function validateForm()
{ alert('Validate');
var form = dijit.byId("form1");
alert('form '+form);
if(form.validate()) {
console.info("It was valid!");
} else {
var result= alert('The value entered is invalid.Please provide the valid input.');
if(result= true){
<td class="label"><label
title="A single Deduction Date can be entered in the From/To fields or a range of Deduction Dates can be entered to search multiple days.">
Deduction Date From</label></td>
<td class="content"><form:input
path="deductionSearchFilter.deductionDateFrom" size='20'
id="fromDedDate" dojotype="dijit.form.DateTextBox"
onchange="dijit.byId('toDedDate').constraints.min = arguments[0];"
size="10" style="width: 114"
title="A single Deduction Date can be entered in the From/To fields or a range of Deduction Dates can be entered to search multiple days." />
<span class="required">To </span><form:input
path="deductionSearchFilter.deductionDateTo" id="toDedDate"
onchange="dijit.byId('fromDedDate').constraints.min = arguments[0];"
size="10" style="width: 114"
title="A single Deduction
Date can be entered in the From/To fields or a range of Deduction Dates can be entered to search multiple days." />
<td align='center'><input id="search" onclick="validateForm();" type="submit" name="Search"
value="Search" class="button"
title="View the results of search" />