我有两个每日时间序列,其中20个电台列为id,我试图在R中合并这两个数据帧。 数据帧列标题如下。
"id" "year" "yday" "date" "t_1" "t_2" "t_3" "r1" "s1" "p1" "s2"
"id" "year" "yday" "date" "t_1" "t_2" "t_3" "r1" "s1" "p1"
newdata<- merge(data1,data2, all=TRUE)
id year yday date t_1 t_2 t_3 r1 s1 p1 s2
AA1111 2007 3 03/01/2007 -5.3 -11.6 -8.5 0 0 0 NA
AA1111 2007 3 03/01/2007 -5.3 -11.6 NA NA NA 0 32
id year yday date t_1 t_2 t_3 r1 s1 p1 s2
AA1111 2007 3 03/01/2007 -5.3 -11.6 -8.5 0 0 0 32
答案 0 :(得分:2)
# sample merged data (hope it represents your data fully)
DF = structure(list(id = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("AA1111",
"AA1112"), class = "factor"), year = c(2007L, 2007L, 2008L, 2008L,
2008L), yday = c(3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), date = structure(c(1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "03/01/2007", class = "factor"), t_1 = c(-5.3,
-5.3, -10.3, -10.3, NA), t_2 = c(-11.6, -11.6, -11.6, NA, -11.6
), t_3 = c(-8.5, NA, -8.5, -8.5, -8.5), r1 = c(0L, NA, 0L, 0L,
0L), s1 = c(0L, NA, 0L, 0L, 0L), p1 = c(0L, 0L, 0L, NA, 0L),
s2 = c(NA, 32L, NA, 42L, NA)), .Names = c("id", "year", "yday",
"date", "t_1", "t_2", "t_3", "r1", "s1", "p1", "s2"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
# id year yday date t_1 t_2 t_3 r1 s1 p1 s2
# 1 AA1111 2007 3 03/01/2007 -5.3 -11.6 -8.5 0 0 0 NA
# 2 AA1111 2007 3 03/01/2007 -5.3 -11.6 NA NA NA 0 32
# 3 AA1112 2008 3 03/01/2007 -10.3 -11.6 -8.5 0 0 0 NA
# 4 AA1112 2008 3 03/01/2007 -10.3 NA -8.5 0 0 NA 42
# 5 AA1112 2008 3 03/01/2007 NA -11.6 -8.5 0 0 0 NA
setDT(DF) # convert to data table
DF_new <- DF[, names(DF)[5:11] := lapply(.SD, max, na.rm=TRUE),
by=list(id,year,yday,date), .SDcols=5:11][,unique(.SD)]
# id year yday date t_1 t_2 t_3 r1 s1 p1 s2
# 1: AA1111 2007 3 03/01/2007 -5.3 -11.6 -8.5 0 0 0 32
# 2: AA1112 2008 3 03/01/2007 -10.3 -11.6 -8.5 0 0 0 42
setDF(DF_new) # convert back to data frame
中指定的每个组的数据。它本身就是一个data.table。 .SDcols
应包含哪些列。语法LHS := RHS
在RHS中运行表达式 - 此处,循环遍历.SD,其中包含.SDcols
中指定的列,并通过引用更新LHS 中指定的列(就地)。