这些是作业的说明: 在此任务中,您将向APRectangle类添加另外四个方法,并定义一个静态方法,该方法生成一个报告矩形定义特征的字符串。
前三个方法 - getTopRight,getBottomLeft和getBottomRight - 与访问器方法getTopLeft一起返回表示矩形四个角的APPoint对象。在定义三种新方法时,请记住,Java图形窗口中的位置是相对于窗口的左上角描述的。因此,图形窗口中右侧的位置越远,其x坐标越大。并且 - 意外地 - 位置在图形窗口中的下方,其y坐标越大。这意味着矩形的底角将具有比顶角更大的y坐标。
第四种方法shrink,接受一个参数,双d,并将矩形的宽度和高度更改为其以前值的d%。因此,例如,如果在双62.5上调用APRectangle r的收缩方法,则r的宽度和高度将更改为其原值的0.625。
" [APRectangle(-5.0,3.6)7.5,6.3]"
public class APRectangle
private APPoint myTopLeft;
private double myWidth;
private double myHeight;
public APRectangle( APPoint topLeft, double width, double height )
// Code for the body of this constructor is hidden
* Code for the accessor methods getTopLeft, getWidth, and getHeight and
* the modifier methods setTopLeft, setWidth, and setHeight is hidden
public String getTopRight()
APPoint myTopRight = new APPoint( myWidth + myTopLeft.getX(), myTopLeft.getY() );
return myTopRight.printAPPoint();
public String getBottomLeft()
APPoint myBottomLeft = new APPoint( myTopLeft.getX(), myTopLeft.getY()- myWidth );
return myBottomLeft.printAPPoint();
public String getBottomRight()
APPoint myBottomRight = new APPoint( myWidth + myTopLeft.getX(), myTopLeft.getY()- myWidth );
return myBottomRight.printAPPoint();
public double shrink(double d)
myWidth *= (d / 100.0);
myHeight *= (d / 100.0);
// Definitions of the APPoint class and the static method printAPPoint are hidden
public String printAPRectangle()
return "[APRectangle " + getMyTopLeft() + " " + getMyWidth() + "," + getMyHeight() + "]" ;
public static void main( String[] args )
APRectangle r = new APRectangle( new APPoint( 25, 50 ), 30, 15 );
System.out.println( printAPRectangle( r ) );
System.out.println( "top right: " + printAPPoint( r.getTopRight() ) );
System.out.println( "bottom left: " + printAPPoint( r.getBottomLeft() ) );
System.out.println( "bottom right: " + printAPPoint( r.getBottomRight() ) );
r.shrink( 80 );
System.out.println( "shrunk to 80%: " + printAPRectangle( r ) );
TC1.java:11 error: cannot find symbol
return "[APRectangle " + getMyTopLeft() + " " + getMyWidth() + "," + getMyHeight() + "]" ;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
方法。 (您有getTopLeft()