
时间:2014-12-18 01:16:33

标签: opencv image-processing

我在处理低水平的图像处理方面非常陌生,并且刚刚开始实现同时具有GPU和CPU的高斯内核 - 但两者都产生相同的输出,图像严重偏斜网格:

Showing Blur kernel on CPU



// Convolution kernel - this manipulates the given channel and writes out a new blurred channel.
void convoluteChannel_cpu(
                        const unsigned char* const channel,         // Input channel
                        unsigned char* const channelBlurred,        // Output channel
                        const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, // Channel width/height (rows, cols)
                        const float *filter,                        // The weight of sigma, to convulge
                        const int filterWidth                       // This is normally a sample of 9
    // Loop through the images given R, G or B channel
    for(int rows = 0; rows < (int)numRows; rows++)
        for(int cols = 0; cols < (int)numCols; cols++)
            // Declare new pixel colour value
            float newColor = 0.f;

            // Loop for every row along the stencil size (3x3 matrix)
            for(int filter_x = -filterWidth/2; filter_x <= filterWidth/2; filter_x++)
                // Loop for every col along the stencil size (3x3 matrix)
                for(int filter_y = -filterWidth/2; filter_y <= filterWidth/2; filter_y++)
                    // Clamp to the boundary of the image to ensure we don't access a null index.
                    int image_x = __min(__max(rows + filter_x, 0), static_cast<int>(numRows -1));
                    int image_y = __min(__max(cols + filter_y, 0), static_cast<int>(numCols -1));

                    // Assign the new pixel value to the current pixel, numCols and numRows are both 3, so we only 
                    // need to use one to find the current pixel index (similar to how we find the thread in a block)
                    float pixel = static_cast<float>(channel[image_x * numCols + image_y]);

                    // Sigma is the new weight to apply to the image, we perform the equation to get a radnom weighting,
                    // if we don't do this the image will become choppy.
                    float sigma = filter[(filter_x + filterWidth / 2) * filterWidth + filter_y + filterWidth/2];
                    //float sigma = 1 / 81.f;

                    // Set the new pixel value
                    newColor += pixel * sigma;

            // Set the value of the next pixel at the current image index with the newly declared color
            channelBlurred[rows * numCols + cols] = newColor;




void gaussian_cpu(
                    const uchar4* const rgbaImage,       // Our input image from the camera
                    uchar4* const outputImage,           // The image we are writing back for display
                    size_t numRows, size_t numCols,      // Width and Height of the input image (rows/cols)
                    const float* const filter,           // The value of sigma
                    const int filterWidth                // The size of the stencil (3x3) 9
    // Build an array to hold each channel for the given image
    unsigned char *r_c = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
    unsigned char *g_c = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];
    unsigned char *b_c = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols];

    // Build arrays for each of the output (blurred) channels
    unsigned char *r_bc = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols]; 
    unsigned char *g_bc = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols]; 
    unsigned char *b_bc = new unsigned char[numRows * numCols]; 

    // Separate the image into R,G,B channels
    for(size_t i = 0; i < numRows * numCols; i++) 
        uchar4 rgba = rgbaImage[i];
        r_c[i] = rgba.x;
        g_c[i] = rgba.y;
        b_c[i] = rgba.z;

    // Convolute each of the channels using our array
    convoluteChannel_cpu(r_c, r_bc, numRows, numCols, filter, filterWidth);
    convoluteChannel_cpu(g_c, g_bc, numRows, numCols, filter, filterWidth);
    convoluteChannel_cpu(b_c, b_bc, numRows, numCols, filter, filterWidth);

    // Recombine the channels to build the output image - 255 for alpha as we want 0 transparency
    for(size_t i = 0; i < numRows * numCols; i++) 
        uchar4 rgba = make_uchar4(r_bc[i], g_bc[i], b_bc[i], 255);
        outputImage[i] = rgba;


while(gpu_frames > 0)
    //cout << gpu_frames << "\n";
    camera >> frameIn;

    // Allocate I/O Pointers
    beginStream(&h_inputFrame, &h_outputFrame, &d_inputFrame, &d_outputFrame, &d_redBlurred, &d_greenBlurred, &d_blueBlurred, &_h_filter, &filterWidth, frameIn);

    // Show the source image
    imshow("Source", frameIn);

    // Allocate mem to GPU
    allocateMemoryAndCopyToGPU(numRows(), numCols(), _h_filter, filterWidth);

    // Apply the gaussian kernel filter and then free any memory ready for the next iteration
    gaussian_gpu(h_inputFrame, d_inputFrame, d_outputFrame, numRows(), numCols(), d_redBlurred, d_greenBlurred, d_blueBlurred, filterWidth);

    // Output the blurred image
    cudaMemcpy(h_outputFrame, d_frameOut, sizeof(uchar4) * numPixels(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    gpuTime += g_timer.Elapsed();
    cout << "Time for this kernel " << g_timer.Elapsed() << "\n";

    Mat outputFrame(Size(numCols(), numRows()), CV_8UC1, h_outputFrame, Mat::AUTO_STEP);


    imshow("Dest", outputFrame);

    // 1ms delay to prevent system from being interrupted whilst drawing the new frame


 // Allocate host variables, casting the frameIn and frameOut vars to uchar4 elements, these will
 // later be processed by the kernel
*h_inputFrame = (uchar4 *)frameIn.ptr<unsigned char>(0);
*h_outputFrame = (uchar4 *)frameOut.ptr<unsigned char>(0);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这个问题有很多疑点。 在代码的开头,它提到过滤器宽度为9,因此使其成为9x9内核。但是在其他一些评论中它说是3.所以我猜你实际上是在使用9x9内核而且过滤器确实有81个权重。


uchar4的大小为4字节。因此,在gaussian_cpu中,通过在不包含alpha值的图像上运行rgbaImage [i]上的循环来分割数据(可以从上面提到的循环中推断出alpha不存在)实际上完成的是你正在复制R1 ,G2,B3,R5,G6,B7等到红色通道。最好先尝试灰度图像上的代码,并确保使用的是uchar而不是uchar4。



输入rgbaImage到guassian_cpu函数是RGBA还是RGB? videoCapture必须提供3通道输出。 *h_inputFrame(到uchar4)本身的初始化是错误的,因为它指向3通道数据。 类似地,输出数据是四个通道数据,但Mat outputFrame被声明为指向这四个通道数据的单个通道。尝试将mat输出框架作为8UC3 type并查看结果。
