
时间:2014-12-10 07:26:31

标签: assembly x86-16

我有一个assember代码问题(8086 16bit),我希望它在屏幕上写一个AZ数字树,它应该在X等待按键后停止,然后显示Y和Z.我有这个代码:

    Progr           segment
                assume  cs:Progr, ds:dane, ss:stosik

start:          mov     ax,dane
                mov     ds,ax
                mov     ax,stosik
                mov     ss,ax
                mov     sp,offset szczyt
mov bx, 27 ;counter_rows

  ;here I write space
  mov cx, bx ; counter_space = counter_rows + 14
  add cl, 14
  mov ah, 02h
  mov dl, 32 ;space
    int 21h
  loop space

  ;here I write letters
  mov cl, 55 ;counter_char = 55 - counter_rows * 2
  sub cl, bl
  sub cl, bl
  mov dl, 65 + 27 ;code_char = 'A' + 27 - counter_rows
  sub dl, bl
    int 21h
  loop letters

  ;here I go to another line(enter)
  mov dl, 0ah
  int 21h

  dec bx
  mov cx,3 
  cmp cx,bx ;is bx 3
  JNZ rows
  dec ah ; wait for a key
  int 21h

dec ah ;02h - 1 = 01h; wait for a key before end a program
int 21h

mov ax,4c00h ;set ah and al in one go and ends programo
int 21h

Progr           ends

dane            segment

dane            ends

stosik          segment
                dw    100h dup(0)
szczyt          Label word
stosik          ends

end start

我猜这个问题是JZ ifnull jump - 我用它在X之后停止屏幕并等待按键但是它没有按照我的想法运行。 在此先感谢您的帮助

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  dec bx
  cmp bx, 1
  je finish
  mov cx,3
  cmp cx,bx ;is bx 3
  JNZ rows

  mov ah, 1 ; wait for a key
  int 21h

  jmp rows


mov ah, 1 ; wait for a key before end a program
 int 21h

mov ax,4c00h ;set ah and al in one go and ends programo
int 21h

答案 1 :(得分:0)



 dec bx
 mov cx,3 
 cmp cx,bx
 JZ ifnull
 dec ah
 int 21h
 jnz rows


 dec bx
 push cx
 mov cx,3
 cmp cx,bx
 jnz rows ;will jupm to rows if not z
 dec ah   ;will continue the flow (if z)
 int 21h


 ;"I need to do rows 2 times after successful ifnull"
pop cx
pop cx;u need to push cx before rows somewhere
dec cx
cmp cx,0
jb rows

dec ah ; wait for a key
int 21h


 dec ah ;02h - 1 = 01h; wait for a key before end a program
 int 21h


  dec ah ; wait for a key     -> here it is 01h
  int 21h

  dec ah ;02h - 1 = 01h; wait for a key before end a program -> Now it is 01h - 1 = 00h
  int 21h

无论第一个dec ah是否在循环中

所以你最好用mov ah,01h
