如何按SubMatches(n)的值对VBA MatchCollection进行排序?

时间:2014-12-12 22:01:19

标签: regex vba sorting ms-word

我对编程比较陌生,我写了一个Microsoft Word VBA宏,它提取了一个"部件列表"来自专利说明书(活动文件的文本),其中列表中的每个部件参考都以基本方式标识为任何看起来像部件或特征的数字或全部大写字母标识符,前面有最多四个字的任何内容在同一个句子里。


" 10:提供缝纫机10,"或者" Q:热通量Q."


我也希望它们按标识符排序,这是我的正则表达式MatchCollection m的m.SubMatches(2)。首先是数字顺序的数字,然后字母顺序的alpha引用会很好。


Sub ExtractPartsList()

Dim re As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Set re = New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp

re.pattern = "((?:[A-Z]*[a-z]+[\s\n]+){0,3})(?=[A-Z]*[a-z]+[\s\n]+(?:\d+\b|[A-Z]+\b))" + _
"(\b[A-Z]*[a-z]+[\s\n]+)(\b\d+\b'*|[A-Z]+\b'*)" + _

' m.Value is the whole matched string
' m.SubMatches(1) is the word immediately preceding the part number / alpha reference
' m.SubMatches(2) is the part number / alpha reference

re.IgnoreCase = False
re.Global = True

Dim txt As String
Dim bigString As String
bigString = ""
Dim allLongMatches As MatchCollection, m As Match
Dim partNameLastWord As String
Dim partReference As String
Dim partNameAndReference As String
Dim partsColl As New Collection
Dim partsList() As String
Dim i As Long
    txt = ActiveDocument.Range.text

      If re.Test(txt) Then

        Set allLongMatches = re.Execute(txt)
        Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument
        For Each m In allLongMatches
            Debug.Print m.Value, "Sbm 1 = " + m.SubMatches(1), "Sbm 2 = " + m.SubMatches(2), "Sbm 3 = " + m.SubMatches(3)
            If InStr(bigString, LCase(m.SubMatches(1) + m.SubMatches(2))) = 0 _
                And InStr(LCase(m.Value), "of claim " + m.SubMatches(2)) = 0 _
                And InStr(LCase(m.SubMatches(2)), "fig") = 0 Then
            bigString = bigString + LCase(m.Value)
            partsColl.Add m.SubMatches(2) + ": " + m.Value

             End If
            Next m

       End If

     ReDim partsList(1 To partsColl.Count)

     For i = 1 To partsColl.Count
     partsList(i) = partsColl(i)
       Next i

' BubbleSort (partsList())
' Instead of calling BubbleSort (partsList())
' I apparently still have to learn how to properly call methods I
' have written - for now I am just embedding it here:

  Dim strTemp As String
'  Dim i As Long
  Dim j As Long
  Dim lngMin As Long
  Dim lngMax As Long
  lngMin = LBound(partsList())
  lngMax = UBound(partsList())
  For i = lngMin To lngMax - 1
    For j = i + 1 To lngMax
      If partsList(i) > partsList(j) Then
        strTemp = partsList(i)
        partsList(i) = partsList(j)
        partsList(j) = strTemp
      End If
    Next j
  Next i

    For i = 1 To partsColl.Count
    Selection.InsertAfter (partsList(i))
     Next i

    End Sub

    Sub BubbleSort(arr)
      Dim strTemp As String
      Dim i As Long
      Dim j As Long
      Dim lngMin As Long
      Dim lngMax As Long
      lngMin = LBound(arr)
      lngMax = UBound(arr)
      For i = lngMin To lngMax - 1
        For j = i + 1 To lngMax
          If arr(i) > arr(j) Then
            strTemp = arr(i)
            arr(i) = arr(j)
            arr(j) = strTemp
          End If
        Next j
      Next i
    End Sub



输出(只能很好地工作,因为数字是相同的长度 - 我想它实际上是排序"按字母顺序排列,"其中" 2"将在" 19之后出现, "例如):

' 12: surface of the platform 12
' 24: from the first post 24
' 24: position between the posts 24, 44
' 44: The second post 44
' 46: by a detachable collar 46
' 56: plurality of rotating arms 56
' B: his or her buttocks B

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我制作了一个笨重的解决方案,它通过自己创建一个单独的部件标识符数组,并与标识符数组id()As Long并行排序partsList()数组。现在将alpha标识符设置为零,并让它们渗透到顶部未排序;他们通常不足以担心按字母顺序排序。我不愿意将此标记为答案,因为我仍然希望看到有人会使用更优雅/直接的解决方案。

Sub ExtractPartsList()

Dim re As VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp
Set re = New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp

re.pattern = "((?:[A-Z]*[a-z]+[\s\n]+){0,3})(?=[A-Z]*[a-z]+[\s\n]+(?:\d+\b|[A-Z]+\b))" + _
"(\b[A-Z]*[a-z]+[\s\n]+)(\b\d+\b'*|[A-Z]+\b'*)" + _

' m.Value is the whole matched string
' m.SubMatches(1) is the word immediately preceding the part number / alpha reference
' m.SubMatches(2) is the part number / alpha reference

re.IgnoreCase = False
re.Global = True   

Dim txt As String
Dim bigString As String
bigString = ""
Dim allLongMatches As MatchCollection, m As Match
Dim partNameLastWord As String
Dim partReference As String
Dim partNameAndReference As String
Dim partsColl As New Collection
Dim idColl As New Collection
' for now not using this variable:
' Dim referenceTextColl As New Collection
Dim partsList() As String
Dim id() As Long
' Dim referenceText() As String
' Dim partsListSorted() As String
Dim i As Long

  txt = ActiveDocument.Range.text

  If re.Test(txt) Then

    Set allLongMatches = re.Execute(txt)
    Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument
    For Each m In allLongMatches
        Debug.Print m.Value, "Sbm 1 = " + m.SubMatches(1), "Sbm 2 = " + m.SubMatches(2), "Sbm 3 = " + m.SubMatches(3)
        If InStr(bigString, LCase(m.SubMatches(1) + m.SubMatches(2))) = 0 _
            And InStr(LCase(m.Value), "of claim " + m.SubMatches(2)) = 0 _
            And InStr(LCase(m.SubMatches(2)), "fig") = 0 Then
        bigString = bigString + LCase(m.Value)
        partsColl.Add m.SubMatches(2) + ": " + m.Value
        idColl.Add (m.SubMatches(2))
        ' referenceTextColl.Add (m.Value)

   '      Selection.InsertAfter (m.SubMatches(2) + ": ")
   '      Selection.InsertAfter (m.Value)
   '      Selection.InsertParagraphAfter

         End If
        Next m

   End If

 ReDim partsList(1 To partsColl.Count)
 ReDim id(1 To partsColl.Count)
 ' ReDim referenceText(1 To partsColl.Count)

 For i = 1 To partsColl.Count
 partsList(i) = partsColl(i)
 id(i) = 0
 ' Deal with "prime" symbols #' and convert numeric identifiers to Long:
 If IsNumeric(Replace(idColl(i), "'", "")) Then id(i) = CLng(Replace(idColl(i), "'", ""))

referenceText(i) = referenceTextColl(i)
   Next i

' I apparently still have to learn how to properly call methods I
' have written - I am just embedding a bubble sort algorithm here instead:

  Dim idTemp As String
  Dim referenceTemp As String
  Dim partsListLineTemp As String
'  Dim i As Long
  Dim j As Long
  Dim lngMin As Long
  Dim lngMax As Long
  lngMin = LBound(partsList())
  lngMax = UBound(partsList())
  For i = lngMin To lngMax - 1
    For j = i + 1 To lngMax
      If id(i) > id(j) Then
        idTemp = id(i)
        partsList(i) = partsList(j)
        id(i) = id(j)
        partsList(j) = partsListLineTemp
        id(j) = idTemp
      End If
    Next j
  Next i

For i = 1 To partsColl.Count
Selection.InsertAfter (partsList(i))
 Next i
        partsListLineTemp = partsList(i)

End Sub