
时间:2014-12-17 21:47:58

标签: macos assembly nasm x86-64


%define sys_write       0x2000004           ; system call number for write
%define sys_read        0x2000003           ; system call number for read
%define sys_exit        0x2000001           ; system call number for exit
%define std_out         0x1                 ; file descriptor number for standard output
%define std_in          0x2                 ; file descriptor number for standard input
%define new_line        0xa                 ; a new line character
%define current_address $                   ; address of current location

; a macro to implement the write system call and write
; a string into standard output using two parameters
%macro write_string 2
    mov rax, sys_write                          ; system call to write
    mov rdi, std_out                            ; standard output
    mov rsi, %1                                 ; a string to write
    mov rdx, %2                                 ; length of the string
    syscall                                     ; kernel call interruption

; a macro to implement the exit system call
%macro exit 0
    mov rax, sys_exit                           ; system call to exit

    section .data

message:    db 'Displaying 9 stars', new_line       ; a message
.length:    equ current_address - message           ; length of the message
asterisks:  times 9 db '*'                          ; a string of 9 asterisks

global start

    section .text

start:                                      ; linker entry point

    write_string message, message.length    ; print a message to standard output
    write_string asterisks, 9               ; print 9 asterisks
    write_string new_line, 1                ; print a line feed(new line)

    exit                                    ; end the program


user$ nasm -f macho64 9stars.asm
user$ ld 9stars.o -o 9stars
ld: warning: -macosx_version_min not specified, assuming 10.10
user$ ./9stars


Displaying 9 stars


Displaying 9 stars

看起来write_string new_line, 1不会将new_line视为字符常量 虽然在db 'Displaying 9 stars', new_linenew_line添加了新的字符, 字符代码10.我的初步猜测是new_line根本不是字符常量。 这可能是什么原因?怎么能修好?我在Mac OS X 10.10上。我有 核心i5 m540 Intel CPU。我使用NASM版本2.11.06。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

write_string需要字符串的地址,但new_line只是字符值 0xa。试图将其解释为字符串的地址将产生不可预测的结果。如果您想要一个只包含一个0xa字符串的字符串,那么您需要执行以下操作:

    section .data

message:    db 'Displaying 9 stars', new_line       ; a message
.length:    equ current_address - message           ; length of the message
asterisks:  times 9 db '*'                          ; a string of 9 asterisks
newline:    db new_line                             ; <<< a single LF

global start

    section .text

start:                                      ; linker entry point

    write_string message, message.length    ; print a message to standard output
    write_string asterisks, 9               ; print 9 asterisks
    write_string newline, 1                 ; <<< print LF