
时间:2014-12-17 21:44:13

标签: c# xna collision



        platformList.Add(new Platform(txGrassplatformmid, new Vector2(0,800)));
        platformList.Add(new Platform(txGrassplatformmid, new Vector2(90, 800)));
        platformList.Add(new Platform(txGrassplatformmid, new Vector2(200, 800)));
        platformList.Add(new Platform(txGrassplatformmid, new Vector2(300, 800)));
        platformList.Add(new Platform(txGrassplatformmid, new Vector2(400, 800)));
        platformList.Add(new Platform(txGrassplatformmid, new Vector2(500, 800)));


        public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)

        spriteBatch.Draw(texture, GetTopLeft(), tintColour);

        //texture, position, null, Color.White, angle, Vector2.Zero, spriteEffects, 1);

    public Vector2 GetTopLeft()

        // the value stored is the base midde for platfrom collisions.

        return new Vector2(position.X - (enclosingRectangle.Width / 2), position.Y - enclosingRectangle.Height);

    public Rectangle GetRectangle()
        // get enclosing erctangle, adjusting for the position representing middle of base

        return new Rectangle((int)(position.X - (width / 2)), (int)(position.Y - height), (int)width, (int)height);


------------------------编辑---------------------- ----------


 public bool OnPlatform(Vector2 oldPosition, ref Vector2 newPosition, float playerHalfWidth)

        // where you above the platform before and below or on it now?
        if ((oldPosition.Y <= Y) && (newPosition.Y >= Y))
            // we need to work out 7where you hit the platform
            // for simplicity we use newPositionX - would be better to
            // calculate an X position between OldPosition.X and newPosition.X

            if (((newPosition.X + playerHalfWidth) >= X) && ((newPosition.X - playerHalfWidth) <= (X + width)))
                newPosition.Y = Y;
                return true;
        return false;


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