
时间:2014-12-13 02:46:37

标签: c++ arrays sorting fstream



  1. 此应用程序读取文件,修改其内容,并将修改写回同一文件。
  2. 该文件包含3行整数。第一行表示第三行的整数数。第二行表示已选择第三行上的哪个整数(活动)。
  3. 文件中的第三行列出了所有整数(最多10个)。
  4. 一直显示在屏幕上的菜单。在菜单下方,程序显示文件第三行中的所有整数
  5. 程序还会显示当前选择的哪个整数(活动)。
  6. 用户可以通过按菜单中的一个扩展键选择菜单项
  7. 按“插入”将在所选整数之前插入一个整数,并使新插入的整数处于活动状态。整数由用户键入。如果列表已满,则无法插入。
  8. 按“删除”将删除活动整数。
  9. 按“排序”按升序对列表进行排序。排序后的活动整数与排序前的活动整数相同。
  10. 按“选择”选择列表中的下一个整数。如果选择了最后一个整数,则此选项将选择列表中的第一个项目。
  11. 按“向右移动”可将所选整数向右移动一个位置。如果选择了最后一个整数,则无法向右移动。
  12. 按“向左移动”将所选整数向左移动一个位置。如果选择了第一个整数,则无法向左移动。
  13. 按“退出”结束应用程序。
  14. 程序将文件内容保存到数组中,修改数组,并将数组内容写回文件。
  15. [我的节目:]

    //Description: Grade averages
    #include<fstream>//allows file streams
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <string>
    #include <windows.h>
    using namespace std;
    void menu();//declaration of the menu funtion
    int main()
        int num = 0;
        int next = 0;
        fstream f_stream;//declares the stream that allows the program to read/write from the file
        f_stream.open("base.txt");//opens the file
        if (f_stream.fail())//checks if the file is present
            cout << "base.txt is missing. program cannot run :(" << endl;//displays an error if the file can't be found
        cout << "input stream successfully opened" << endl;//confirms that the file is available
        int ch =0;
        int values[12];//declares the array that will store the file's integers
            menu();//displays a menu for inputs
            while (!f_stream.eof())//runs until the end of the file is reached
                f_stream >> next;//grabs values from the file
                values[num] = next;//assigns a file input to an expression in the array
                num++;//this keeps tally of the number of items in the file
            cout << endl;
            cout << "Here is the list of numbers on the third line: " << endl << endl;
            for (int t = 2; t < num; t++)//this displays the values on the third line
                cout << values[t] << endl;
            cout << endl;
            int num_of_integers = num - 2;//this is the number of files in the 3rd line. the first and second line numbers are subtracted
            int active  = values[1];//the integer from the second line displays the number that is active
            int activenumber = values[active];//grabs the active number
            cout << "Number of integers: " << values[0] << endl;
            cout << "Current active integer: " << activenumber << endl;
            ch=getch();//grabs keyboard input
            if (ch == 0||ch == 224)//
                ch=getch();//only allows special keys to be used
            int newactivenumber;
            int lastorder = num - 1;//this is the last element in the array
            if (ch == 82)//if the "insert" key is pressed
                if (num == 12)//if the maximum number of integers is present in the file
                    cout << "Cannot insert an integer before " << activenumber << endl << "Please delete an integer before inserting" << endl;
                else if (values[active] == values[3])//if the active integer is the very first number on the second line
                    cout << "Please enter an integer to insert at the end of the number line" << endl;
                    cin >> values[num-1];
                else//inserts a number before the active integer
                    cout << "Please enter an integer to insert before " << activenumber << endl;
                    int previous = active - 1;
                    cin >> values[previous];
            else if (ch == 83)//if the "delete" key is pressed
                cout << values[active] << " was deleted." << endl;
                int temp, temp1;
                for (int p = active; p<(lastorder);p++)//shifts all values in the array to the left
                    temp1 = p + 1;
                    values[p] = values[temp1];
                int new_integers = num_of_integers - 1;
                values[0] = new_integers;//since a value was deleted, the new amount of integers is recorded
            else if (ch == 80)//if the "arrow down" key is pressed
                if (values[1] == lastorder)//if the last number on the list is the active number, then the first number on the list will become the new active number
                    newactivenumber = 2;
                    values[1] = newactivenumber;
                else//the next number of the list will become the new  active number
                    newactivenumber = values[1] + 1;
                    values[1] = newactivenumber;
                cout << values[newactivenumber] << " is now selected" << endl;
            else if (ch == 77)//if "arrow right" is pressed, the active number is shifter to the right
                if (values[active] == values[num-1])//disallows shifting if the active number is the last number on the list
                    cout << "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that." << endl;
                    int temp;
                    temp = values[active];
                    int rightno = active + 1;
                    values[active] = values[rightno];
                    values[rightno] = temp;
                    cout << "The active number has been moved 1 position right in the list" << endl;
            else if (ch == 60)//IF the F2 key is pressed, the array numbers are sorted from smallest to greatest
                int i;
                int temporary = values[active];
                    for(int j=2;j<num-i-1;j++)
                            int temp = values[j];
                            values[j] = values[j+1];
                            values[j+1] = temp;
                //displaying result
                cout<<"Sorted list"<<endl;
                    cout<<values[i] << endl;
                for(i=2;i<num;i++)//this loop ensures that the active number remain the same, even after the sorting
                    if (values[i] == activenumber)
                        values[1] = i;
            else if (ch == 75)//if "arrow left" is pressed, it shifts active number to the left
                if (values[active] == values[2])//
                    cout << "I'm sorry, Dave. I,'m afraid I can't do that." << endl;
                    int temp;
                    temp = values[active];
                    int leftno = active - 1;
                    values[active] = values[leftno];
                    values[leftno] = temp;
                    cout << "The active number has been moved 1 position left in the list" << endl;
            else if (ch == 59)//terminates program if F1 is pressed
                cout << "streams successfully closed" << endl;
            else//if an invalid key is pressed
                cout << "Try again" << endl;
            for (int out = 0; out < num; out++)//exports array values to the file
                if (out == 0 || out == 1)
                    f_stream << values[out] << '\n';
                else if (values[out]==0)
                    f_stream << "";
                else if (out != num-1)
                    f_stream << values[out] << " ";
                    f_stream << values[out];
        while (ch != 59);
        cout << "streams successfully closed" << endl;
        return 0;
    void menu()//self-explanatory
        cout<<"Menu:" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::left) <<  setw(14)<< "1.Insert" << "Press the \"Insert\" key" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::left) <<  setw(14)<< "2.Delete" << "Press the \"Delete\" key" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::left) <<  setw(14)<< "3.Sort" << "Press the \"F2\" key:" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::left) <<  setw(14)<< "4.Select" << "Press the \"Down Arrow\" key" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::left) <<  setw(14)<< "5.Move Right" << "Press the \"Right Arrow\" key" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::left) <<  setw(14)<< "6.Move Left" << "Press the \"Left Arrow\" key" << endl;
        cout << setiosflags(ios::left) <<  setw(14)<< "7.Exit"<< "Press the \"F1\" key" << endl;


    -23 5 23 56 0 -32 3 9 11 66

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


fstream f_stream;
f_stream.open("base.txt", ios::in | ios:out)