Private Function checkAnswers(ByVal table As TableLayoutPanel, ByVal ResponseKey As String) As Boolean
Dim allAnswered As Boolean = True
Dim s As String = ""
For Each c As Control In table.Controls
If c.GetType() Is GetType(Label) Then
Dim lbl As Label = CType(c, Label)
s = lbl.Text
End If
If TypeOf c Is ComboBox Then
Dim cbo As ComboBox = c
If Responses(ResponseKey)(s) = "NotAnswered" And cbo.Visible = True Then 'Combobox is showing and isnt answered
allAnswered = False
End If
End If
Return allAnswered
End Function
- EDIT-- 调用checkAnswers的方法:
Private Sub SubmitAnswers(ByRef tab As TabPage, ByRef table As TableLayoutPanel, ByRef ResponseKey As String)
Dim instAnswer As CaisseAnswerBU = New CaisseAnswerBU
Dim allAnswered As Boolean = True
If Not checkAnswers(table, ResponseKey) AndAlso isEndofQuestions = True Then
allAnswered = False
MessageBox.Show("You must give an answer for all of " & tab.Text & "'s questions", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
ElseIf checkAnswers(table, ResponseKey) AndAlso isEndofQuestions = True Then
counter = 0
For Each t As TabPage In ApplicantTab.TabPages
If Not hiddenPages.Contains(t) Then
For Each de As DictionaryEntry In Responses(ResponseKey)
If Responses(ResponseKey).Count <> 0 Then
instAnswer.applicantID = appList(counter).applicantId
instAnswer.applicationID = instApplication.applicationId
For Each dict As DictionaryEntry In questionHash
If de.Key = dict.Value Then
instAnswer.questionID = dict.Key
End If
If de.Value = "Yes" Then
instAnswer.answer = True
instAnswer.answer = False
End If
End If
counter += 1
End If
End If
End Sub