我已经在AppleScript: how to get the current directory of the topmost Terminal中尝试了解决方案。它在我的脚本中不起作用。
def run(script):
"Returns the result of running string in osascript (Applescript)"
if hasattr(script, "encode"): #Assumes Python 3
script = script.encode("utf-8")
osa = Popen(["osascript", "-"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
results, err = osa.communicate(script)
if err:
raise Exception(err)
return results.decode("utf-8")
def getTerminalDir():
script = '''
tell application "Terminal"
do shell script "lsof -a -p `lsof -a -c bash -u $USER -d 0 -n | tail -n +2 | awk '{if($NF==\"" & (tty of front tab of front window) & "\"){print $2}}'` -d cwd -n | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $NF}'"
end tell
result = run(script)
return result
Exception: 126:127: syntax error: Expected end of line but found “"”. (-2741)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output, STDOUT
def runAppleScript(script):
"Returns the result of running string in osascript (Applescript)"
if hasattr(script, "encode"): #Assumes Python 3
script = script.encode("utf-8")
osa = Popen(["osascript", "-"], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
results, err = osa.communicate(script)
if err:
raise Exception(err)
return results.decode("utf-8")
def runBash(command):
output = check_output(command, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
return output
def getCurrentTerminalTTYS():
script = '''
tell application "Terminal"
return (tty of selected tab of front window)
end tell
result = runAppleScript(script)
return result.strip()
def getPathForTTYS(ttys):
lsof = runBash('lsof').split('\n')
process = None
for line in lsof:
if ttys in line:
process = line.split()[1]
path = None
for line in lsof:
if 'cwd' in line and process in line:
path = ' '.join(line.split()[8:])
return path
def getCurrentTerminalPath():
ttys = getCurrentTerminalTTYS()
return getPathForTTYS(ttys)
将其存储为字符串path = getCurrentTerminalPath()
答案 1 :(得分:1)
tell application "Terminal"
if not (exists window 1) then reopen
do script "pwd" in selected tab of window 1
set tabContents to contents of selected tab of window 1
end tell
set myPath to paragraph -2 of (do shell script "grep . <<< " & quoted form of tabContents)