
时间:2014-12-19 03:14:06

标签: c++ metaprogramming c++03

我想在C ++ 03中使用一个解决方案,它允许我选择一种能够保持整数N的类型,同时尽可能保持最小值。


meta::tight_int<UpToN>::type n(0);  // UpToN a size_t from a template. or static const

用于变量声明。 使用boost::mpl是好的,因为我理解它,但是我的项目中没有它,所以我必须将你的意图转换为我自己的元库。



static_assert(meta::is_same<meta::tight_int<255>::type, uint8_t>::value, "")
static_assert(meta::is_same<meta::tight_int<256>::type, uint16_t>::value, "")
static_assert(meta::is_same<meta::tight_int<65536>::type, uint32_t>::value, "")


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你可以尝试这样的事情。 UpToN类型是模板参数,但您可以将其更改为size_t。我这样做是因为unsigned long long可能大于size_t。为简单起见,此版本仅生成无符号类型。



unsigned char专业化终止迭代通过候选类型。

#include <iostream>

template <typename T> struct next_t {};
template <> struct next_t<unsigned long long> { typedef unsigned long type; };
template <> struct next_t<unsigned long>      { typedef unsigned int type; };
template <> struct next_t<unsigned int>       { typedef unsigned short type; };
template <> struct next_t<unsigned short>     { typedef unsigned char type; };

template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t=Max_t, typename Try_t=unsigned long long, bool try_is_better = (sizeof(Try_t) <= sizeof(Best_t) && upto_n == Max_t(Try_t(upto_n)))>
struct tight_int {
    typedef typename tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, Best_t, typename next_t<Try_t>::type>::type type; 

template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t, typename Try_t>
struct tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, Best_t, Try_t, true>  {
    typedef typename tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, Try_t, typename next_t<Try_t>::type>::type type; 

template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t>
struct tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, Best_t, unsigned char, true>  {
    typedef unsigned char type; 

template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t>
struct tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, Best_t, unsigned char, false> {
    typedef Best_t type; 

int main() {
    typedef tight_int<size_t, 255>::type tight_255_t;
    typedef tight_int<size_t, 256>::type tight_256_t;
    typedef tight_int<size_t, 65535>::type tight_65535_t;
    typedef tight_int<size_t, 65536>::type tight_65536_t;
    std::cout << "255   : " << sizeof(tight_255_t) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "256   : " << sizeof(tight_256_t) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "65535 : " << sizeof(tight_65535_t) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "65536 : " << sizeof(tight_65536_t) << std::endl;


我们可以通过引入一个辅助类来减少一半的特殊化,这个类可以根据bool参数try_is_better在Try_t和Best_t类型之间进行选择。结果传递给下一个迭代的Best_t。此更改将为我们提供最小的特化计数:默认定义(处理所有非特定类型)和迭代终止特化处理unsigned char。不幸的是,这种优化会影响可读性,并且往往会掩盖元程序背后的机制。


template <typename T> struct next_t {};
template <> struct next_t<unsigned long long> { typedef unsigned long type; };
template <> struct next_t<unsigned long>      { typedef unsigned int type; };
template <> struct next_t<unsigned int>       { typedef unsigned short type; };
template <> struct next_t<unsigned short>     { typedef unsigned char type; };

// helper class type_sel which selects one of two types based on a static bool
template <bool, typename True_t, typename False_t>
struct type_sel                         { typedef True_t  type; };
template <typename True_t, typename False_t>
struct type_sel<false, True_t, False_t> { typedef False_t type; };

// default definition of tight_int, handling all Try_t except unsigned char
template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t = Max_t,
    typename Try_t = unsigned long long,
    bool try_is_better=(sizeof(Try_t)<=sizeof(Best_t) && upto_n==Max_t(Try_t(upto_n)))>
struct tight_int {
    typedef typename tight_int<Max_t, upto_n,
        typename type_sel<try_is_better, Try_t, Best_t>::type,
        typename next_t<Try_t>::type>::type type; 
// unsigned char specialization of tight_int terminates iteration through types
template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t, bool try_is_better>
struct tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, Best_t, unsigned char, try_is_better>  {
    typedef typename type_sel<try_is_better, unsigned char, Best_t>::type type;

我仍然不喜欢的一件事是实现类型列表的蹩脚方式(如next_t)。我不喜欢每种类型需要如何指定两次:作为专门的模板参数,也作为next_type :: type。相反,我们可以使用一个嵌套自己的类来形成类型列表。下面,Try_t被Trylist_t取代。新的帮助程序类tpair将自身嵌套在模板类型参数中,以形成迭代的类型列表。现在可以使用以下单行定义类型列表:

tpair<unsigned long long, tpair<unsigned long, tpair<unsigned int, ... > >

此类型列表类可以在别处用于构建其他类型的列表。 (请记住,我们是与C ++ 03规范绑定的,因此无法使用可变参数模板参数列表。)


template <typename My_t, typename Next_t=void>
struct tpair { typedef My_t type; typedef Next_t next_tpair; } ;

template <bool, typename True_t, typename False_t>
struct type_sel                         { typedef True_t  type; };
template <typename True_t, typename False_t>
struct type_sel<false, True_t, False_t> { typedef False_t type; };

template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t = Max_t, typename Trylist_t = tpair<unsigned long long, tpair<unsigned long, tpair<unsigned int, tpair<unsigned short, tpair<unsigned char> > > > >, bool try_is_better=(sizeof(Trylist_t::type)<=sizeof(Best_t) && upto_n==Max_t((typename Trylist_t::type) upto_n))>
struct tight_int {
    typedef typename tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, typename type_sel<try_is_better, typename Trylist_t::type, Best_t>::type, typename Trylist_t::next_tpair>::type type; 

template <typename Max_t, Max_t upto_n, typename Best_t, bool try_is_better>
struct tight_int<Max_t, upto_n, Best_t, typename tpair<unsigned char>, try_is_better>  {
    typedef typename type_sel<try_is_better, unsigned char, Best_t>::type type;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  • 帮助未来的Google员工了解此功能的增强功能。
  • 也许给他们一个克里斯托弗·奥雷斯斯的替代方式。


namespace detail
    template< int Category > struct UintLeastHelper {}; // default is empty

    //  specializatons: 1=u64, 2=u32, 3=u16, 4=u8,
    //  no specializations for 0 and 5: requests are errors
    template<> struct UintLeastHelper<1> { typedef u64 Least; };
    template<> struct UintLeastHelper<2> { typedef u32 Least; };
    template<> struct UintLeastHelper<3> { typedef u16 Least; };
    template<> struct UintLeastHelper<4> { typedef u8  Least; };

//! finds the type that is the smallest that can bear numbers up-to-and-containing MaxValue.
template< u64 MaxValue >
struct TightestUInt_T
    typedef typename detail::UintLeastHelper
        1 + // (MaxValue <= IntegerTraits<u64>::ConstMax_T::value) <- this is always true of course.
        (MaxValue <= IntegerTraits<u32>::ConstMax_T::value) +
        (MaxValue <= IntegerTraits<u16>::ConstMax_T::value) +
        (MaxValue <= IntegerTraits<u8>::ConstMax_T::value)
    >::Least  Value_T;


您还会看到它取决于某些较低级别的实用程序ConstMax_T。这是numeric_limits的替代,它在常量表达式中起作用。 Boost有自己的系统,我也复制了。


template <class T>
class IntegerTraits
    typename typedef TIsIntegral<T>::ValueType_t IsIntegral_T;

namespace detail
    template <class T, T MinVal, T MaxVal>
    class IntegerTraitsBase
        typedef TIntegralConstant<bool, true>::ValueType_t IsIntegral_T;
        typedef TIntegralConstant<T, MinVal> ConstMin_T;
        typedef TIntegralConstant<T, MaxVal> ConstMax_T;

class IntegerTraits<char>
    : public detail::IntegerTraitsBase<char, CHAR_MIN, CHAR_MAX>
{ };

class IntegerTraits<signed char>
    : public detail::IntegerTraitsBase<signed char, SCHAR_MIN, SCHAR_MAX>
{ };
// etc. for next types

