python xlrd,从工作簿中的最后一个工作表中读取

时间:2014-12-11 12:42:25

标签: python xlrd

我正在编写一个代码,该代码应该比较来自2个xls文件的值。其中一个文件有超过1张,我总是只能从最后一张纸上读取数据。我真的不知道怎么管理这个。 有ma代码:

#! /usr/bin/python
import xlrd #Import the package to read from excel
#start with station report
station_rep = xlrd.open_workbook("/home/fun/data/Station.xls",encoding_override='utf8') #Open the station report.xls
station_sheet = station_rep.sheet_by_index(0) #should get the last sheet
station_vn = station_sheet.col_values(5, start_rowx=1, end_rowx=None) #List of vouchers in station report
#start with billing export
billing_rep = xlrd.open_workbook("/home/fun/data/Export.xls",encoding_override='utf8') #Open billing report xls
billing_sheet = billing_rep.sheet_by_index(0) #get the current sheet 
billing_vn = billing_sheet.col_values(1, start_rowx=0, end_rowx=None)#list of vouchers in billing reports
for vn in station_vn: #For every voucher in station report
    if vn: #if there is data 
        vnb=vn[1:] #change data
        vnb=float(vnb) #change data type to float
        if vnb in billing_vn: # check if voucher exist in billing report
            row=station_vn.index(vn)+1 #take the row of current voucher
            station_vn_data = station_sheet.row_values(row, start_colx=0, end_colx=15) #take the data for current row from station report
            billing_vn_data = billing_sheet.row_values(billing_vn.index(vnb),start_colx=0, end_colx=15) #take the data for current voucher from billing report
            if float(station_vn_data[5])==billing_vn_data[1]: #check if vouchers are equal
                print "nomer na vouchera",  station_vn_data[5], billing_vn_data[1]  
                if round(station_vn_data[10],3)<>round(billing_vn_data[5],3): #check for differences in ammount
                    print "Razlika v edinichna cena", round(station_vn_data[10],3),"-" , round(billing_vn_data[5],3),"=", round(station_vn_data[10]-billing_vn_data[5],3)
                if station_vn_data[11]<>billing_vn_data[4]: #check for difference in price
                    print "kolichestvo", round(station_vn_data[11],4),"-", round(billing_vn_data[4],4),"=",round(station_vn_data[11]-billing_vn_data[4],4) #Ako ima razliki kolichestvata se printirat
                if station_vn_data[12]<>billing_vn_data[6]:# check for 1 more difference
                    print "obshta suma", round(station_vn_data[12],3),"-", round(billing_vn_data[6],3),"=",round(station_vn_data[12]-billing_vn_data[6],3) 
                    print "voucher is OK"
            print " " #print empty row for more clear view
        else: #if voucher do not exist in billing
            if vnb: 
                print vnb, "does not exist in billing report" #print the voucher number wich don`t exist

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

station_sheet = station_rep.sheet_by_index(0) #should get the last sheet

没有理由这应该得到最后一张纸; Python索引从零开始,因此0是序列中的第一个元素:

>>> [1, 2, 3][0]


>>> [1, 2, 3][-1]


station_sheet = station_rep.sheet_by_index(-1) # get the last sheet
                                         # ^ note index

答案 1 :(得分:0)


for id in  station_rep.sheet_names():
station_sheet = station_rep.sheet_by_index(sheet_id) #get the last sheet