
时间:2014-12-15 17:35:37

标签: linux bash shell


我的基本想法是将命令发送到shell,直到4个命令处于活动状态。 然后,该脚本通过查找公共字符串来不断检查所有进程的进程计数,例如" nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor"。


有没有办法用shell脚本执行此操作? 我想它会涉及某种无限循环,中断条件以及检查活动进程的方法。不幸的是,我在shell脚本方面不是很好,所以也许有人可以引导我走向正确的方向?

nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=0 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=1 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=2 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=3 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=4 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=5 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=6 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=7 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=8 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=9 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=10 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=11 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=12 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=13 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=14 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=15 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=16 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=17 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=18 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=19 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=20 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=21 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=22 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=23 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=24 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=25 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=26 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=27 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=28 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=29 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=30 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=31 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=32 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=33 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=34 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=35 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=36 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=37 &
nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=38 &

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



for proc_num in {0..38}; do
    nohup your_cmd_here &

    # If we have more than max procs running, wait for one to finish
    if ((active_procs++ >= max_procs)); then
        wait -n

# Wait for all remaining procs to finish

这是对斯齐尼克答案的一种变体,它可以同时保持max_procs运行。一旦完成,它就会开始下一个。 wait -n命令等待下一个进程完成,而不是等待所有进程完成。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


for i in {0..38}; do
    nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a slice=$i & _pid=$!
    ((++i%4==0)) && wait $_pid

help wait

wait: wait [-n] [id ...]
Wait for job completion and return exit status.

Waits for each process identified by an ID, which may be a process ID or a
job specification, and reports its termination status.  If ID is not
given, waits for all currently active child processes, and the return
status is zero.  If ID is a a job specification, waits for all processes
in that job's pipeline.

If the -n option is supplied, waits for the next job to terminate and
returns its exit status.

Exit Status:
Returns the status of the last ID; fails if ID is invalid or an invalid
option is given.

答案 2 :(得分:0)




while IFS= read -r line; do
   while :; do
      mapfile -t jobs < <(jobs -pr)
      ((${#jobs[@]}<max_nb_jobs)) && break
      wait -n
   eval "$line"
done < "$commands_file"



它是如何工作的?对于每行line读取,我们首先通过计算正在运行的作业数量(从max_nb_jobs获得)来确保运行少于jobs -pr。如果超过max_nb_jobs,我们等待下一个作业终止(wait -n),并再次计算正在运行的作业数。如果运行时间少于max_nb_jobs,我们evalline


这是一个不使用wait -n的类似脚本。它似乎可以完成这项工作(使用Bash 4.2在Debian上测试):


set -m


sleep_jobs() {
   # This function sleeps until there are less than $1 jobs running
   # Make sure that you have set -m before using this function!
   local n=$1 jobs
   while mapfile -t jobs < <(jobs -pr) && ((${#jobs[@]}>=n)); do
      coproc read
      trap "echo >&${COPROC[1]}; trap '' SIGCHLD" SIGCHLD
      wait $COPROC_PID

while IFS= read -r line; do
   sleep_jobs $max_nb_jobs
   eval "$line"
done < "$file_list"


答案 3 :(得分:0)

您可以使用GNU parallel或甚至xargs轻松完成此操作。即:

declare -i i=0
while sleep 1; do
    printf 'slice=%d\n' $((i++))
done | xargs -n1 -P3 nohup scrapy crawl urlMonitor -a


for i in {0..100}…

此外,sleep 1非常有用,因为它可让shell更有效地处理信号。