s1 = db.dict.execute("SELECT sp.wavelength, sp.flux, spt.spectral_type, s.designation, s.shortname, s.names FROM spectra AS sp JOIN sources AS s ON sp.source_id=s.id JOIN spectral_types as spt ON spt.source_id=s.id WHERE sp.instrument_id=6 AND sp.mode_id=2 AND 10<spt.spectral_type<19").fetchall()
s2 = db.dict.execute("SELECT sp.wavelength, sp.flux, spt.spectral_type, s.designation, s.shortname, s.names FROM spectra AS sp JOIN sources AS s ON sp.source_id=s.id JOIN spectral_types as spt ON spt.source_id=s.id WHERE sp.instrument_id=9 AND sp.wavelength_order='n3' AND 10<spt.spectral_type<19").fetchall()
s3 = db.dict.execute("SELECT sp.wavelength, sp.flux, spt.spectral_type, s.designation, s.shortname, s.names FROM spectra AS sp JOIN sources AS s ON sp.source_id=s.id JOIN spectral_types as spt ON spt.source_id=s.id WHERE sp.instrument_id=16 AND 10<spt.spectral_type<19").fetchall()
S = s1+s2+s3
for n,i in enumerate(S):
W,F = S[n]['wavelength'], S[n]['flux'] # here I define wavelength and flux from SQL query "S"
band = [1.15,1.325] #The range at which I want to normalize, see next line
S1 = at.norm_spec([W,F], band) # here I normalize W and F and define S1 as the normalized W,F
W3 = S1[n][0] #here I define a new W and F but from the normalized S1 spectrum file
F3 = S1[n][1]
W2,F2 =[p[np.where(np.logical_and(W3>1.15, W3<1.325))] for p in [W3,F3]] #here I trim the noisy ends of data and narrow to a small range
z = np.polyfit(W2, F2, 3) #from here on it's just fitting polynomials and plotting
f = np.poly1d(z)
yvalue = 6*(max(F2)/9)
xvalue = 6*(max(W2)/9)
W_new = np.linspace(W2[0], W2[-1], 5000)
F_new = f(W_new)
plt.ylabel('Flux F$_{\lambda}$')
plt.xlabel('Wavelength ($\mu$m)')
name= S[n]['designation']
name2= S[n]['shortname']
name3= S[n]['names']
plt.annotate('{0} \n Spectral type: {1}'.format(S[n][('designation' or 'shortname' or 'names')], S[n]['spectral_type']), xy=(xvalue, yvalue), xytext=(xvalue, yvalue), color='black')
plt.plot(W2,F2, 'k-', W_new, F_new, 'g-')
现在,它经历了第一次迭代,意味着它绘制了S1 [0] [0]和S1 [0] [1],但它打破并说S1 [1] [0]和S1 [1] [1 ]超出范围: 61 print len(S1) 62 #print S1 [n] [&#39;波长&#39;]
--->63 W3 = S1[n][0] #here I define a new W and F but from the normalized S1 spectrum file
64 F3 = S1[n][1]
65 W2,F2 =[p[np.where(np.logical_and(W3>1.15, W3<1.325))] for p in [W3,F3]] #here I trim the noisy ends and narrow to potassium lines
IndexError: list index out of range
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果我理解你的代码,首先你要迭代S的'n'个对象,但是S1是一个全新的对象,其数量不是“n”,而是其他一些(该向量的长度,或者东西)。也许只有W3 = S1[0]
建议:在代码中写入(更多)有意义的变量。 真的,真的难以阅读类似的东西,并且非常,非常很容易在编写这种代码时犯错误。而且它不是pythonic。