我有一个错误,就是用8个错误填满我的日志。错误读取错误1错误C2664:' Node :: Node(const Node&)' :无法转换来自' CarPart *'的参数1 to' std :: string'我不确定如何诊断或解决这个问题。谢谢你的帮助。这个项目有很多代码,所以我只是发布我的内容并让大家通读它,让我知道我是否可以更容易地总结一下。调用新CarPart时,驱动程序中会出现错误。另外我知道printList函数在驱动程序中是不完整的,这是我的下一个问题,我不知道如何使用我为标题和实现填写的信息打印列表。驱动程序由研究文本提供,我只需要它来编译和执行。
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <array>
class CarPart
// Variable Name: partNumber
// Purpose: Variable that contains a unique identifier
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Must be of type string
// Post-conditions: None
std::string partNumber;
// Variable Name: partDescription
// Purpose: Variable that contains the parts description
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Must be of type string
// Post-conditions: None
std::string partDescription;
// Variable Name: price
// Purpose: Variable that contains price
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Must be of type double
// Post-conditions: None
double price;
// Default Constructor Name: CarPart
// Purpose: Default constructor to initialize
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Parameterized Constructor Name: CarPart
// Purpose: Parameterized constructor to initialize data types
// Parameters: A string value, a string value, and a double value
// Returns: None
CarPart(std::string partNum, std::string partDesc, double partPrice);
// Function Name: getPartNumber
// Purpose: To get the number for the part
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Part number cannot be NULL
// Post-conditions: None
std::string getPartNumber() const;
// Setter Name: setPartNumber
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A string object
// Returns: None
void setPartNumber(std::string);
// Function Name: getDescription
// Purpose: To get the description for the part
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Description cannot be empty
// Post-conditions: None
std::string getDescription() const;
// Setter Name: setDescription
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A string object
// Returns: None
void setDescription(std::string);
// Function Name: getPrice
// Purpose: To get the price for the part
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Node cannot be NULL
// Post-conditions: None
double getPrice() const;
// Setter Name: setPrice
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A double object
// Returns: None
void setPrice(double);
class Node
// Variable Name: next
// Purpose: Points to the next node
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
Node* next;
// Varible Name: CarPart
CarPart* carPart;
// Default Constructor Name: Node
// Purpose: Default constructor to initialize
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Parameterized Constructor Name: Node
// Purpose: Parameterized constructor to initialize
// Parameters: A string value
// Returns: None
//Purpose:Deletes any dynamically allocated storage
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
// Getter Name: getNext
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
Node* getNext();
// Setter Name: setNext
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A pointer to next node
// Returns: None
void setNext(Node*);
class List
// Variable Name: numNodes
// Purpose: Variable that contains the number of nodes
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Must be of type int
// Post-conditions: None
int numNodes;
// Variable Name: next
// Purpose: Points to the first node
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
Node* firstNode;
// Variable Name: next
// Purpose: Points to the last node
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
Node* lastNode;
// Default Constructor Name: List
// Purpose: Default constructor to initialize
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
//Purpose:Deletes any dynamically allocated storage
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
// Function Name: push_back
// Purpose: Take the node and place it at the end of the list
// Parameters: Node pointer
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Node cannot be NULL
// Post-conditions: None
void push_back(Node*);
// Function Name: push_front
// Purpose: Take the node and place it at the front of the list
// Parameters: Node pointer
// Returns: None
// Pre-conditions: Node cannot be NULL
// Post-conditions: None
void push_front(Node*);
// Function Name: pop_back
// Purpose: Removes last node from list
// Parameters: None
// Returns: A pointer to this node
// Pre-conditions: None
// Post-conditions: None
Node* pop_back();
// Function Name: pop_front
// Purpose: Removes first node from list
// Parameters: None
// Returns: A pointer to this node
// Pre-conditions: None
// Post-conditions: None
Node* pop_front();
// Function Name: getFirstNode
// Purpose: To get the first node
// Parameters: None
// Returns: A pointer to the first node
// Pre-conditions: None
// Post-conditions: None
Node* getFirstNode();
// Function Name: getLastNode
// Purpose: To get the last node
// Parameters: None
// Returns: A pointer to the last node
// Pre-conditions: None
// Post-conditions: None
Node* getLastNode();
#include "CarPart Header.h"
//Purpose: Initialize data
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
price = 0.00;
partNumber = "";
partDescription = "";
//Parameterized Constructor
//Purpose: Initialize data
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
CarPart::CarPart(std::string partNum, std::string partDesc, double partPrice)
price = partPrice;
partNumber = partNum;
partDescription = partDesc;
// Setter Name: setDescription
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A string object
// Returns: None
void CarPart::setDescription(std::string)
// Setter Name: setPartNumber
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A string object
// Returns: None
void CarPart::setPartNumber(std::string)
// Setter Name: setPrice
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A double object
// Returns: None
void CarPart::setPrice(double)
// Getter Name: getPartDescription
// Purpose: Return Data
// Parameters: None
// Returns: partDescription
std::string CarPart::getDescription() const
return partDescription;
// Getter Name: getPartNumber
// Purpose: Return data
// Parameters: None
// Returns: partNumber
std::string CarPart::getPartNumber() const
return partNumber;
// Getter Name: getPriceNumber
// Purpose: Return data
// Parameters: None
// Returns: price
double CarPart::getPrice() const
return price;
//Node Constructor
//Purpose: Initialize data
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
next = NULL;
//Parameterized Constructor
//Node Destructor
if (carPart != NULL)
delete carPart;
//List Constructor
//Purpose: Initialize data
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
numNodes = NULL;
firstNode = NULL;
lastNode = NULL;
//Purpose:Deletes any dynamically allocated storage
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
while (firstNode != nullptr&&lastNode != nullptr)
//1. Create a temporal pointer pointing to your firstnode.
Node* tempPtr = firstNode;
//2. Alter your firstnode to point to the next node;
firstNode = firstNode-> getNext();
//3. Delete the temporal pointer ans set it to nullptr.
delete tempPtr;
tempPtr = nullptr;
//4. Repeat the process while the list is not empty.
firstNode = nullptr;
//Purpose: Adds the node pointed to by the pointer to the end of the list
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
void List::push_back(Node* newNode)
if (lastNode != NULL)
lastNode = newNode;
//Purpose: Adds the node pointed to by the pointer to the front of the list
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
void List::push_front(Node* newNode)
if (firstNode != NULL)
firstNode = newNode;
//Purpose: Removes last node from list
//Parameters: None
//Returns: A pointer to this node
Node* List::pop_back()
if (lastNode = NULL)
return NULL;
if (lastNode != NULL)
Node* tempPtr = lastNode;
lastNode = lastNode->getNext();
return tempPtr;
//Purpose: Removes first node from the list
//Parameters: None
//Returns: A pointer to this node
Node* List::pop_front()
if (firstNode = NULL)
return NULL;
if (firstNode != NULL)
Node* tempPtr = firstNode;
firstNode = firstNode->getNext();
return tempPtr;
//Purpose: Get the first node
//Parameters: None
//Returns: Returns pointer to the first node in the list
Node* List::getFirstNode()
return firstNode;
//Purpose:Deletes any dynamically allocated storage
//Parameters: None
//Returns: Returns pointer to the las node in the list
Node* List::getLastNode()
return lastNode;
// add your file prologue information here
#include <iostream>
#include "CarPart Header.h"
using namespace std;
// the printlist function
// Purpose: Prints out the contents for each Node in the List
// Parameter: A list object, by const reference
// Returns: none
void printList(const List&);
// the printFirstNode function
// Purpose: Prints out the contents for the 1st Node in the List
// Parameter: A list object, passed by value to test the copy constructor
// Returns: none
void printFirstNode(List);
int main()
// set up cout for displaying prices
// create a List object
List partsList;
cout << "\nPart I: multiple node test: push_front and pop_front\n";
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
// build a List using push_front
partsList.push_front(new Node(new CarPart("FL2016", "Oil Filter", 18.95)));
partsList.push_front(new Node(new CarPart("RS12YC", "Spark Plug", 4.15)));
partsList.push_front(new Node(new CarPart("D5941", "Digital Tire Guage", 12.15)));
partsList.push_front(new Node(new CarPart("G19216", "Car Wash Solution", 8.15)));
cout << "\nThe original nodes in the List:\n";
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
// test push_front function
cout << "\nAdding to the front of the List:\n";
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
partsList.push_front(new Node(new CarPart("X-5077a", "Wiper Blades", 15.45)));
partsList.push_front(new Node(new CarPart("T-280RA", "Turtle Wax Chrome Polish", 3.15)));
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
// test pop-front
cout << "\nRemoving the first node from the list.\n";
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
Node* item = partsList.pop_front();
if (item != NULL)
delete item;
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
cout << "\nPart Two: Push_back and pop_back";
// test push_back
partsList.push_back(new Node(new CarPart("C120-X", "Assorted Fuses", 7.25)));
partsList.push_back(new Node(new CarPart("CTK-120706", "Mechanic Tool set", 126.00)));
cout << "\nAdding two nodes at the end\n";
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
// test pop-back
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
cout << "\nRemove last node from the list\n";
cout << "\n----------------------------------\n";
item = partsList.pop_back();
if (item != NULL)
delete item;
cout << "\n-------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "\nEnd of Test";
cout << "\n-------------------------------------------\n";
return 0;
// you have to fill in the code for this function
void printList(const List& theList)
cout << theList.;
// you have to fill in the code for this function
void printFirstNode(List theList)
cout << theList.getFirstNode;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
class Node
// Variable Name: next
// Purpose: Points to the next node
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
Node* next;
// Varible Name: CarPart
CarPart* carPart;
// Default Constructor Name: Node
// Purpose: Default constructor to initialize
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
// Parameterized Constructor Name: Node
// Purpose: Parameterized constructor to initialize
// Parameters: A string value
// Returns: None
//Purpose:Deletes any dynamically allocated storage
//Parameters: None
//Returns: None
// Getter Name: getNext
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: None
// Returns: None
Node* getNext();
// Setter Name: setNext
// Purpose: Initialize data
// Parameters: A pointer to next node
// Returns: None
void setNext(Node*);
new Node(new CarPart...