then
                iTargetAttribute = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
            End If

            If PathRelativePathTo(sRelativePath, source, iSourceAttribute, target, iTargetAttribute) = 0 Then
                RelativePathTo = vbNullString
                RelativePathTo = TrimCurrentDirectory(StripNulls(sRelativePath))
            End If

        End Function

        Public Function RelativePath(ByVal target As String) As String
            Return RelativePathTo(_path, _isDirectory, target, False)
        End Function

    End Class

End Namespace

答案 12 :(得分:1)



答案 13 :(得分:1)

above所述,.NET Core 2.x具有Path.GetRelativePath的实现。

下面的代码是从源代码改编而成的,并且可以与.NET 4.7.1 Framework正常工作。

// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

//Adapted from https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/src/Common/src/CoreLib/System/IO/Path.cs#L697
// by Anton Krouglov

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Xunit;

namespace System.IO {
    // Provides methods for processing file system strings in a cross-platform manner.
    // Most of the methods don't do a complete parsing (such as examining a UNC hostname), 
    // but they will handle most string operations.
    public static class PathNetCore {

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a relative path from one path to another. Paths will be resolved before calculating the difference.
        /// Default path comparison for the active platform will be used (OrdinalIgnoreCase for Windows or Mac, Ordinal for Unix).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativeTo">The source path the output should be relative to. This path is always considered to be a directory.</param>
        /// <param name="path">The destination path.</param>
        /// <returns>The relative path or <paramref name="path"/> if the paths don't share the same root.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="relativeTo"/> or <paramref name="path"/> is <c>null</c> or an empty string.</exception>
        public static string GetRelativePath(string relativeTo, string path) {
            return GetRelativePath(relativeTo, path, StringComparison);

        private static string GetRelativePath(string relativeTo, string path, StringComparison comparisonType) {
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeTo)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(relativeTo));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(path));
            Debug.Assert(comparisonType == StringComparison.Ordinal ||
                         comparisonType == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            relativeTo = Path.GetFullPath(relativeTo);
            path = Path.GetFullPath(path);

            // Need to check if the roots are different- if they are we need to return the "to" path.
            if (!PathInternalNetCore.AreRootsEqual(relativeTo, path, comparisonType))
                return path;

            int commonLength = PathInternalNetCore.GetCommonPathLength(relativeTo, path,
                ignoreCase: comparisonType == StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // If there is nothing in common they can't share the same root, return the "to" path as is.
            if (commonLength == 0)
                return path;

            // Trailing separators aren't significant for comparison
            int relativeToLength = relativeTo.Length;
            if (PathInternalNetCore.EndsInDirectorySeparator(relativeTo))

            bool pathEndsInSeparator = PathInternalNetCore.EndsInDirectorySeparator(path);
            int pathLength = path.Length;
            if (pathEndsInSeparator)

            // If we have effectively the same path, return "."
            if (relativeToLength == pathLength && commonLength >= relativeToLength) return ".";

            // We have the same root, we need to calculate the difference now using the
            // common Length and Segment count past the length.
            // Some examples:
            //  C:\Foo C:\Bar L3, S1 -> ..\Bar
            //  C:\Foo C:\Foo\Bar L6, S0 -> Bar
            //  C:\Foo\Bar C:\Bar\Bar L3, S2 -> ..\..\Bar\Bar
            //  C:\Foo\Foo C:\Foo\Bar L7, S1 -> ..\Bar

                sb = new StringBuilder(); //StringBuilderCache.Acquire(Math.Max(relativeTo.Length, path.Length));

            // Add parent segments for segments past the common on the "from" path
            if (commonLength < relativeToLength) {

                for (int i = commonLength + 1; i < relativeToLength; i++) {
                    if (PathInternalNetCore.IsDirectorySeparator(relativeTo[i])) {
            else if (PathInternalNetCore.IsDirectorySeparator(path[commonLength])) {
                // No parent segments and we need to eat the initial separator
                //  (C:\Foo C:\Foo\Bar case)

            // Now add the rest of the "to" path, adding back the trailing separator
            int differenceLength = pathLength - commonLength;
            if (pathEndsInSeparator)

            if (differenceLength > 0) {
                if (sb.Length > 0) {

                sb.Append(path, commonLength, differenceLength);

            return sb.ToString(); //StringBuilderCache.GetStringAndRelease(sb);

        // Public static readonly variant of the separators. The Path implementation itself is using
        // internal const variant of the separators for better performance.
        public static readonly char DirectorySeparatorChar = PathInternalNetCore.DirectorySeparatorChar;
        public static readonly char AltDirectorySeparatorChar = PathInternalNetCore.AltDirectorySeparatorChar;
        public static readonly char VolumeSeparatorChar = PathInternalNetCore.VolumeSeparatorChar;
        public static readonly char PathSeparator = PathInternalNetCore.PathSeparator;

        /// <summary>Returns a comparison that can be used to compare file and directory names for equality.</summary>
        internal static StringComparison StringComparison => StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;

    /// <summary>Contains internal path helpers that are shared between many projects.</summary>
    internal static class PathInternalNetCore {
        internal const char DirectorySeparatorChar = '\\';
        internal const char AltDirectorySeparatorChar = '/';
        internal const char VolumeSeparatorChar = ':';
        internal const char PathSeparator = ';';

        internal const string ExtendedDevicePathPrefix = @"\\?\";
        internal const string UncPathPrefix = @"\\";
        internal const string UncDevicePrefixToInsert = @"?\UNC\";
        internal const string UncExtendedPathPrefix = @"\\?\UNC\";
        internal const string DevicePathPrefix = @"\\.\";

        //internal const int MaxShortPath = 260;

        // \\?\, \\.\, \??\
        internal const int DevicePrefixLength = 4;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the two paths have the same root
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool AreRootsEqual(string first, string second, StringComparison comparisonType) {
            int firstRootLength = GetRootLength(first);
            int secondRootLength = GetRootLength(second);

            return firstRootLength == secondRootLength
                   && string.Compare(
                       strA: first,
                       indexA: 0,
                       strB: second,
                       indexB: 0,
                       length: firstRootLength,
                       comparisonType: comparisonType) == 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the length of the root of the path (drive, share, etc.).
        /// </summary>
        internal static int GetRootLength(string path) {
            int i = 0;
            int volumeSeparatorLength = 2; // Length to the colon "C:"
            int uncRootLength = 2; // Length to the start of the server name "\\"

            bool extendedSyntax = path.StartsWith(ExtendedDevicePathPrefix);
            bool extendedUncSyntax = path.StartsWith(UncExtendedPathPrefix);
            if (extendedSyntax) {
                // Shift the position we look for the root from to account for the extended prefix
                if (extendedUncSyntax) {
                    // "\\" -> "\\?\UNC\"
                    uncRootLength = UncExtendedPathPrefix.Length;
                else {
                    // "C:" -> "\\?\C:"
                    volumeSeparatorLength += ExtendedDevicePathPrefix.Length;

            if ((!extendedSyntax || extendedUncSyntax) && path.Length > 0 && IsDirectorySeparator(path[0])) {
                // UNC or simple rooted path (e.g. "\foo", NOT "\\?\C:\foo")

                i = 1; //  Drive rooted (\foo) is one character
                if (extendedUncSyntax || (path.Length > 1 && IsDirectorySeparator(path[1]))) {
                    // UNC (\\?\UNC\ or \\), scan past the next two directory separators at most
                    // (e.g. to \\?\UNC\Server\Share or \\Server\Share\)
                    i = uncRootLength;
                    int n = 2; // Maximum separators to skip
                    while (i < path.Length && (!IsDirectorySeparator(path[i]) || --n > 0)) i++;
            else if (path.Length >= volumeSeparatorLength &&
                     path[volumeSeparatorLength - 1] == PathNetCore.VolumeSeparatorChar) {
                // Path is at least longer than where we expect a colon, and has a colon (\\?\A:, A:)
                // If the colon is followed by a directory separator, move past it
                i = volumeSeparatorLength;
                if (path.Length >= volumeSeparatorLength + 1 && IsDirectorySeparator(path[volumeSeparatorLength])) i++;

            return i;

        /// <summary>
        /// True if the given character is a directory separator.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool IsDirectorySeparator(char c) {
            return c == PathNetCore.DirectorySeparatorChar || c == PathNetCore.AltDirectorySeparatorChar;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the common path length from the start of the string.
        /// </summary>
        internal static int GetCommonPathLength(string first, string second, bool ignoreCase) {
            int commonChars = EqualStartingCharacterCount(first, second, ignoreCase: ignoreCase);

            // If nothing matches
            if (commonChars == 0)
                return commonChars;

            // Or we're a full string and equal length or match to a separator
            if (commonChars == first.Length
                && (commonChars == second.Length || IsDirectorySeparator(second[commonChars])))
                return commonChars;

            if (commonChars == second.Length && IsDirectorySeparator(first[commonChars]))
                return commonChars;

            // It's possible we matched somewhere in the middle of a segment e.g. C:\Foodie and C:\Foobar.
            while (commonChars > 0 && !IsDirectorySeparator(first[commonChars - 1]))

            return commonChars;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the count of common characters from the left optionally ignoring case
        /// </summary>
        internal static unsafe int EqualStartingCharacterCount(string first, string second, bool ignoreCase) {
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(first) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(second)) return 0;

            int commonChars = 0;

            fixed (char* f = first)
            fixed (char* s = second) {
                char* l = f;
                char* r = s;
                char* leftEnd = l + first.Length;
                char* rightEnd = r + second.Length;

                while (l != leftEnd && r != rightEnd
                                    && (*l == *r || (ignoreCase &&
                                                     char.ToUpperInvariant((*l)) == char.ToUpperInvariant((*r))))) {

            return commonChars;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the path ends in a directory separator.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool EndsInDirectorySeparator(string path)
            => path.Length > 0 && IsDirectorySeparator(path[path.Length - 1]);

    /// <summary> Tests for PathNetCore.GetRelativePath </summary>
    public static class GetRelativePathTests {
        [InlineData(@"C:\", @"C:\", @".")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"C:\a\", @".")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\A", @"C:\a\", @".")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\", @"C:\a", @".")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\", @"C:\b", @"b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"C:\b", @"..\b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"C:\b\", @"..\b\")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b", @"C:\a", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b", @"C:\a\", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\", @"C:\a", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\", @"C:\a\", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c", @"C:\a\b", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c", @"C:\a\b\", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c", @"C:\a", @"..\..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c", @"C:\a\", @"..\..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c\", @"C:\a\b", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c\", @"C:\a\b\", @"..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c\", @"C:\a", @"..\..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\b\c\", @"C:\a\", @"..\..")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\", @"C:\b", @"..\b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"C:\a\b", @"b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"C:\A\b", @"b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"C:\b\c", @"..\b\c")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\", @"C:\a\b", @"b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\", @"D:\", @"D:\")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\", @"D:\b", @"D:\b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\", @"D:\b\", @"D:\b\")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"D:\b", @"D:\b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a\", @"D:\b", @"D:\b")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\ab", @"C:\a", @"..\a")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\a", @"C:\ab", @"..\ab")]
        [InlineData(@"C:\", @"\\LOCALHOST\Share\b", @"\\LOCALHOST\Share\b")]
        [InlineData(@"\\LOCALHOST\Share\a", @"\\LOCALHOST\Share\b", @"..\b")]
        //[PlatformSpecific(TestPlatforms.Windows)]  // Tests Windows-specific paths
        public static void GetRelativePath_Windows(string relativeTo, string path, string expected) {
            string result = PathNetCore.GetRelativePath(relativeTo, path);
            Assert.Equal(expected, result);

            // Check that we get the equivalent path when the result is combined with the sources
                Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(relativeTo), result))
                ignoreCase: true,
                ignoreLineEndingDifferences: false,
                ignoreWhiteSpaceDifferences: false);

答案 14 :(得分:1)




    public static string GetRelativePath(string BasePath, string AbsolutePath)
        char Separator = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(BasePath)) BasePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
        var ReturnPath = "";
        var CommonPart = "";
        var BasePathFolders = BasePath.Split(Separator);
        var AbsolutePathFolders = AbsolutePath.Split(Separator);
        var i = 0;
        while (i < BasePathFolders.Length & i < AbsolutePathFolders.Length)
            if (BasePathFolders[i].ToLower() == AbsolutePathFolders[i].ToLower())
                CommonPart += BasePathFolders[i] + Separator;
            i += 1;
        if (CommonPart.Length > 0)
            var parents = BasePath.Substring(CommonPart.Length - 1).Split(Separator);
            foreach (var ParentDir in parents)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentDir))
                    ReturnPath += ".." + Separator;
        ReturnPath += AbsolutePath.Substring(CommonPart.Length);
        return ReturnPath;

答案 15 :(得分:1)


public static string MakeRelativePath(string fromPath, string toPath)
    // use Path.GetFullPath to canonicalise the paths (deal with multiple directory seperators, etc)
    return Path.GetFullPath(toPath).Substring(Path.GetFullPath(fromPath).Length + 1);

答案 16 :(得分:1)

如果你有一个只读文本框,你能不能把它作为标签并设置AutoEllipsis = true?

或者有些帖子包含自己生成自动生成的代码:(对于网格而言,你需要传递i文本框的宽度。这不是很正确,因为它更多地破解了一点比必要的,我还没有找到计算错误的地方。 如果你愿意,可以很容易地修改删除目录的第一部分而不是最后一部分。

Private Function AddEllipsisPath(ByVal text As String, ByVal colIndex As Integer, ByVal grid As DataGridView) As String
    'Get the size with the column's width 
    Dim colWidth As Integer = grid.Columns(colIndex).Width

    'Calculate the dimensions of the text with the current font
    Dim textSize As SizeF = MeasureString(text, grid.Font)

    Dim rawText As String = text
    Dim FileNameLen As Integer = text.Length - text.LastIndexOf("\")
    Dim ReplaceWith As String = "\..."

    Do While textSize.Width > colWidth
        ' Trim to make room for the ellipsis
        Dim LastFolder As Integer = rawText.LastIndexOf("\", rawText.Length - FileNameLen - 1)

        If LastFolder < 0 Then
            Exit Do
        End If

        rawText = rawText.Substring(0, LastFolder) + ReplaceWith + rawText.Substring(rawText.Length - FileNameLen)

        If ReplaceWith.Length > 0 Then
            FileNameLen += 4
            ReplaceWith = ""
        End If
        textSize = MeasureString(rawText, grid.Font)

    Return rawText
End Function

Private Function MeasureString(ByVal text As String, ByVal fontInfo As Font) As SizeF
    Dim size As SizeF
    Dim emSize As Single = fontInfo.Size
    If emSize = 0 Then emSize = 12

    Dim stringFont As New Font(fontInfo.Name, emSize)

    Dim bmp As New Bitmap(1000, 100)
    Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)

    size = g.MeasureString(text, stringFont)
    Return size
End Function

答案 17 :(得分:0)

    public static string ToRelativePath(string filePath, string refPath)
        var pathNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(filePath);

        var refNormalized = Path.GetFullPath(refPath);
        refNormalized = refNormalized.TrimEnd('\\', '/');

        if (!pathNormalized.StartsWith(refNormalized))
            throw new ArgumentException();
        var res = pathNormalized.Substring(refNormalized.Length + 1);
        return res;

答案 18 :(得分:0)


private string rel(string path) {
  string[] cwd  = new Regex(@"[\\]").Split(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
  string[] fp   = new Regex(@"[\\]").Split(path);

  int common = 0;

  for (int n = 0; n < fp.Length; n++) {
    if (n < cwd.Length && n < fp.Length && cwd[n] == fp[n]) {

  if (common > 0) {
    List<string> rp = new List<string>();

    for (int n = 0; n < (cwd.Length - common); n++) {

    for (int n = common; n < fp.Length; n++) {

    return String.Join("/", rp.ToArray());
  } else {
    return String.Join("/", fp);

答案 19 :(得分:0)

Uri的方式不适用于linux / macOS系统。路径'/ var / www / root'无法转换为Uri。更普遍的方式 - 用手做。

public static string MakeRelativePath(string fromPath, string toPath, string sep = "/")
    var fromParts = fromPath.Split(new[] { '/', '\\'},
    var toParts = toPath.Split(new[] { '/', '\\'},

    var matchedParts = fromParts
        .Zip(toParts, (x, y) => string.Compare(x, y, true) == 0)
        .TakeWhile(x => x).Count();

    return string.Join("", Enumerable.Range(0, fromParts.Length - matchedParts)
        .Select(x => ".." + sep)) +
            string.Join(sep, toParts.Skip(matchedParts));


答案 20 :(得分:0)


public static string RelativePathTo(this System.IO.DirectoryInfo @this, string to)
    var rgFrom = @this.FullName.Split(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    var rgTo = to.Split(new[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    var cSame = rgFrom.TakeWhile((p, i) => i < rgTo.Length && string.Equals(p, rgTo[i])).Count();

    return Path.Combine(
        Enumerable.Range(0, rgFrom.Length - cSame)
        .Select(_ => "..")

答案 21 :(得分:0)


private String GetRelativePath(Int32 level, String directory, out String errorMessage) {
        if (level < 0 || level > 5) {
            errorMessage = "Find some more smart input data";
            return String.Empty;
        // ==========================
        while (level != 0) {
            directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(directory);
            level -= 1;
        // ==========================
        errorMessage = String.Empty;
        return directory;


    public void RelativeDirectoryPathTest() {
        var relativePath =
            GetRelativePath(3, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, out var errorMessage);
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage) == false) {
            Assert.Fail("Can not find relative path");

答案 22 :(得分:0)

ASP.NET Core 2中,如果要到bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.2的相对路径,可以使用以下组合:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
public class RenderingService : IRenderingService

    private readonly IHostingEnvironment _hostingEnvironment;
    public RenderingService(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
    _hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;

    public string RelativeAssemblyDirectory()
        var contentRootPath = _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath;
        string executingAssemblyDirectoryAbsolutePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
        string executingAssemblyDirectoryRelativePath = System.IO.Path.GetRelativePath(contentRootPath, executingAssemblyDirectoryAbsolutePath);
        return executingAssemblyDirectoryRelativePath;