我想画一个这样的图表: http://upload7.ir/imgs/2014-12/84930837744513480976.jpg
X轴和Y轴上的单词是相关的,彩色矩形中的字母是每个关系的值。我想要一张这样的图表。 谁能帮我画那样的东西? 我要感恩。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
将类添加到项目中并进行编译。它将显示在工具箱中,您可以将其放在表单上。 (在你这样做之前备份你的项目!)
您可以在设计器或代码中设置多个值,包括尺寸BackColor, Font, and Labels
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
class AreaChart : Panel
[Category("Appearance"), Description("Padding around the ChartArea")]
public Padding ChartPadding { get; set; }
Description("Axixs Origin offsets from Bottom Left of the Chart")]
public Point AxisOriginOffset { get; set; }
[Category("Appearance"),Description("Number of Rows")]
public int RowNum { get; set; }
[Category("Appearance"), Description("Number of Columns")]
public int ColNum { get; set; }
[Category("Appearance"), Description("Labeltexts for Y-Axis")]
public string[] labelsY { get; set; }
[Category("Appearance"), Description("Labeltexts for X-Axis")]
public string[] labelsX { get; set; }
Color[][] colors { get; set; }
string[][] texts { get; set; }
Rectangle chartArea = Rectangle.Empty;
Point axisOrigin = Point.Empty
public void Init()
chartArea = new Rectangle(ChartPadding.Left, ChartPadding.Top,
this.Width - ChartPadding.Left - ChartPadding.Right,
this.Height - ChartPadding.Top - ChartPadding.Bottom);
axisOrigin = new Point(AxisOriginOffset.X, this.Height - AxisOriginOffset.Y);
colors = new Color[RowNum][];
for (int r = 0; r < RowNum; r++) colors[r] = new Color[ColNum];
texts = new string[RowNum][];
for (int r = 0; r < RowNum; r++) texts[r] = new string[ColNum];
labelsX = new string[ColNum]; //*
labelsY = new string[RowNum]; //*
public AreaChart()
ChartPadding = new Padding(80, 40, 40, 40);
AxisOriginOffset = new Point(60, 20);
RowNum = 3;
ColNum = 2;
BackColor = Color.AntiqueWhite;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
if (this.DesignMode) Init(); // make the designer show the current
if (this.DesignMode) InitDemo(); // ...sizes, colors and texts
int x = chartArea.X;
int y = chartArea.Y;
SizeF tSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString("XX", this.Font, 9999);
int th = (int)tSize.Height / 2;
int tw = (int)tSize.Width / 2;
int h = chartArea.Height / RowNum;
int w = chartArea.Width / ColNum; e.Graphics.Clear(BackColor);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, axisOrigin,
new Point(axisOrigin.X, chartArea.Top));
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, axisOrigin,
new Point( chartArea.Right, axisOrigin.Y));
for (int r = 0; r < RowNum; r++)
for (int c = 0; c < ColNum; c++)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(colors[r][c]),
x + c * w, y + r * h, w, h);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, x + c * w, y + r * h, w, h);
e.Graphics.DrawString(texts[r][c], this.Font, Brushes.Black,
x + c * w + w / 2 - tw, y + r * h + h / 2 - th);
for (int r = 0; r < RowNum; r++)
e.Graphics.DrawString(labelsY[r], this.Font, Brushes.Black,
AxisOriginOffset.X - tw * 2, y + r * h + h / 2 - th); //*
for (int c = 0; c < ColNum; c++)
e.Graphics.DrawString(labelsX[c], this.Font, Brushes.Black,
x + c * w + w / 2 - tw, axisOrigin.Y ); //*
public void setColor (int row, int col, Color color)
colors[row][col] = color;
} catch { throw new Exception("setColor : array index out of bounds!"); }
public void setText(int row, int col, string text)
texts[row][col] = text;
} catch { throw new Exception("setText: array index out of bounds!"); }
public void setLabelX(int col, string text) //*
labelsX[col] = text;
} catch { throw new Exception("array index out of bounds!"); }
public void setLabelY(int row, string text) //*
labelsY[row] = text;
} catch { throw new Exception("array index out of bounds!"); }
public void InitDemo()
setColor(0, 0, Color.Plum);
setColor(1, 0, Color.GreenYellow);
setColor(2, 0, Color.Gold);
setColor(0, 1, Color.LightSkyBlue);
setColor(1, 1, Color.NavajoWhite);
setColor(2, 1, Color.Pink);
setText(0, 0, "AA");
setText(1, 0, "BA");
setText(2, 0, "CA");
setText(0, 1, "AB");
setText(1, 1, "BB");
setText(2, 1, "BC");
setLabelY(0, "A"); //*
setLabelY(1, "B"); //*
setLabelY(2, "C"); //*
setLabelX(0, "A"); //*
setLabelX(1, "B"); //*
areaChart1.ColNum = 3;
areaChart1.setColor(0, 2, Color.Yellow);
areaChart1.setLabelY(2, "ZZ");