echo "<div class=\"circle\" id=\"<?php $i ?>\" style=\"position: fixed; background-color: red; left: <?php $Xcirclecoordinate?>; top: <?php $Ycirclecoordinate?>;\"";
$args = array('parent' => 0, 'hide_empty' => 0);
$categories = get_categories($args);
$numcats = count($categories);
echo 'numcats= '.$numcats.'<br>';
$radius = 200;
#radius of the circle i want the divs placed in.
$count_posts = wp_count_posts();
#The total number of posts
echo 'count_post= '.$count_posts->publish.'<br>';
#The number of posts published
$circlecenter = array('960','540');
#The center of the screen
echo 'Circlecenter= '.$circlecenter[0].' , '.$circlecenter[1].'<br>';
for ($i=0; $i < $count_posts->publish ; $i++) {
#Looping through the number of posts
$Xcirclecoordinate = $radius*cos((2*M_PI*$i)/$count_posts->publish)+$circlecenter[0];
#Calculating X coordinate
$Ycirclecoordinate = $radius*sin((2*M_PI*$i)/$count_posts->publish)+$circlecenter[1];
#Calculating Y coordinate
echo "<div class=\"circle\" id=\"<?php $i ?>\" style=\"
position: fixed;
background-color: red;
left: <?php $Xcirclecoordinate?>;
top: <?php $Ycirclecoordinate?>;\"";
#Trying to place the divs.