
时间:2014-12-15 07:33:49

标签: macos applescript




set message to "mostly these windows are popup in application"

on ResultCreationFuction(message)

    set text_to_save to message as text
    tell application "System Events"
        tell application "Finder"
            set sortedList to sort (get files of folder "SofTestAutomationResult" of desktop) by  modification date
            set FileCount to get count of sortedList
            set theFile to (item FileCount of sortedList) as alias
        end tell

        set file_ref to open for access theFile with write permission           
        write (text_to_save & return) to the file_ref starting at eof
        close access file_ref
        delay 2
        end tell
    end try
end ResultCreationFuction

一些细节: 该文件是在名称为“10.012.2014_17_4_20.doc”(.doc文件的名称未修复)的上述位置上已准备就绪的文件

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 操纵这样的内容,包括格式化的文本(不是普通的 文本),你需要在理想情况下,一个脚本可编写的应用程序,如 页面(或者Word,也许,但我在机器上没有那个我 写这个来。)。
  2. 如果您不需要,请不要使用系统事件。将应用程序与适当的AppleEvents /词典等一起使用。如果您不知道我在说什么,您需要利用称为Web的无限资源。
  3. “功能”只是不好的形式。
  4. 我建议你更多地阅读AppleScript的工作原理(或者一般的脚本),但是为了让你开始,这里是我刚刚在页面中编写的脚本,用于设置打开文档中特定单词的颜色把文字放在那里后:

    tell application "Pages"
        set body text of document 1 to "hello there mister fancy pants"
        set color of word 3 of body text of page 1 of document 1 to {64614, 0, 111}
    end tell



    <强> [编辑]


    tell application "TextEdit"
        set text of document 1 to "hello mister fancy pants"
        set color of words 2 thru 3 of text of document 1 to {65535, 0, 0}
    end tell


答案 1 :(得分:0)


set text_to_add to "mostly these windows are popup in application"
set theFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "10.012.2014_17_4_20.doc") as string

tell application "Microsoft Word"
    set theFile to theFile as string -- assuming theFile is an alias or :: path
    open file theFile

    tell active document
        set endOfDoc to end of content of text object  -- insert the text to end of document
        set theRange to create range start (endOfDoc - 1) end endOfDoc
        insert text text_to_add at theRange

        set myRange to create range start endOfDoc end (endOfDoc + (length of text_to_add))
        set color index of font object of myRange to red

    end tell
end tell