我需要在MS Report Builder 3.0中执行中值计算,任何人都可以解释我是如何实现它的,考虑到我的原始值
区域 - Etab-值
Abc - Def - 10
Abc - Def - 12
Ged - Tae - 1
Dim theHashTable As New System.Collections.Hashtable
Function AddValue(theRapport As String, theRegion As String, theEtab As String, theRow As String, theValue As String) As Integer
Dim num As Integer
num = 0
If (theHashTable Is Nothing) Then
theHashTable = New System.Collections.Hashtable
End If
If Integer.TryParse(theValue, num) Then
If (num >= 0) Then
If (theHashTable.ContainsKey(theRapport)) Then
Dim regionHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
regionHT = theHashTable(theRapport)
If (regionHT.ContainsKey(theRegion)) Then
Dim etabHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
etabHT = regionHT(theRegion)
If (etabHT.ContainsKey(theEtab)) Then
Dim valueHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
valueHT = etabHT(theEtab)
If (Not valueHT.ContainsKey(theRow)) Then
valueHT.Add(theRow, theValue)
End If
etabHT(theEtab) = valueHT
Dim valueHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
valueHT.Add(theRow, theValue)
etabHT.Add(theEtab, valueHT)
End If
regionHT(theRegion) = etabHT
Dim etabHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
Dim valueHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
valueHT.Add(theRow, theValue)
etabHT.Add(theEtab, valueHT)
regionHT.Add(theRegion, etabHT)
End If
theHashTable(theRapport) = regionHT
Dim regionHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
Dim etabHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
Dim valueHT As New System.Collections.Hashtable
valueHT.Add(theRow, theValue)
etabHT.Add(theEtab, valueHT)
regionHT.Add(theRegion, etabHT)
theHashTable.Add(theRapport, regionHT)
End If
End If
End If
Return num
End Function
Function GetMedian(theRapport As String, theRegion As String, theEtab As String) As String
Dim arrayInt As New System.Collections.ArrayList
arrayInt = GetArray(theRapport, theRegion, theEtab)
Dim mid As Double = (arrayInt.Count - 1) / 2.0
Dim midInt As Integer = mid
Dim mid2Int As Integer = mid + 0.5
If arrayInt.Count >= 2 Then
Return ((arrayInt(midInt) + arrayInt(mid2Int)) / 2).ToString()
ElseIf arrayInt.Count = 1 Then
Return arrayInt(0)
Return ""
End If
End Function
Function GetQ1(theRapport As String, theRegion As String, theEtab As String) As String
Dim arrayInt As New System.Collections.ArrayList
arrayInt = GetArray(theRapport, theRegion, theEtab)
Dim taille As Integer = arrayInt.Count
If (taille = 1) Then
Return arrayInt(0)
ElseIf ((taille Mod 2) = 0 And taille > 0) Then
Dim mid1 As Integer = taille / 2
Dim midmid As Integer = mid1 / 2
If (mid1 Mod 2 = 0) Then
Return ((arrayInt(midmid - 1) + arrayInt(midmid)) / 2).ToString()
Return (arrayInt(midmid)).ToString()
End If
ElseIf (taille = 1) Then
Return arrayInt(1)
ElseIf ((taille - 1) Mod 4 = 0) Then
Dim n As Integer = (taille - 1) / 4
Return ((arrayInt(n - 1) * 0.25 + arrayInt(n) * 0.75)).ToString()
ElseIf ((taille - 3) Mod 4 = 0) Then
Dim n As Integer = (taille - 3) / 4
Return ((arrayInt(n) * 0.75 + arrayInt(n + 1) * 0.25)).ToString()
Return ""
End If
End Function
Function GetQ3(theRapport As String, theRegion As String, theEtab As String) As String
Dim arrayInt As New System.Collections.ArrayList
arrayInt = GetArray(theRapport, theRegion, theEtab)
Dim taille As Integer = arrayInt.Count
If (taille = 1) Then
Return arrayInt(0)
ElseIf ((taille Mod 2) = 0 And taille > 0) Then
Dim mid1 As Integer = taille / 2
Dim midmid As Integer = mid1 / 2
If (mid1 Mod 2 = 0) Then
Return ((arrayInt(mid1 + midmid - 1) + arrayInt(mid1 + midmid)) / 2).ToString()
Return (arrayInt(mid1 + midmid)).ToString()
End If
ElseIf (taille = 1) Then
Return arrayInt(1)
ElseIf ((taille - 1) Mod 4 = 0) Then
Dim n As Integer = (taille - 1) / 4
Return ((arrayInt(3 * n) * 0.75 + arrayInt(3 * n + 1) * 0.25)).ToString()
ElseIf ((taille - 3) Mod 4 = 0) Then
Dim n As Integer = (taille - 3) / 4
Return ((arrayInt(3 * n + 1) * 0.25 + arrayInt(3 * n + 2) * 0.75)).ToString()
Return ""
End If
End Function
Function GetArray(theRapport As String, theRegion As String, theEtab As String) As System.Collections.ArrayList
Dim arrayInt As New System.Collections.ArrayList
If (theHashTable Is Nothing Or theHashTable.Count = 0) Then
Return arrayInt
If (theHashTable.ContainsKey(theRapport)) Then
Dim regionHT As System.Collections.Hashtable
regionHT = theHashTable(theRapport)
If (theRegion = "" And theEtab = "") Then
For Each value As System.Collections.Hashtable In regionHT.Values
For Each value2 As System.Collections.Hashtable In value.Values
For Each valeur As Integer In value2.Values
ElseIf (regionHT.ContainsKey(theRegion) And theEtab = "") Then
Dim etabHT As System.Collections.Hashtable
etabHT = regionHT(theRegion)
For Each value As System.Collections.Hashtable In etabHT.Values
For Each valeur As Integer In value.Values
ElseIf (regionHT.ContainsKey(theRegion) And theEtab <> "") Then
Dim etabHT As System.Collections.Hashtable
etabHT = regionHT(theRegion)
If Not (etabHT Is Nothing Or etabHT.Count = 0) Then
If (etabHT.ContainsKey(theEtab)) Then
Dim valuesHT As System.Collections.Hashtable
valuesHT = etabHT(theEtab)
For Each value As Integer In valuesHT.Values
End If
End If
End If
End If
Return arrayInt
End If
End Function
Function PrintArray(theRapport As String, theRegion As String, theEtab As String) As String
Dim arrayInt As New System.Collections.ArrayList
arrayInt = GetArray(theRapport, theRegion, theEtab)
Dim str As String = ""
If (arrayInt.Count > 0) Then
str = String.Join(" | ", arrayInt.ToArray)
str = " "
End If
Return str
End Function
Code.AddValue( “3_2”,字段!Region.Value,字段!Etablissement.Value,字段!rowNumber.Value,字段!Value.Value)
得到中值= Code.GetMedian(“3_2”,Fields!Region.Value,Fields!Etablissement.Value)
= Code.GetMedian(“3_2”,Fields!Region.Value,“”)
= Code.GetMedian(“3_2”,“”,“”)
我尝试将AddValue函数放在隐藏表和表的摘要行中。 我得到了正确的值但是只要我展开或折叠一行,所有内容都会变为空白。我如何保留值或在哪里可以放置AddValue函数以确保在每个操作上为报表中的每个表调用它?