
时间:2014-12-15 04:13:02

标签: c# algorithm artificial-intelligence chess

我试图将换位表放入我的alpha beta侦察机。我确实看到了游戏中期或后期的增量速度提升,但是,即使表格大小为1-2GB,它可能会或者可能不会慢于仅仅从Transpose表中读取。如果我在没有桌子的情况下玩同样的游戏,我也会注意到一些效率低下的动作。

我测试了我的Zobrist键散列,即使在制作和撤消移动后它们也能正常出现。我不相信他们是问题所在。我试图在设计alpha / beta修剪时遵循这些文章的建议。 http://web.archive.org/web/20070809015843/http://www.seanet.com/~brucemo/topics/hashing.htm http://mediocrechess.blogspot.com/2007/01/guide-transposition-tables.html

任何人都可以帮我识别错误吗?也许我不理解从散列中检查alpha vs beta的评估。或者1-2GB太小而无法发挥作用?如果需要,我可以发布更多的Transposition表代码。

    // !!!! With or without this specific section, and any other Transpose.Insert, doesn't make the game play or evaluate any faster.
    HashType type = HashType.AlphaPrune;
    HashEntry h = Transpose.GetInstance().Get(board.zobristKey);
    if (h != null)
        if (h.depth >= depth)
            if (h.flag == HashType.ExactPrune)
                return h.scored;
            if (h.flag == HashType.BetaPrune)
                if(h.scoredState < beta)
                    beta = h.scored;
            if (h.flag == HashType.AlphaPrune)
                if(h.scoredState > alpha)
                    alpha = h.scored;
            if (alpha >= beta)
                return alpha;

    if (board.terminal)
        int scoredState = board.Evaluate(color);
        Table.GetInstance().Add(board.zobristKey, depth, Entry.EXACT, scoredState);
        return scoredState;

    //May do Quescience search here if necessary && depth = 0

    Stack movesGenerated = GeneratePossibleMoves();
        int scoredState = MAXNEGASCOUT;

        int newAlpha = -(alpha +1)
        scoredState = -alphaBetaScout(board, depth - 1, newAlpha, -alpha, !color, quiscence);

        if (scoredState < beta && alpha < scoredState)
            scoredState = -alphaBetaScout(board, depth - 1, -beta, -scoredState, !color, quiscence);


        if (scoredState >= beta)
            Table.GetInstance().Add(key, depth, Entry.BETA, beta);
            return scoredState;

        if (scoredState > alpha)
            type = HashType.ExactPrune;
            alpha = scoredState;
    Table.GetInstance().Add(key, depth, type, alpha);
    return alpha;

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