答案 0 :(得分:0)
from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject
from math import sqrt
def move_widget(widget, target_x, target_y, speed):
# get the widget's current position
fixed= widget.get_parent()
x= fixed.child_get_property(widget, 'x')
y= fixed.child_get_property(widget, 'y')
# calculate its movement
vector= (target_x-x, target_y-y)
length= sqrt(vector[0]**2 + vector[1]**2)/speed
vector= (vector[0]/length, vector[1]/length)
# make sure the widget doesn't move too far
x= max(target_x, x+vector[0]) if target_x<x else min(target_x, x+vector[0])
y= max(target_y, y+vector[1]) if target_y<y else min(target_y, y+vector[1])
# move the widget
fixed.move(widget, x, y)
# return whether or not we've reached the destination
return target_x!=x or target_y!=y
w= Gtk.Window()
f= Gtk.Fixed()
# create a random image...
i= Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name('go-next', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)
# create some space to move the image
f.set_size_request(800, 800)
f.put(i, 100, 50)
w.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit)
# every 1000 milliseconds, move the image closer to the destination
# in this case: destination: (300,300) speed: 10 pixels (per 1000 milliseconds)
GObject.timeout_add(1000, move_widget, i, 300, 300, 10)